New Internationalist

Ethiopia’s young men: Between hope and a hard place

Ethiopia’s young men: Between hope and a hard place

In an attempt to improve women’s lives, this east African country is leaving young men behind, writes Nikki van der Gaag.
Laos: living with unexploded bombs, 40 years on

Laos: living with unexploded bombs, 40 years on

US bombs still kill in Laos – even decades years after being dropped.
'Brexit means… er, whatever!'

'Brexit means… er, whatever!'

The politicians tasked to execute Brexit are clueless. Luckily, others are thinking about what to do next, Vanessa Baird writes.
Still standing or standing still?

Still standing or standing still?

Jo Lateu considers the state of the unions, and argues that a revival has already begun.
Philippines’ war on drugs is ‘steamrolling the rule of law’

Philippines’ war on drugs is ‘steamrolling the rule of law’

Human rights organizations have called for global intervention into the crisis, Iris C. Gonzales reports.
‘More understanding, more awareness, more dignity!’

‘More understanding, more awareness, more dignity!’

Clelia Goodchild talks to members of the first union in Europe for illegal street vendors about what they want.

Top stories

Ethiopia’s young men: Between hope and a hard place

In an attempt to improve women’s lives, this east African country is leaving young men behind, writes Nikki van der Gaag.

A migrant’s story

Trade unions aren’t even on the radar of most of London’s poorly treated hospitality workers. But a union could help them find their voice, as Afrika explains.

Trade unions – the facts

From the changing workplace to zero-hours contracts, precarious working and outsourcing: workers are open to extreme exploitation. Here are the facts.

We must reclaim our freedom from Monsanto like we did from the British

On the eve of her appearance at the One Earth, One Humanity One Future festival in Oxford later this month, Vandana Shiva calls for seed freedom.

Laos: living with unexploded bombs, 40 years on

US bombs still kill in Laos – even decades years after being dropped.

Yezidi refugees: stranded sisterhood unites to draw strength through adversity

Thousands of Yezidi women and children remain hostages of Islamic State. Maria Serrano reports.

Still standing or standing still?

Jo Lateu considers the state of the unions, and argues that a revival has already begun.


Political organization, not light bulbs, key to climate fight says Bill McKibben

Fighting climate change requires organization rather than individual actions, founder of Bill McKibben told this year’s Greenbelt festival’s audience. Joe Ware reports.

Brexit means… er, whatever!

The politicians tasked to execute Brexit are clueless. Luckily, others are thinking about what to do next, Vanessa Baird writes.

The protection of refugees needs a strong civil society

Civil society plays a crucial role in protecting refugees – but it too is under threat. Julia Duchrow reports.

Should the Big Four accountancy firms be broken up?

In this podcast, the Tax Justice Network ask if these giant companies are more like the ‘Big One’.

Ukrainian activists defend victims of sexual violence

Many people are not able to use social media and are afraid to speak out. Others are beginning to speak for them. Isabelle Gerretsen reports.

‘More understanding, more awareness, more dignity!’

Clelia Goodchild talks to members of the first union in Europe for illegal street vendors about what they want.

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