13 September 2016

Germany, France propose EU military alliance before post-Brexit summit

By Alex Lantier, 13 September 2016

In response to Brexit, Berlin and Paris aim to transform the EU into a military alliance capable of waging major wars abroad and large-scale repression at home.

Turbulence returns to financial markets

By Nick Beams, 13 September 2016

There are warnings that the rise in bond prices could turn into a rout with significant losses for investors.

German government plans massive expansion of spy services

By Sven Heymann, 13 September 2016

The strengthening of the German intelligence agencies is part of a comprehensive buildup of the state apparatus at home and abroad.

Minnesota nurses strike at critical juncture

By our reporting team, 13 September 2016

As 4,800 Allina Health nurses enter the second week of their strike, the outcome of the critical struggle depends entirely on the initiative of rank-and-file workers themselves.

Pittsburgh nurses express support for striking Allina nurses in Minnesota

By Evan Winters, 13 September 2016

Akron, Ohio sees dozens of heroin overdoses over the weekend

By Zaida Green, 13 September 2016

The drug overdose crisis in the Midwestern city, once the rubber capital of the world, is only a slice of the social devastation sweeping across the United States.

SEP West Virginia candidate Naomi Spencer speaks on heroin epidemic

Obama administration buys time to defuse Native American protests

By our reporter, 13 September 2016

Three federal agencies abruptly reversed themselves Friday and ordered a temporary halt on pipeline construction near a Sioux reservation in North Dakota.

Private security forces attack Native American protesters with dogs, pepper spray

Notes on Police Violence
Murrieta, California police caught on video savagely beating unarmed man

By Kevin Martinez, 13 September 2016

Three officers pinned Alejandro Rojo to the ground and yelled “stop resisting” before proceeding to punch and kick him repeatedly.

Calls for Canada to develop cyberwar capabilities

By Dylan Lubao, 13 September 2016

Plans to upgrade the country’s offensive cyberwarfare capabilities are part of broader moves to expand the firepower and global footprint of Canada’s military.

UK: North Manchester National Health Service Trust struggling to cope

By Dennis Moore, 13 September 2016

A recent health care quality report raised serious concerns over the lack of adequate staffing in a number of different departments.

UK government pledge to expand grammar schools signals escalation of selective education

By Robert Stevens, 13 September 2016

The attack on comprehensive education has been proceeding apace, with the majority of secondary schools now academies and free schools.

New Zealand: Anti-TPP protests promote economic protectionism

By our reporters, 13 September 2016

The agitation for protectionist trade policies is a reactionary turn to the economic nationalism that erupted in the 1930s and led to war.

Australia: Juvenile prison abuse exposed in Queensland

By Erin Cooke, 13 September 2016

Media reports have revealed a state Labor government coverup of the violent mistreatment of teenage detainees.

New in German

Fünfzehn Jahre nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September

Erklärung der WSWS-Redaktion, 13. September 2016

Die Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 lieferten den Vorwand für eine enorme Eskalation militärischer Aktivitäten auf der ganzen Welt. 15 Jahre später ist die Gefahr eines Weltkriegs greifbar.

Kämpfe in Syrien gehen trotz amerikanisch-russischem Abkommen weiter

Von Jordan Shilton, 13. September 2016

Washington hat dem Abkommen zugestimmt, um seinen Stellvertretertruppen in Aleppo nach den beträchtlichen Siegen der Regierungstruppen in den letzten Wochen Zeit zum Erholen zu verschaffen.

Die Zeit verteidigt Al-Kaida

Von Peter Schwarz, 13. September 2016

Die Zeit zeigt sich entsetzt darüber, dass die russisch-amerikanische Syrien-Vereinbarung die „moderaten Rebellen“ anweist, sich vom syrischen Ableger von Al-Kaida zu distanzieren.

Nordkorea führt fünften Atomwaffentest durch

Von Ben McGrath und Peter Symonds, 13. September 2016

Der Atomtest verschärft die geopolitischen Spannungen in Asien. Die Bemühungen der USA, ihre Vorherrschaft zu zementieren, erhöhen die Kriegsgefahr.

Der Ausnahmezustand in Frankreich und die Zuspitzung des Klassenkampfs in Europa
Wahlveranstaltung der PSG in Berlin-Wedding

Von Elisabeth Zimmermann, 13. September 2016

Am Sonntag sprach der Vertreter des Internationalen Komitees der Vierten Internationale in Frankreich, Alex Lantier in Berlin.

Südeuropa-Gipfel: Tsipras propagiert Nationalismus und Sparpolitik

Von Alex Lantier, 13. September 2016

Trotz Protesten gegen die Sparpolitik in Griechenland unterstützt Syriza die EU und versucht, die soziale Wut in nationalistische Kanäle zu lenken.

Kroatien: Parlamentswahl löst politische Krise nicht

Von Markus Salzmann, 13. September 2016

Die Bildung einer Regierungskoalition gilt in Kroatien auch nach der Neuwahl des Parlaments als äußerst schwierig.

Other Languages


Hunger and the social catastrophe facing America’s youth

13 September 2016

As two new reports document the shocking consequences of food insecurity, the social disaster in America is being ignored in the elections and the contest between Clinton and Trump.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured commentary

Fifteen years since the 9/11 attacks

By the WSWS editorial board, 12 September 2016

Below are several articles from the archive of the World Socialist Web Site on the response of the Socialist Equality Party to the attacks of 9/11 and the reaction of the George W. Bush administration.

The political roots of 9/11

By David North and David Walsh, 12 September 2001

Was the US government alerted to September 11 attack?

Part 1: Warnings in advance

Part 2: Watching the hijackers

Part 3: The United States and Mideast terrorism

Part 4: The refusal to investigate


German daily Die Zeit defends Al Qaeda

By Peter Schwarz, 13 September 2016

Die Zeit is angry that the Russian-American accord on Syria instructs the “moderate rebels” to distance themselves from Al Qaeda.

Fighting rages on in Syria in wake of US-Russia brokered agreement

More on the war in Syria »

After the impeachment: Brazil’s pseudo lefts shift further rightward

By Miguel Andrade, 13 September 2016

Uniting around the slogan “fora Temer” (down with Temer), the pseudo left groups are attempting to prevent the drawing up of a balance sheet of Workers Party rule.

Drone Valley: The University of California and the business of high-tech slaughter

By Toby Reese, 12 September 2016

US and allies threaten North Korea with sanctions and military attack

By Peter Symonds, 12 September 2016

Vote “No” on Detroit Federation of Teachers’ contract!

By Nancy Hanover, 12 September 2016

Armed protesters threaten former Stanford student Brock Turner with violence

Book Review

Matthew Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

By Debra Watson, 13 September 2016

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s evictions in major American cities like Milwaukee were a fraction of what they are today. Meanwhile, in the US, post-2008 rental housing market rates continue to rise as working class incomes stagnate and even fall.

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

SEP presidential candidate discusses elections with striking Minnesota nurses

By our reporting team, 12 September 2016

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White kicks off fall campaign with meeting in Chicago

By our reporters, 10 September 2016

Socialism and the 2016 elections
Socialist Equality Party campaign launches fall election meetings

SEP US presidential candidates denounce war drive at Humboldt University meeting in Berlin

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

The 2016 US elections

Media misinformation and the US election’s war agenda

By Bill Van Auken, 10 September 2016

Clinton steps up appeals to Republicans, military

By Patrick Martin, 10 September 2016

Clinton denounces Russian “interference” in US elections, calls for escalation in Syria

Trump outlines ten-point plan for mass deportations and martial law

Nothing revolutionary about Sanders’ “Our Revolution”

More on the 2016 US elections »

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

“The danger of a third world war was never as great as it is today”
PSG candidate in Berlin election speaks on German television

By our correspondents, 12 September 2016

Christoph Vandreier made clear that the PSG is the only party in the Berlin Senate election campaign drawing attention to the war danger and mobilising the working class against it.

Appeal by Berlin Senate candidate Andy Niklaus: Workers need their own party!

By Andy Niklaus, 9 September 2016

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

13 September 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature

Opposition grows to skilled trades reorganization at Fiat Chrysler

By Shannon Jones, 12 September 2016

Arts Review

Miss Sharon Jones! Barbara Kopple’s documentary

By Kevin Martinez, 12 September 2016

Jason Bourne again

25 years ago: Criminal charges against Oliver North dropped

On September 16, 1991, a US judge dismissed all criminal charges against Lt. Col. Oliver North, a key figure in the Iran-contra conspiracy.

More »

50 year ago: Segregationists attack black school children in Mississippi

On September 12, 1966, dozens of black children attending school for the first time at the newly-integrated Lizzie Horn Elementary School in Grenada, Mississippi were attacked by racist mobs.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi forces surround Kiev

On September 16, 1941, German tank units initiated the final siege that resulted in the annihilation of the Soviet forces in Ukraine.

More »


100 years ago: Allied offensive at the Battle of the Somme

On September 15, 1916, Allied forces launched a major offensive against German troops, initiating the third stage of the Battle of the Somme, fought in northern France.

More »

International Committee of the Fourth International

“You are a man of unimpeachable revolutionary integrity”
On the 75th birthday of Sri Lankan Trotskyist leader Wije Dias

By David North, 9 September 2016

In his greetings, David North reviewed the significance of the more than 50-year struggle for revolutionary internationalism waged by Wije Dias, the leader of the SEP in Sri Lanka.

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

24 August 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Join the IYSSE! Join the fight against war, inequality and the danger of dictatorship! Join the fight for socialism!
Statement of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality

27 August 2016