Thursday, September 28, 2006

From the Frontline of the "Anarchist Capital of North Carolina"

From Geeklog:

"On Friday, September 22nd, two people wearing camo fatigues, combat boots, and black ski masks rushed into the Internationalist Bookstore of Chapel Hill, NC and kidnapped an audience member during the beginning of a presentation by members of the Marxist-Leninist Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The presentation was primarily directed at encouraging support and loyalty to the FARC-EP, a "marxist" paramilitary organization that has claimed thousands of indigenous and civilian deaths, extorts money through civilian kidnappings, and profits from the massive cocaine trafficking industry." [READ MORE]

Hat tip to a tankie on the Leftist Trainspotters List . . . who didn't find the report nearly as funny as I did.


John said...

I didn't think we had capitals. I thought we were a decentralised network of autonomous nonhierarchical units.

Darren said...

I was just quoting one of the pissed off vanguardists from the report. ;-)

hakmao said...

As someone we know once said "it depends who is doing the vanguarding".

Making the Tankies cry - they should be ashamed.