Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cynic's Corner #1

I was actually in two minds about publishing this post about the 'Time To Go' demo in Manchester that has just passed, 'cos I'm self-aware enough to know that it was little more than a rehashed variation of the cynical SPGBer playing out the role of the one bloke and his leaflet "cold-water brigade"*, so it was kind of heartening to read this post from VP at Shiraz Socialist , where he has a hissy fit about the roll call for Saturday's demo . . . and most other demonstrations in Britain, for that matter. It turns out his oppo at Shiraz Socialist, Jim Denham, wasn't best pleased about the demo either.

And that's coming from two blokes who flog the papers, hawk the bogus petitions and seek to recreate the spirit of the sixties on marches and demos, by chanting:

'Rees, Ridley and Galloway, what do you say?

How many tickets for Marxism did you sell today?'

*Copyrighted to Glasgow Branch of the SPGB.


voltaires_priest said...

What effin papers and bogus petitions?

You were doing well up to that point, ye cheeky bastard. Oooh, if I was George Galloway, I'd sue ya ;-)

Darren said...

So you don't deny that chant then?

papers and petitions - I was just thinking back to the old days. I know you were always too busy propping up the bar to carry out your proper cadre duties, comrade. ;-)

voltaires_priest said...

And you were too busy swapping one-liners about Martov with Martin Thomas, no? ;-)

Darren said...

Leave it out,

we both know that Martin Thomas doesn't do one-liners. On a good day, he might do a one-paragrapher, but that must include footnotes and a bibliography.