
Bloodshed in Bayonne

Rockefeller as Dives

October 8, 2016 is the 100th anniversary of the strike at Standard Oil’s Bayonne, N.J., refineries. In the course of the ten-day strike, 4 people were killed and 86 wounded by the police in what John Reed described as a police riot. Yet, not a word of this is mentioned in the Rockefeller biographies.

John Deutch - Chomsky's friend in the Pentagon and the CIA

John Deutch - Chomsky's friend in the Pentagon and the CIA

Karl Marx: the story of his life - Franz Mehring

'Karl Marx: The Story of His Life' (German: 'Karl Marx. Geschichte seines Lebens'), first published in German in 1918, is considered a classic amongst biographies of Marx. Written by Franz Mehring (1846-1919).

Review of Underground Passages by Jesse Cohn

A review of Underground Passages by Jesse Cohn

Jules Vallès–Child, Student, Revolutionary, Journalist, Novelist

A short biographical overview of the life of Jules Vallès

Stikyhiynost. The February Revolution-Spontaneous or Planned?

A look at the idea of spontaneity within the Russian Revolution of 1917

Review of Carlo Tresca: Portrait of A Rebel

A review of Nunzio Pernicone's book on Carlo Tresca

The French Silk Workers Revolt of 1834

A short account of the Lyon silk workers strike of 1834

An Unfinished Revolution: Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln - Robin Blackburn

Examines the impact of the American Civil War on Karl Marx, and Karl Marx on America.