Topic of the Week: Horizontal Hostility

  • Posted on: 4 September 2016
  • By: thecollective

Let's talk about the ways we engage in conflict with other anarchists on this site and elsewhere. What's the difference between conflict and horizontal hostility? How do we interact with other anarchists we may disagree with on certain fronts, and is there any value--personal or otherwise--in being openly hostile towards them? How has infighting with other anarchist groups or individuals affected you? What's stopping you from resolving current or recent instances of horizontal hostility in your life (e.g. by coming to a mutual understanding)?

Greek Anarchist Prisoners Salute US Prison Strikers

  • Posted on: 10 September 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From IGD

US prison strike salutation!

The 9/9/71 marked one of the most important dates for the struggle against prisons. The uprising in Attica would still be a major event, even without the subsequent massacre committed by the cops who acted in compliance with the mandates of the Law and Order doctrine, which has found various diversified applications in the western world until today.

Rowdy no-gooders make huge fucking racket near the juvenile detention center in west philadelphia

  • Posted on: 10 September 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)
it's lit

Last night was way too hot to be wearing a damn hoodie, but at least no one figured out i was the one who farted at the demo #worthit. Anyways some people came together and got a lil ignorant out front (actually to the side of) the youth prison in west philly, for the prison strike.

Italy: Updates on Operation Scripta Manent / Raids and arrests regarding FAI actions

  • Posted on: 8 September 2016
  • By: insurrectionnews

Italy: 30 searches and 5 arrests for the attacks of Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)

In the early hours of September 6, an operation coordinated by the Digos [political police] of Turin led the searches of 30 homes in various Italian regions (Piedmont, Liguria, Lazio, Umbria, Lombardy,Abruzzo, Campania, Sardinia and Emilia Romagna) and the arrest of five anarchist comrades accused of subversive association with terrorist intent: Anna, Marco, Sandrone, Danilo and Valentina; in addition, a notification in prison for Nicola and Alfredo.

Review: News of the Spanish Revolution: Anti-authoritarian Perspectives on the Events

  • Posted on: 8 September 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Book Review

Charlatan Stew, ed., News of the Spanish Revolution: Anti-authoritarian Perspectives on the Events

Reviewed by Pedro Garcia-Guirao

ANARCHIST STUDIES Volume 21 Number 1

Charlatan Stew, ed., News of the Spanish Revolution: Anti-authoritarian Perspectives on the Events

Berkeley & London: Kate Sharpley Library, 2012, 88pp. ISBN 978-1-87360-516-5

Italy: Text from anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito in solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

  • Posted on: 8 September 2016
  • By: insurrectionnews

On the 30th of August Alfredo damaged the glass partition windows of the interview room in the high surveillance section of Ferrara prison in solidarity with the prisoners of the CCF who were recently sentenced to more than a hundred years in prison for an attempted escape.

Rare video from Pyotr Kropotkin's funeral (1921)

  • Posted on: 8 September 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Video at

Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin born a prince on 9 December 1842, died as an anarchist activist, scientist, philosopher, writer and scholar on 8 February 1921 from pneumonia. His funeral took place from the 10th to 13th of February 1921, and it was documented by "Section of social chronicles of all-Russian cinema and photo publishing".

Ex-Worker podcast #50 - The History and Future of Prison Strikes and Solidarity

  • Posted on: 7 September 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

As we build momentum towards the September 9th national prison strike, we want to reflect on lessons learned from past generations of prison rebels, as well as how we can maintain energy on September 10th and beyond. In Episode 50 of the Ex-Worker, solidarity organizer Ben Turk fills us in on some history of prisoner organizing in recent decades, recaps some of the solidarity actions that have taken place leading up to this year’s historic strike, and offers perspective on continuing and deepening our resistance to prison society.

rebellion and reprisals

  • Posted on: 7 September 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Mask Magazine - by Ben Turk
how outside support can impact the outcome of prison struggles.

On September 9, prisoners in more than seventeen US states are planning a nationally coordinated work stoppage and protest, according to the Incarcerated Workers' Organizing Committee of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWOC). IWOC also counts 35 states where numerous captives are aware of the strike and the growing mobilization of outside support. On the date of this writing, that outside support involves events or actions in over fifty cities across the country.
