Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Apologies to Mr Benn

The loyal rank and file SWPer wakes up Monday morning, looks in the mirror, and wonders what political colour he will be today: "Today I will claim to be in favour of an independent Socialist Scotland. Mmm, I wonder what political colour I will be tomorrow? Maybe I should ring the London office and ask in advance?"


aSpEcT said...

wow!!!!!!!!!its really nice blog by you.keep it up.

ajohnstone said...

Grrrrr...off topic but when are you going to change that nasty ear -grating music on MYSPACE ...something more mellow and softer , please , so that i'm not wincing when i click on to it.

Darren said...

How dare a Grateful Dead fan have the cheek to criticise my taste in music?

That's akin to David Baddiel complaining about someone else being an unfunny bastard.