Thursday, June 15, 2006

World Cup Sayings #2

Heard at various times during last night's ESPN2 commentary of the Poland vs Germany game:

  • "A klose up of the Polish born Klose as the German team sing the national anthem."
  • "Klose went klose with that shot."
  • "Klose is getting kloser to scoring."
  • "How klose was Klose to scoring?"
  • "At the klose of the first half, Klose is Germany's best chance of scoring."
  • "Ballack is near the six yard box, but Klose is kloser."
  • "It's the klose of play for Klose as he gets substituted."
  • "Now that he has been substituted, Klose is sitting klose to Klinsmann on the bench."
  • Happiness is a warm pun.