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On Saturday in North Dakota, security guards working for the Dakota Access pipeline company attacked Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray as they resisted the $3.8 billion pipeline’s construction. Democracy Now! was on the ground, and we bring you this exclusive report. Watch and read the coverage: Dakota Access Pipeline Co. Attacks Native Americans with Dogs & Pepper Spray

dakota access pipeline nodapl north dakota dog attacks protest indigenous rights native americans energy transfer partners pollution water rights construction
And most of the residents of [Rio], who live without even minimal services, watched billions and billions of dollars being spent on stadiums that won’t be used and buildings that will now be sold at great profit, while their minimal, meager social programs will now be cut by a government that was never elected.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald on life in Rio after the Olympics. Read the full interview: Greenwald: The Olympics May Be Over, But the Anger, Disillusionment Among Brazilians Remains High
glenn greenwald amy goodman democracy now! independent media rio 2016 olympics brazil impeachment news
Mylan is taking advantage of their monopolistic position in the market… That’s the systemic problem that we all face. It’s the number one reason that drug prices are so high in the United States, is that we have government-granted monopolies in many areas, de facto monopolies or individuals like Shkreli and companies like Mylan that have figured out how to corner a market, and they charge as much as we and our health system collectively will pay to care… for our loved ones. And that’s the business model, right? It’s profit maximizing.
Peter Maybarduk, director of Public Citizen’s Global Access to Medicines Program, on the Epipen price hike. Read the full interview: Why Are We Paying $300 for an EpiPen That Holds Only $1 Worth of Medicine?

We spoke with Jim Dean, chair of Democracy for America, on the Arizona and Florida primary results. Watch and read the interview: Sens. McCain & Rubio Beat Pro-Trump Challengers; Wasserman Schultz Survives Primary

primaries Jim Dean Democracy for America Democracy Now! amy goodman independent news John McCain Marco Rubio

A new study has found that without action on climate change, the millennial generation as a whole will lose nearly $8.8 trillion in lifetime income dealing with the economic, health and environmental impacts of climate change. The study, “The Price Tag of Being Young: Climate Change and Millennials’ Economic Future,” was produced by NextGen Climate and Demos. We speak to Heather McGhee, president of Demos and Demos Action. 

See and read the full interview: Inaction on Climate Change Could Cost Millennials $8.8 Trillion in Lifetime Income

climate change heather mcghee millennials economics Demos amy goodman democracy now! independent media

We spoke with UC Berkeley professor Kirk Smith, lead author of the article in The Lancet, on his findings. Watch and read the interview: Climate Study: By 2085 All U.S. Cities Except San Francisco Will Be Too Hot to Host Summer Olympics

climate change olympics summer olympics global warming rio 2016 kirk smith uc berkeley winter olympics northern hemisphere democracy now amy goodman interview news Environment humidity temperature the lancet independent media

Destruction of the marshland is a continuation of harm caused by the oil and gas industry over decades that has contributed to coastal erosion, the elimination of marshes, the elimination of wetlands in Louisiana, which makes storms much more ferocious, because those wetlands, those marshes, should be there to suck in the water, as natural sponges, if you will, when water floods onto land.

Without that marsh, that was eaten away by oil, without that coastline, that was eaten away by salt, that was allowed to incur on the coastline because of canals built for pipelines and other oil and gas infrastructure, the coast isn’t there, and the floods just come in and decimate communities.

Antonia Juhasz, oil and energy analyst on the lasting effects of the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. Read the full interview: Day After Obama Tours Louisiana Flood Damage, Gov’t Holds Massive Gulf Oil & Gas Lease Auction
louisiana flooding baton rouge natural disaster climate change deepwater horizon bp deepwater horizon bp oil spill oil and gas oil and gas news crude oil news enviornment amy goodman democracy now democracy now! news breaking news antonia juhasz environmental activism protests superdome new orleans hurricane katrina independent news independent media
I asked a senior State Department official, ‘What was the Saudi plan when they started this bombing campaign? What was the strategy for the bombing?’ And he got a bit exasperated. He said, ‘Plan? There was no plan. They simply bombed anything and everything.’
Journalist Andrew Cockburn on U.S. support for the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen. Watch and read the full interview here: “This is Our War & It is Shameful:” Journalist Andrew Cockburn on the U.S. Role in the War in Yemen
yemen war news democracy now saudi arabia independent media war and peace amy goodman harper's magazine andrew cockburn hillary clinton clinton foundation

While polls show Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are among the least popular major-party candidates to ever run for the White House, it appears no third-party candidates will be invited to take part in the first presidential debate next month. We speak with Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein on her plans for the first debate and the history of the Commission on Presidential Debates.

See and read the full interview: Open Up the Debates: Green Party’s Jill Stein Accuses Democrats & GOP of Rigging Debate Rules

jill stein donald trump hillary clinton gary johnson green party presidential debates election 2016 democracy now amy goodman independent media libertarian party commission on presidential debates 2016 election polls politics u.s. politics