- published: 18 Oct 2011
- views: 94165
DVB-T is an abbreviation for "Digital Video Broadcasting — Terrestrial"; it is the DVB European-based consortium standard for the broadcast transmission of digital terrestrial television that was first published in 1997 and first broadcast in the UK in 1998. This system transmits compressed digital audio, digital video and other data in an MPEG transport stream, using coded orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (COFDM or OFDM) modulation. It is also the format widely used worldwide (including North America) for Electronic News Gathering for transmission of video and audio from a mobile newsgathering vehicle to a central receive point.
Rather than carrying one data carrier on a single radio frequency (RF) channel, COFDM works by splitting the digital data stream into a large number of slower digital streams, each of which digitally modulates a set of closely spaced adjacent sub-carrier frequencies. In the case of DVB-T, there are two choices for the number of carriers known as 2K-mode or 8K-mode. These are actually 1,705 or 6,817 sub-carriers that are approximately 4 kHz or 1 kHz apart.
Frequency Range: 170MHz~860MHz Image format: H.264(MPEG4-AVC) Audio format: MPEG-2 AAC Antenna: Rod antenna (removable) Bit rate: 416kbps (Max) Power consumption: 500mW Max(Powered from USB) Support OS: Android OS 4.0.1 and above Size: 22*20*8.4mm (except for the antenna and protruding portion) Weight: 7g Interface: Micro USB Able to Use in Europe, Australia, Africa!! If need more information please feel free to contact this person (kennaslam@everbright.net.cn)
2 and a half weeks ago, I bought this simple DVB-T dongle! It arrived yesterday. SDR means Software Defined Radio, it basically allows you to receive a wide range of frequencies using your PC and cheap DVB-T receiver dongle. *I thought that 131MHz is 2cm amateur band, but it is not. IT IS AIR BAND, my mistake* Setting it up was a hard task, Windows 7 was giving me a really hard time installing custom made drivers to turn the DVB-T receiver into SDR... but I got it working! I tried HDSDR software at first but then gave up and moved to SDR Sharp (SDR#) which works perfectly! Its range is from 24MHZ to roughly 1850MHz. It comes with MCX portable antenna but I bought an adapter and I use the TV antenna on my roof. WARNING: BEFORE CONNECTING IT TO EXTERNAL ANTENNA CHECK IF YOU HAVE BAV99 DI...
Despues de probarlo en 3 terminales diferentes en tres sitios diferentes no funciona. Reclamacion al vendedor y a por la siguiente compra! Os dejo el link para que no compreis en el mismo vendedor: http://es.aliexpress.com/item/Mini-Micro-USB-DVB-T-Digital-Mobile-TV-Tuner-Receiver-for-Android-4-1-Above-Hot/32438356530.html?detailNewVersion=2
Video Schnitt und Bearbeitung Georg Z. YouTube Audio Library Jason Farnham; Microchip wo eine im Handel erworbene DVB-T Antenne nicht wie gewünscht funktioniert kann diese Eigenbau Antenne sehr hilfreich sein. FullHD HEVC DVBT/T2 Receiver (HDTV, HDMI, SCART, Mediaplayer, PVR Ready, USB 2.0, LAN http://amzn.to/2agRLvA August DVB-T305 – DVB-T und DVB-T2 (H.264) Receiver – Micro USB TV Tuner für Tablets und Smartphones – Fernsehen mit USB betriebenem Android 4.1+ Stick http://amzn.to/2a8FKd2 Frequenz Antennenrechner http://www.cnet.de/41001557/die-beste-eigenbau-dvb-t-antenne-doppelquad-fuer-5-euro-basteln/3/ Liste aller DVB-T Frequenzen innerhalb Deutschland http://www.ueberallfernsehen.de/dvbtdownloads127.pdf
Pełna recenzja dostępna na naszym portalu: http://www.videotesty.pl/recenzja/626/Cabletech-tuner-DVB-T-URZ0185-TEST/ * Tablet | Smartfone | Test | Recenzja | Samsung | iPad | Apple | iPhone | Zastanawiasz się nad zakupem takich produktów jak tablet, smartfon, laptop lub komputer PC... Zobacz nasze materiały video z produktem, który chcesz kupić. Zapoznaj się z naszymi Opiniami oraz Poradami. Podejmij świadomie decyzję zakupową. Pamiętaj „Zobacz zanim kupisz" i nie kupuj kota w worku J Na naszym kanale VideoTesty znajdziesz Testy i Recenzje produktów najpopularniejszych producentów, m. in.: Samsung, Nokia, Apple, Sony, HP oraz Blackberry. Nasi eksperci redakcyjni chętnie odpowiedzą na Wasze pytania w komentarzach. Zobacz http://VideoTesty.pl i przeczytaj pełne teksty recenzji. https:/...
The NooElec NESDR Mini SDR & DVB-T USB Stick (Model R820T) is an amazing little USB Software Defined Radio device I picked up off of Amazon just a few weeks back. With this and some software, you are able to tune and listen to everything from air traffic control frequencies to your favorite radio station. (HF is possible, but you would need an upconverter). For the price, this is a definite buy if you are looking for a new, cheap hobby. What comes with the R820T? You get an antenna and a remote, which I have found 0 uses for currently. R820T Features -Full compatibility with a large array of software packages, such as MATLAB®, HDSDR, SDR Touch, SDR#, Planeplotter -Frequency capability of approximately 25MHz-1750MHz -Female MCX on the USB Stick, Male MCX on the antenna. (You can buy ada...
W filmie tym (długim ale szczegółowym) pokazuję KROK po KROKU jak wygląda od A do Z proces instalacji w domu/mieszkaniu darmowej cyfrowej telewizji naziemnej, która bez żadnych dodatkowych problemów za pomocą 1 anteny może być używana na kilku telewizorach, wystarczy kupić dobrej jakości rozdzielacz w sklepie elektronicznym. Wykonanie instalacji cyfrowej telewizji naziemnej jest spokojnie do wykonania przez każdego sprawnego człowieka, w filmie wszystko jest omówione i pokazane. Dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu możemy zrezygnować z kablówki, tv satelitarnej, przez co w skali roku możemy oszczędzić od 600 do ok 2000 zł. Nie mamy co prawda DISCOVERY, ale mamy bogaty pakiet kanałów za darmo, jak ktoś bardzo chce, to się przyzwyczai, a zaoszczędzone pieniądze można odłożyć na inne przyjemności, np...
Video und Schnitt Georg Z. derzeit wohl kleinster Android DVB-T Empfänger mit den meisten Android Smartphones kompatibel ab Android 4.1 PadTV App aus dem Store auf den Smartphone laden Tuner einstecken schon startet die Software- Sendersuchlauf starten TV Überall schauen. Empfang und Unterstützung dvb-t & isdb- t DVB-T Sendern und Frequenzen von Bundesland zu Bundesland unterschiedlich- ein Suchlauf reicht aus um die zur Verfügung stehenden Sender zu speichern. Größe: ca. 21 x 18 x 7mm http://goo.gl/iBlOAj
Crack that whip
Give the past the slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along
You must whip it
Before the cream sits out too long
You must whip it
When something's going wrong
You must whip it
now whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it
whip it good
When a good time turns around
You must whip it
You will never live it down
Unless you whip it
No one gets their way
Until they whip it
I say whip it
Whip it good