- published: 30 Sep 2016
- views: 54238
A website, also written as web site, or simply site, is a set of related web pages typically served from a single web domain. A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a uniform resource locator (URL). All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.
Web pages, which are the building blocks of websites, are documents, typically written in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML). They may incorporate elements from other websites with suitable markup anchors. Web pages are accessed and transported with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which may optionally employ encryption (HTTP Secure, HTTPS) to provide security and privacy for the user of the web page content. The user's application, often a web browser, renders the page content according to its HTML markup instructions onto a display terminal.
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सामाजिक सन्जाल र मिडियाले यसरी मार्न खोज्यो ऐश्वर्यालाई ! अात्महत्याको खबरको सत्यता यस्तो !!
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संशोधन प्रस्तावविरुद्ध मन्त्री नै आन्दोलित, एमालेलाइए माओवादी र काँग्रेसको साथ - POWER NEWS
५ नंबर प्रदेश टुक्राउन कांग्रेश र माओबादीको भित्री खेल यस्तो छ । कांग्रेश यसरी दियो भारतलाई साथ ।
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यस्तो भिडियो केटा र केटी ले सगै हेरे पछी केटा ले होस नै गुमाए
अनमोल केसी र रेखा थापा दुबैका फ्यानलाई खुसीको खबर ।यस्तो छ बास्तबिक खुसीको कारण Anmol kc Rekha thapa
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Photos and videos which create an optical illusion to the audiences.
केही मिडियाले अात्महत्याको प्रयास गरेको भन्दै ऐश्वर्याको फोटो समेत शेयर गरेका थिए । उक्त फोटोमा उनी घाइते भएको देखिन्थिन् । यद्यपी रिपोर्टका अनुसार उक्त फोटो १२ वर्ष पहिले फिल्म ‘खाकी’ को शुटिङको थियो ।
५ नंबर प्रदेश टुक्राउन कांग्रेश र माओबादीको भित्री खेल यस्तो छ । कांग्रेश यसरी दियो भारतलाई साथ । Bikashatv is the one of the online tv which gives alots of information about politics,entertainment,latest movies updates etc.Bikashatv also run a exclusive interviews,gossips of popular person which are relared in different fields. For more videos subscribe our youtube channel. Email : bikashatv2013@gmail.com Official Website: https://www.bnnpeople.com Official Website nepali : https://www.Bikashatv.com Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/bikashatv Official Youtube :https://www.youtube.com/bikashatv ©BikashatvBikashatv is the one of the online tv which gives alots of information about politics,entertainment,latest movies updates etc.Bikashatv also run a exclusive interviews,goss...
संसदमा प्रचण्ड र कमल थापा माथि हमला भए पछि...
Politician Top Bahadur Raymajhi's speech about his support to UML political party. Like us in FB: http://www.facebook.com/canadanepaldotnet Contact us at: canadanepal015@gmail.com Embedding on websites are allowed. © All Rights Reserved.
यस्तो भिडियो केटा र केटी ले सगै हेरे पछी केटा ले होस नै गुमाए Subscribe us https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpQ9gHVcdBrZT1QQeHn6Nnw?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/budha.subba.centre Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BudhaSubbaMusic Circle us on G+: http://www.youtube.com/c/BudhaSubbaDigitalPvtLtdKathmandu Follow us on Linkedin: http://np.linkedin.com/pub/budha-subba/80/31b/493 Official Website: www.nepalirajatpat.com
अनमोल केसी र रेखा थापा दुबैका फ्यानलाई खुसीको खबर ।यस्तो छ बास्तबिक खुसीको कारण Anmol kc Rekha thapa Bikashatv is the one of the online tv which gives alots of information about politics,entertainment,latest movies updates etc.Bikashatv also run a exclusive interviews,gossips of popular person which are relared in different fields. For more videos subscribe our youtube channel. Email : bikashatv2013@gmail.com Official Website: https://www.bnnpeople.com Official Website nepali : https://www.Bikashatv.com Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/bikashatv Official Youtube :https://www.youtube.com/bikashatv ©BikashatvBikashatv is the one of the online tv which gives alots of information about politics,entertainment,latest movies updates etc.Bikashatv also run a exclusive interviews,go...
Online NepalTv Youtube Channel is established on Nov 4, 2015. We primarily started by providing content (Interview,Talk Show, Short Movie,Live Performance Program) services. Online Nepaltv is one of the valued online news portal of Nepal. We would like to invite you to bring your content to us so that you will get optimum outcome through it. onlinetvnepal.com is authorized to upload this video. Using of this video on other channels without prior permission will be strictly prohibited. (Embedding to the websites is allowed) For more news and videos Please visit: Our Website : http://onlinetvnepal.com/ Our Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/onlinetvnepal/ यस च्यानल मा रहेका गीत, संगीत तथा Video हरु कपि, Download गरी अन्य Channel मा upload गरेको पाएमा प्रचालित कानुन बमोजिम कडा भन्दा ...