Dakota Access Pipeline Blockade Enters 2nd Month

Standing Rock Sioux Nation – Unicorn Riot is back at Sacred Stone Spirit Camp on Standing Rock Reservation for the third time, bringing you coverage and media from the front-lines of the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline aka the Bakken pipeline.

For more context on this ongoing camp, visit here and here.

May 25, 2016

Another camp across the Missouri River was set up the first night we were there.

The day of the 25th was filled with rain, good conversation, and anticipation of the arrival of the Modern Day Warriors youthgroup.


May 26, 2016

In the afternoon, we were live for a protest against Donald Trump, who was speaking at the Bakken Forward 24th Williston Basin Petroleum Conference. Here is a couple interviews with some of the participants in the Sacred Stone camp.

After covering the rally, Unicorn Riot embedded itself back at the camp.

May 27, 2016

Despite no legal permit for construction, work on the DAPL is still being forced through.  The pipe has been lined up for longer than a mile, and continues to draw closer to the river itself.

One Tipi was put up early this afternoon at the camp, and more are soon to follow.

Unicorn Riot also filmed the areas where Dakota Access has planned to put the pipeline.

May 28, 2016

As resistance to the DAPL grows stronger the camp has expanded in size. Folks prepared and shared breakfast as the camp awaited the arrival of another youth group.

The camp kitchen underwent an upgrade in the form of an underground cooler.

Newcomers enjoyed dinner this evening as another Tipi was erected.

May 29, 2016

Folks at the Sacred Stone camp enjoyed a beautiful Sunday morning as they planned to cross the river in resistance to the DAPL.

A rainbow appeared above the camp in the evening!

May 30, 2016

During the rainy afternoon of May 30th, campers joined the community in a local community center in Cannonball for an event honoring the Chiefs ride. A small group of campers headed to the east bank of the Missouri River after the event.

May 31, 2016

Stay tuned to Unicorn Riot as we will be providing a more in-depth post from our week at the Sacred Stone Spirit Camp on the banks of the Missouri River.

View our previous videos from the #NoDAPL blockade:

There was an event at the Minneapolis American Indian Center on May 16th, 2016  that featured a reportback from the frontlines of the blockade. Here is that event:

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