Choose your flavor

Discover what your website or blog can do with a powerful plan

Free Free

for life

Get a free site and be on your way to publishing content in less than five minutes.

Start with Free

  • Subdomain
  • Community Support
  • Hundreds of Free Themes
  • Basic Design Customization
  • 3GB Storage Space

Start with Free

Personal personal

per month, billed yearly

Best for Personal Use: Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all advertising. Get access to high quality email and live chat support.

Start with Personal

  • Custom Domain Name
  • Email & Live Chat Support
  • Hundreds of Free Themes
  • Basic Design Customization
  • 3GB Storage Space
  • Remove Ads

Start with Personal


Premium Premium

per month, billed yearly

Best for Entrepreneurs & Freelancers: Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of space for audio and video and the ability to monetize your site with ads.

Start with Premium

  • Custom Domain Name
  • Email & Live Chat Support
  • Hundreds of Free Themes
  • Advanced Design Customization
  • 13GB Storage Space
  • Remove Ads
  • Monetize your site
  • VideoPress support

Start with Premium

Business Business

per month, billed yearly

Best for Small Business: Power your business website with unlimited premium and business theme templates, Google Analytics support, unlimited storage, and the ability to remove branding.

Start with Business

  • Custom Domain Name
  • Email & Live Chat Support
  • Unlimited Premium Themes
  • Advanced Design Customization
  • Unlimited Storage Space
  • Remove Ads
  • Monetize your site
  • VideoPress support
  • Attend live courses
  • Advanced SEO
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Remove Branding

Start with Business