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You turn to Democracy Now! for ad-free news you can trust. Maybe you come for our daily headlines. Maybe you come for in-depth stories that expose corporate and government abuses of power. Democracy Now! brings you crucial reporting like our coverage from the front lines of the Dakota Access pipeline protests or news about this unprecedented US presidential election—and our coverage is never paid for by the oil and gas companies or the campaigns and superPACs. We produce our daily news hour at a fraction of the budget of a commercial news operation—all without ads, government funding or corporate sponsorship. How? This model of news depends on your support. Today, less than 1% of our visitors support Democracy Now! with a donation each year. If even 3% of our website visitors donated just $8 per month, we could cover our basic operating expenses for a year. Pretty amazing right? If you visit us daily or weekly or even just once a month, now is a great time to make your monthly contribution.

Non-commercial news needs your support.

We rely on contributions from you, our viewers and listeners to do our work. If you visit us daily or weekly or even just once a month, now is a great time to make your monthly contribution.

Please do your part today.


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Democracy Now! is helping to build a truly public media, while producing consistent, quality journalism. Democracy Now! cannot survive and grow without your participation. Now, more than ever, it is vital for Democracy Now! to reach as many people as possible.


Listeners, viewers and supporters are always finding new and creative ways to participate, from simply tuning into the program and talking about it with others, to bringing Democracy Now! to new radio and TV stations in their area. Some groups have even taken out ads on city buses and billboards to help spread the word about Democracy Now!

Ways You Can Get Involved

  • Locate a Station to listen to or watch Democracy Now!’s unique news program.
  • Bring DN! to YOUR Community — Often, stations add Democracy Now! to their schedules in response to requests from the community. Ask YOUR STATIONS today! Locate a Campaign. Click on YOUR state and scroll down to the bottom of the stations listing, to see if there is already a campaign in your area. If not, START ONE!
  • Spread the Word — Just because DN! already airs in a community, it doesn’t mean people know about it. There are a number of ways for individuals and groups to spread the word.
  • VolunteerDemocracy Now! relies heavily on the support of its volunteers. You may volunteer at our studio/office in New York City or from your own home. Volunteers also help at Amy Goodman’s speaking events.
  • Attend DN! Events — Check our Calendar of Events to find out when Amy Goodman will be in your community, and then tell all your friends. Also consider volunteering at one of these events if it is in your area.
  • Weekly Column — Amy Goodman has a nationally syndicated weekly newspaper column. Write the editor of your local paper today and tell them you want to see it included.
  • DonateDemocracy Now! is a non-profit organization funded through individual donations and grants from foundations, including the Pacifica Radio Foundation. EVERY contribution makes a difference.
  • Downloadable Resources — We’ve put together a number of materials you can download to help bring Democracy Now! to new stations, and introduce new listeners and viewers to Democracy Now!
  • Success Stories — Need some inspiration? Find out what others have done to bring Democracy Now! to their communities.
  • Teaching Democracy Now!Democracy Now! is a valuable resource for teachers and students. Find out how you can use Democracy Now! in your classroom or community.
  • Send a Story Idea — Many of our most compelling news stories come from people like YOU.

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