
Archive for the ‘Intros Quiz’ Category

Intros Quiz: TV Themes Vol. 2

February 7th, 2013 2 comments

A couple of years ago I posted an intros quiz of TV themes; the link to it is working. Here is a second volume. All are themes of US shows from the 1980s and ’90s; all were broadcast throughout the world and are therefore universal. Each is  5-7 seconds in length.

The answers will be posted in the comments section by Monday (so please don’t post your answers). If the pesky number 8 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above to request the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.

Intros Quiz – TV Themes Edition Vol. 2   (left click)

And for our German readers, here is a German TV theme intros quiz, covering the 1970s/80s. Answers also by Monday.

Intros Quiz – German TV Themes   (left click)

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Intros Quiz: 1992 edition

December 27th, 2012 1 comment

We continue our five-yearly cycle of intros quizzes, arriving at 20  years ago: 1992.  And it is timed for family-and-friends-fun at New Year’s Eve gatherings. I have also re-upped many of the previous quizzes, including the cycles 1964-89, 1965-85, 1966-86, special quizzes on Motown, ABBA, UK and US #1s, Disney songs, drums, love songs, Christmas, girls… All in one place HERE (all the answers are in the comments section).

So, 1992! It was the year Bosnia & Herzegovina declared independence, sparking off a civil war; Boutros Boutros-Ghali became UN secretary-general; President George Bush puked all over Japan’s prime minister; Mike Tyson was convicted of raping Desiree Washington; riots broke out in Los Angeles after four cops are acquitted of assaulting Rodney King; a fire in Windsor Castle added to Queen Elizabeth II’s annus horribilis; Paul “Victor Laszlo” Henreid, Marlene Dietrich, Benny Hill, Roger Miller, Willy Brandt and Menachem Begin died; and America didn’t stop to think about tomorrow

As always, twenty intros to hit songs from that year of 5-7 seconds in length. All were single releases and/or hits in 1992. The answers will be posted in the comments section by Monday. If the pesky number 17 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above for the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.

Intros Quiz – 1992 Edition

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Intros Quiz: 1987 edition

November 12th, 2012 3 comments

We continue our five-yearly cycle of intros quizzes, arriving at 25  years ago: 1987 — yes, a quarter of a century ago.

1987 was the year the US stock market crashed (guess what, Republican administration again!);31 people died in a fire at London’s King’s Cross underground station and a weatherman got his storm warnings wrong; Terry Waite, the special envoy of the archbishop of Canterbury in Lebanon, was kidnapped in Beirut (he was released almost five years later); A West German court found Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie guilty of crimes against humanity and Rudolf Hess committed suicide in Spandau Prison Berlin;  A cross-channel ferry capsised off Zeebrugge, Belgium, killing 180; Nineteen year-old West German pilot Mathias Rust landed a private plane on Red Square in Moscow; The First Intifada began in the Gaza Strip and West Bank; The Simpson made their TV debut on the Tracey Ullman Show; Microsoft released Windows 2.0 and the first version of Photoshop was developed; the world’s population reached five billion, but by year’s end that number excluded Liberace, Andy Warhol, Peter Tosh, Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth, Lee Marvin, Maria von Trapp and Woody Herman.

As always, twenty intros to hit songs from that year of 5-7 seconds in length. All were single releases and/or hits in 1987. The answers will be posted in the comments section by Thursday. If the pesky number 17 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above for the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.

Intros Quiz – 1987 Edition

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Intros Quiz: 1982 edition

August 16th, 2012 5 comments

We continue our five-yearly cycle of intros quizzes, arriving at 30 (thirty! YIKES!!) years ago: 1982.

1982 was the year Argentina and Britain fought a war over the Falklands/Mavinas. Solidarity leader Lech Walesa is released after 11 months in detention. A guy named Michael Fagan paid the queen of England an unsolicited bedroom visit. Sony brought out the first CD player (kids, ask your parents). Time magazine named the computer Person of the Year (yes, they did). Guitar-strumming German singer Nicole won the Eurovision Song Contest with Ein Bisschen Frieden, and Italy won the football World Cup.  Deaths include John Belushi, Leonid Brezhnev, Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman, Henry Fonda, Thelonious Monk, Lester Bangs, Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Mr Hooper of Sesame Street.

As always, twenty intros to hit songs from that year of 5-7 seconds in length. All were single releases and/or hits that year. The answers will be posted in the comments section by Monday. If the pesky number 14 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above for the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.

Intros Quiz – 1982 Edition

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Intros Quiz: 1977 edition

May 21st, 2012 6 comments

We continue our five-yearly cycle of intros quizzes, arriving at 35 years ago: 1977.

1977 was the year when the apartheid police murdered Steve Biko, New York City went dark for 25 hours and the World Trade Centre was completed; Jimmy Carter became US president and Egypt’s President Anwar al-Sadat recognised Israel; the US returned the Panama Canal to Panama; the first Apple II computer went on sale; two jumbo jets collided above the Canary Islands; members of Lynryd Skynyrd died in a plane crash; the TV mini-series Roots was sceened in the US; Sarah Michelle Gellar and Orlando Bloom were born and Charlie Chaplin, Groucho Marx, Elvis Presley, Marc Bolan, Bing Crosby and Matthew Garber (the kid in Mary Poppins) died.

As always, twenty intros to hit songs from that year of 5-7 seconds in length. All were single releases and/or hits that year (eight were UK #1 hits, but five of those were by US artist, and only one by a UK-based act). The answers will be posted in the comments section by Thursday. If the pesky number 15 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above for the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.


Intros Quiz – 1977 Edition

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Intros Quiz: 1972 edition

March 19th, 2012 3 comments

It was a relief for 1972 people to get past those embarrassing 1960s fashions and wear sensible yet stylish clothing.


We continue our five-yearly cycle of intros quizzes, arriving at 4o years ago: 1972 (the year I started primary school). Next we’ll skip to 1977.

1972 was the year 11 Israelis were murdered by terrorists at the Munich Olympics and 14 unarmed Catholic protesters were gunned down by British police in Northern Ireland on “Bloody Sunday”, the last US troops left Vietnam, Idi Amin expelled 50,000 people of Indian extraction from Uganda, Cameroon gains independence, astronauts Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan become the last people to walk on the moon, and Atari released the Pong video game.

As always, twenty intros to hit songs from that year of 5-7 seconds in length. All were single releases and/or hits that year. The answers will be posted in the comments section by Thursday. If the pesky number 19 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above for the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.

And for a bit of 1972 nostalgia, the Stepping Back instalment for that year might do the trick.

Intros Quiz – 1972 Edition

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Intros Quiz: 1967 edition

January 2nd, 2012 1 comment

1967 model prepares to drive her Camino to wherever the Summer of Love is happening.

Here we begin another new five-yearly cycle of intros quizzes, starting with 45 years ago: 1967 (and what a great year for music that was). Next month we’ll skip to 1972, then 1977 and so on.

1967 was the year the first edition of Rolling Stone was published, so-called “race riots” broke out in cities such as Detroit and Cleveland, Muhammad Ali is stripped of his heavyweight title for refusing induction into US Army, Dr Christiaan Barnard performs the first successful heart transplant in Cape Town, Biafra declares independence from Nigeria and a civil war begins, the first ATM is installed in England, The Beatles released Sgt Pepper’s and Elvis married Priscilla.

As always, twenty intros to hit songs from that year of 5-7 seconds in length. All were single releases and/or hits that year. The answers will be posted in the comments section by Thursday. If the pesky number 18 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above for the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.

Intros Quiz – 1967 Edition

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Intros Quiz – 1986 edition

December 12th, 2011 1 comment

We continue on our five-yearly cycle of intros quizzes, revisiting 25 years ago: 1986. It was the year the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, US bombing of Tripoli and the Challenger space shuttle explosion. In South Africa the apartheid regime declared a state of emergency, Swedish prime minister Olof Palme was assassinated, Mozambican prrsident Samota Machel died in a plane crash above South Africa, and in the Philippines the tyrant Fernando Marcos was deposed. Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize and the first computer virus, named Brain, starts to spread.

As always, twenty intros to hit songs from that year of 5-7 seconds in length. All were single releases and/or hits that year. The answers will be posted in the comments section by Thursday (so please don’t post your answers). If the pesky number 15 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above to request the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.

Intros Quiz – 1986 edition

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Intros Quiz – Drum edition 1

October 6th, 2011 3 comments

We take a break from our five-yearly cycle of intros quizzes (next up will be the Year of Our Lord 1986), and get percussive with 20 songs that start with drums, from the 1960s to the 1990s. Some of them start with just a couple of beats or a drum roll, others bang the drum for a bit before the song gets started. Only one of the 5-7 second clips features no instruments or a vocal clue, but that one is instantly recognisable.

The answers will be posted in the comments section by Monday (so please don’t post your answers). If the pesky number 17 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above to request the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.

Intros Quiz – Drum edition Vol. 1

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Intros Quiz – 1981 edition

September 8th, 2011 6 comments

We continue on our five-yearly cycle of intros quizzes, revisiting 30 years ago: 1981.

It was the year of failed assassination attempts on Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II, and a successful one on Anwar Sadat. The word “Internet” was first used and Microsoft introduced MS-DOS. Prince Charles married Diana Spencer and they lived happily ever after. In Poland, the Solidarity trade union took on the might of the communist state. In Northern Ireland the IRA’s Bobby Sand died while on hunger strike, while in London, Liverpool and Manchester riots broke out. Scientists discovered the AIDS virus. And – here’s one to make those of us who remember 1981 well feel really old – Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were born.

As always, twenty intros to hit songs from that year of 5-7 seconds in length. All were single releases and/or hits that year (and if you think #17 sounds more than a lot like the intro to Springsteen’s Dancing In The Dark, you are not the only one). The answers will be posted in the comments section by Monday (so please don’t post your answers). If the pesky number 15 bugs you, go to the Contact Me tab above to request the answers, or  better, message me on Facebook. If you’re not my FB friend, click here.

Intros Quiz – 1981 edition

By the way, seeing as we are having a cover of Smash Hits from July 1981 in this post (yes, Depeche Mode once were young), I must mention the great work Brian McCloskey – a pale skinny Irish transvestite with great hair, apparently – is doing on his Like Punk Never Happened blog. The great man is meticulously scanning every page of successive editions of the great UK music magazine, and publishes them on his blog on the 30th anniversary of publication, so that you and I can go on a nostalgia trip. It’s one of the great things about the Internet (now, if only someone would do the same with Germany’s Bravo magazines from the 1970s!)

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