Monday, September 18, 2006

Army of None

I like this. I like this a lot.

This illustration by David Hollenbach, which originally appeared in The Indypendent, is being made into a poster "due to popular demand". Details on how you can get your greasy wee mitts on one copy for your bedroom wall - or five hundred copies for your local neighbourhood walls - are available here

No news yet on plans for the T shirt but, if it is in the pipeline, remember to reserve me an XXXL.


figurepornography said...

Just saw this, and rather liked it quite a lot!!!!

BTW, notice that Hollenbach drew the boy flippin' Uncle Sammy the Birdie a la Norman Rockwell, who's held up as the artist par excellence of small-town Americana.

Doubt the Saturday Evening Post, were it still publishing, would print it on the cover, though.