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A collection of columns published by Democracy Now! co-hosts Amy Goodman and Juan González along with articles published by Democracy Now! producers and correspondents.

Amy Goodman’s nationally syndicated weekly newspaper column is distributed by King Features. If you’d like to see the column in your paper, call, write a letter, or send an email to the Op-Ed or editorial page editor of your local newspaper and direct her to King Features for more information.

Juan González has been a staff columnist at the New York Daily News since 1987.

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North Dakota vs. Amy Goodman: Journalism is not a crime
September 15, 2016
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Standoff at Standing Rock: Even Attack Dogs Can't Stop the Native American Resistance
September 08, 2016
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In Post-Olympics Brazil, a Political Coup is No Game
September 01, 2016
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Climate Change and the 1,000-year Flood in Baton Rouge: When Will We Learn?
August 25, 2016
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For Future Summer Olympics, Climate Change is No Game
August 18, 2016
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Donald Trump’s Implied Assassination Threat, Fox News and the NRA
August 11, 2016
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The Voting Rights Acts in the Era of Jim Crow 2.0
August 04, 2016
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The Liberty Bell and the Democratic Party: A Tale of Two Fractures in Philadelphia
July 28, 2016
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Terror, Tennis Balls and Tamir Rice
July 21, 2016
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Videotaping a Crime Is Not a Crime
July 14, 2016