Mexico Summit 2016
September 8th 2016
Mexico City

Join us and more than 200 senior business executives, policymakers and leading thinkers on September 8th to explore the opportunities presented by a more disruption-friendly Mexico.

Details and tickets >
September 28th 2016
Boston, Massachusetts
War On Cancer
October 13th 2016
New York
Finance Disrupted

Contact us

Tickets and further information

Phone: 212-541-0539


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Sponsorships and partnerships

Soline Guerineau
Global business development director

Phone: +41 22 56 68 460

Speaking opportunities*

Tatyana Gulko*

If you would like to submit a speaker for consideration please send a concise, 100 word pitch, one or two videos of the proposed speaker, a biography and any relevant articles to We will let you know if the individual is a relevant fit for our programme within 10 days of receiving the information.