The CNT in the Spanish revolution, volume 1

A careful chronicle of political change and hope in 1930s Spain, this staggering work examines how the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), rose up against the oppressive structures of Spanish society.

Hermosilla Sagredo, Julia, 1916-2009

Julia Hermosilla Sagredo

A short biography of lifelong Sopanish anarchist militant Julia Hermosilla Sagredo

Hernáez Vargas, Casilda aka Kasi, 1914-1992

Casilda Hernaez

A short biography of Basque anarchist Casilda Hernaez.

Lara, Maruja aka Angustias Lara Sanchez (1913-2012)

Maruja Lara

A short biography of Spanish anarchist Maruja Lara.

Mesa, Isabel, 1913-2002

Isabel Mesa in 1930s

A short biography of Isabel Mesa Delgado, life-long Spanish anarchist.

Perez, Maria, 1917-1942, aka La Jabalina

Maria Perez

A short biography of Spanish anarchist Maria Perez, who fought with the Iron Column and was murdered by the Francoists in 1942

Perez, Concha, 1915-2014

Concha Perez

A short biography of the Spanish anarchist militant Concha Perez

Rius, Maria, 1909-c.1970

A short biography of the Spanish anarchist Maria Rius.

Not, Josepa “Pepita” (1900-1938)

Pepita Not (right)

A short biography of Pepita Not, active in the Spanish anarchist group Los Solidarios.

Slippery slopes (the anarchists in Spain) - Manuel Azaretto

Written in 1939 by a member of FORU (Regional Workers Federation of Uruguay), this book—a scathing indictment of the leaders of the Spanish CNT and FAI for their “betrayal” of anarchist principles—contains, in addition to official documents and proclamations of the CNT and FAI and articles from the Spanish and international anarchosyndicalist press, relevant passages drawn from Max Nettlau, Diego Abad de Santillán, David Antona, Federica Montseny, Juan García Oliver, Pierre Besnard, Alexander Schapiro, Sebastién Faure, Camillo Berneri, Mariano Vázquez, Mikhail Bakunin and other anarchists and anarchosyndicalists.