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Donald Trump’s Plans to Help Women Are Ridiculously Regressive

Funding for “maternity leave,” plus a child-care tax credit that favors the rich, are programs targeted at the well-off white women who are abandoning the GOP.

Joan Walsh

Climate Change

Join 1 Million People Demanding That Fossil Fuels Stay in the Ground

Sign our petition calling on the Obama administration to keep fossil fuels on public lands in the ground.

Charter schools

Unions Enter the World of Online Charter Schools

The teachers across Agora Cyber Charter’s “virtual classrooms” have won an unlikely organizing victory.

Michelle Chen
Nuclear Arms and Proliferation

How Did a Nuclear Warhead End Up Lying in a Ditch in Arkansas?

The documentary Command and Control shows just how horrifyingly vulnerable we are to errors involving nuclear weapons.

William D. Hartung
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From the Magazine

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Election 2016

Ohio Keeps Making It Harder to Vote

Black voters were five times more likely than whites to cast a ballot during the early voting days eliminated by Ohio Republicans.

Ari Berman

America Wanted to Keep Immigrants Out Long Before Donald Trump Was Even Born

The United States was an explicitly racist project intended to populate the land with white people—maybe that’s what Donald means by “Make America Great Again”?

Aviva Chomsky

What’s the Number 1 Threat to Security? No One Is Asking Trump or Clinton

Missing from an election season dominated by spectacle and confrontation is the serious debate we desperately need to have about nuclear weapons .

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Books & the Arts

A Lion in Winter

Jürgen Habermas remains an indispensable guide to the unfinished project of democratic consciousness and enlightenment.

Peter E. Gordon

Behind the Sun

In four books about Syria and Egypt, the narrative arc of revolution bends toward disappointment.

Ursula Lindsey

John Berger: The Human, the Artist

In The Seasons in Quincy, we learn little about the former and attempts to celebrate the latter collapse into the elegiac.

Anakwa Dwamena
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Watch and Listen

Watch: Top 5 Craziest Moments of the 2016 Campaign

Spoiler alert: They’re mostly about Donald Trump.

September 9, 2016

Listen: Can Clinton Win Over the White Working Class?

Joan Walsh on the Democrats’ dilemma, Amy Wilentz on the Clinton Foundation, and Dr. Leah Torres on abortion in Utah.

September 8, 2016
July 5, 2016

Take Action

Demand That Politicians Fight to Get Women a Raise

The Economic Policy Institute has released a plan to close the gender wage gap.

Take Action Now! >
