Ready for Revolution : The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938. [Book Review]

A review of Agustin Guillamon's "Ready for Revolution" on the Spanish anarchist defence committees, assessing its relevance to today's revolutionaries.

Ascaso Abadía, Francisco, 1901-1936

Ascaso on the Ramblas, Barcelona, on July 20, 1936

A very brief biography of leading Spanish anarcho-syndicalist militant, Francisco Ascaso, who was killed on the dawn of the Spanish revolution.

Torres Escartín, Rafael, 1901-1939

Members of the Los Solidarios group

A short biography of Rafael Torres Escartín, a Spanish anarchist pastry cook who was active in the anarcho-syndicalist CNT union and Los Solidarios action group.

The One Big Union Monthly (January 1937)

Articles from the January 1937 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on fascism, sit-down strikes and the death of Francisco Ascaso. Contributors include Gefion, Tor Cedervall, William Macphee, Melvin W. Jackson, Charles Velsek, John Lind and Jim Seymour.

The One Big Union Monthly (June 1938)

The One Big Union Monthly (June 1938)

June 1938 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on the Spanish Civil War and Work Peoples College. Contributors include A.B. Cobbs, Covington Hall, x372561, Art Hopkins, Jane Street, Chas. J. Miller, George Speed, Mortimer Downing and Gussie Perlman.

The plot to assassinate Franco from the air, 1948 - Antonio Tellez

The incredible story of the ultimately unsuccessful attempt by Spanish anarchists to assassinate military dictator General Franco from the air in 1948.

The anarchists in the Spanish civil war - Robert Alexander

A significant, two-volume work by Robert Alexander, re-examining the role of the anarchists in the Spanish civil war and revolution, from their participation in the military to the management of substantial segments of the Spanish economy.

The CNT in the Spanish revolution, volume 3

Final volume of this extensive chronicle of the anarcho-syndicalist union CNT during the Spanish civil war and revolution of 1936-9.

The CNT in the Spanish revolution - José Peirats

Extensive, three volume work by chronicling the history of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT - "National Confederation of Labour"), the anarcho-syndicalist union and largest workers' union in Spain at the time during the Spanish civil war and revolution 1936-9.

Martín Bellido, Antonio, 1938-2014

Antonio Martín Bellido at l'Escorial de Madrid (July 1963)

A short obituary and biography of anarchist and anti-Franco urban guerrilla Antonio Martin Bellido, who sadly died at 5.00 am yesterday, 17 August , by his friend and comrade Stuart Christie.