

Why Finland is not a blueprint for Australian education

As a call to action, "Let's imitate Finland" is unlikely to stir many hearts. Yet, to many Australian educators it's a rallying cry.

To them, Finland is an educational nirvana with high-paid teachers delivering excellent outcomes despite short school hours, the aversion to homework, the absence of external assessments and no annoying school league tables.

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What's so good about Finland?

We're always hearing Finland has the best quality of life, find out why.

If Australia only ditched NAPLAN (our external assessment program), erased the My School website (which contains information about school performance), shortened the school day and forgot about homework (and pay teachers more, of course), we could become an educational powerhouse — just like Finland.

Ironically, Finland owes its status as an educational model to its performance in standardised tests. Specifically, Finland scored highly on tests conducted by the Program for International Student Assessment, widely known as PISA.

Every three years, PISA examines the academic skills of 15-year-old students around the world. Because PISA tests are not tied to any particular curriculum, they can be used to make international comparisons.

The first PISA league tables were published in 2001 and, to everyone's surprise, Finland achieved top positions in mathematical, reading, and scientific literacy. Educational pilgrims — politicians, bureaucrats and journalists — flocked to Finland, eager to discover the secrets of its success. They returned to their home countries to preach the gospel of education Finnish style.


Finnish educators are not entirely comfortable with their country serving as a model for the rest of the world. They point out that Finland's entire population is not much larger than Sydney's. Finland has little cultural or racial diversity, few disadvantaged schools and a widely shared social consensus about what children should learn and how they should be taught. In other words, Finland is very different from Australia.  

Besides, many of the claims about Finland are exaggerated or just wrong. For example, Finland does have a national assessment regime, and Finnish teachers' salaries are not high considering their cost of living. Equating salaries for purchasing power, the average Australian teacher is paid 20 per cent more than the average Finnish teacher.

And Finland's PISA status is slipping. In 2012 (the latest scores available) Finland fell out of the top 10. Today's top PISA performers are all Asian: Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Macau and Japan. Like Finland, these places are also culturally homogenous, but this is where the similarity ends. In most other ways, their educational cultures are the opposite of Finland's.

They have long school days, lots of homework, rigorous external assessments, public accountability and plenty of competition among schools. So, while some educators are calling for us to imitate Finland, others are urging us to emulate Asia. Given that they are opposites, we cannot imitate both — nor should we try.

Countries and cities have achieved high educational outcomes using very different practices. These evolved to suit their particular circumstances. Of course, we can learn from them, but we cannot just impose their ways on Australian schools. Our culture is different and our population is more diverse. If we wish to excel in education, we must develop tactics, practices and models suitable for our country's circumstances — an education designed to meet the needs of Australian students, schools and culture.

Steven Schwartz is chair of the board of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority.


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