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Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Civil Disobedience in Iowa Against Dakota Access Pipeline

from KCCI

Protesters line the street as visitors to the Farm Progress Show stream past during a protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline at one of the entrances to a staging area used by Precision Pipeline, the builder of the oil pipeline, in Boone, Iowa, on Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016. (Jim Slosiarek/The Gazette)

Protesters line the street as visitors to the Farm Progress Show stream past during a protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline at one of the entrances to a staging area used by Precision Pipeline, the builder of the oil pipeline, in Boone, Iowa, on Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016. (Jim Slosiarek/The Gazette)

Protesters rallied in Boone County near the Farm Progress Show against the Bakken pipeline Wednesday (8/31).

KCCI’s Mark Tauscheck reported the first arrest happened about 2:48 p.m.  About 20 protesters were arrested on a trespassing charge and taken to the Boone County Jail.

About 80 protesters met Wednesday morning to learn the techniques of peaceful civil disobedience.  In the afternoon, they marched to a construction site.

Organizers said the point of their demonstration is to draw attention to the pipeline issues even as construction on the pipeline is already underway.  At least 36 of the protesters said Wednesday morning that they would be willing to get arrested if needed during the protest.

The protesters formed a line across the road into one of the construction sites. Boone County sheriff, deputies, and state troopers are at the scene.


A federal judge has refused to issue a restraining order against Iowa protesters planning to risk arrest to stand against a Texas company building an oil pipeline across the land of unwilling farmers.

Judge Rebecca Goodgame Ebinger says in an order issued Tuesday that Texas-based pipeline company Dakota Access hasn’t proven there’s an immediate risk of injury or damage by protesters exercising their First Amendment rights.

She set a hearing for Friday to consider the issue further.

Ed Fallon, state director of Bold Iowa, a group opposing the Dakota Access pipeline for environmental and property rights reasons, says up to 100 protesters plan peaceful civil disobedience Wednesday at a pipeline construction site in central Iowa.

Dakota Access on Monday sought an immediate restraining order to keep protesters 25 feet away.

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8 responses to “Civil Disobedience in Iowa Against Dakota Access Pipeline”

  1. Roberta says:

    Notice…most our older people. Good for them making a stand to protect our earth.

  2. Pamela Averill says:

    Why are you calling them protesters, it’s their land as in a tready from america that stoled most of it… all they want is clean water…. hasn’t america hurt them enough that we must call the protesters on their own lands…. sick of all the fake coverage of the media, you see how police bought wild dogs to keep the dakota people back from greed of oil company….. america is tje most greedy people of the world… the real terrorist is america…..

  3. Francesca Papakee says:

    How is this civil “disobedience?” We are not dogs who are disobeying! We are people standing up and trying to keep the govt from killing us! This pipeline will be the beginning of the end for ALL of us. Everyone tells the stories of the Bible, there will be fires, floods, famine, etc as signs the end is near. Natives believe this snake across the land is a sign as well. Come on people, let’s make our world last a little longer by NOT allowing this pipeline to be built!

  4. If you Love America and depend on the resources for your Health and Survival, then you should be SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS to Your Representatives in Every State to Force the Attorney General, The Dept. Of Justice, and our President to enforce the Treaties made with the Indian Nation!!!!!

  5. Annabelle Edwards says:

    ‘Civil disobediance’?!!! Misleading readers trying to villify the VICTIMS. these ppl are the bread and butter of our nation, justified and righteous in their efforts to protect their lands and water. Seems only farmers and natives understand the concept of survival…you cant drink oil!!!

  6. Priscilla Plummer says:

    Stand and keep the oil companies outta your backyards. Continue to .stand against all pipelines

  7. Glendadavis says:

    Protectors not protesters…water is life!!

  8. david devol says:

    Moral and ethical issues aside, this is investment in outdated technology.
    Invest in solar energy, clean and renewable and relatively inexpensive ( maintenance only).

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