
Malcolm Roberts: is he the Senate's new Socrates?

So Malcolm Roberts reckons he's a modern-day Socrates, helping us towards the truth about global warming, the UN, the IMF and the EU by posing provocative questions?

Don't scoff. He may speak truer than he knows.

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Malcolm Roberts calls for 'Aus-Exit'

In his maiden Senate speech, One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts has called on Australia to mimic Britain's Brexit, questioned the science behind climate change, and praised One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson.

The Socratic method is the touchstone of teaching perfection. Rather than instructing pupils in the right answer to a question, it supposedly enables them to arrive at it themselves by posing dilemmas which force them to choose. The choices they make progressively close off options, leaving the solution as the last choice standing.

The problem for Senator Roberts starts with the fact that Socrates never wrote anything. Like his capacity for drink, his ability to focus was legendary – he was once observed in a meditative trance in the middle of a battle – but his ability with the pen is missing in action.

Is Senator Malcolm Roberts already operating in a closed loop?
Is Senator Malcolm Roberts already operating in a closed loop? Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The only way we know Socrates is through the writing of his pupil, Plato, but Plato was no Boswell to Socrates' Johnson, faithfully reporting the great man's wit and wisdom.

Plato had an agenda of his own, which was to make the case for rule by a caste of elite philosophers. He used Socrates as a fictional character in his writings to pursue it, most famously in The Republic, a kind of utopia which has given liberal political thinkers totalitarian nightmares for generations.


In fact it's not too much of a stretch to say that Plato's Socrates argues for exactly the kind of regime that Senator Roberts in his own nightmares fears emerging in the UN, the IMF and the EU, a kind of know-all elite who believe they alone possess the truth.

But that's not the real irony missed by Senator Roberts. He isn't identifying himself with the specifics of Plato's fifth century BCE politics. He's laying claim to what he believes is the master's method.

The true irony is that the Socratic method in the only form in which we know it, in Plato, is actually a clever fiction. It's a piece of dissimulation that gives the superficial appearance of an open-ended and disinterested pursuit of the truth when in fact it's a carefully scripted way of guiding the reader towards the favoured conclusion.

The answers are known by Plato before the questions are posed by his Socrates. Of course they are. How could it be otherwise in a fictional work of art? But what that means is that the Socratic method in practice is a closed loop of reasoning in which the answers are predetermined. Socrates is simply a device in a carefully constructed argument.

Viewed in that light, Senator Roberts' claim may have some merit. His definition of climate change as a "scam" and institutions like the IMF and the EU – noted for their recessionary structural adjustment and austerity programmes – as "socialist" suggest he's already in a closed loop in which the answers to any questions he may ask are already pretty much decided. Socratic indeed.

In fact Senator Roberts might be better off contemplating a statement by another more modern philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein, who said that problems arise when "language goes on holiday".

Wittgenstein was taking aim at the kind of abstruse metaphysics that has often characterised western philosophy, but it's a good description of much political language, especially of the kind used by Senator Roberts: language that has a recognisable vocabulary and obeys the rules of grammar and syntax, but has little discernible contact with reality. It simply exists in a closed, self-referential world.

Socrates was a legendary martyr for the truth, forced to drink hemlock for the alleged crime of corrupting the youth of Athens with his questions. Senator Roberts should really be asking himself whether he is suffering scorn in the service of the truth or whether he's someone who has simply failed to get out of holiday mode.

Simon Morris is Fairfax Media's national video editor.



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