The anarchist resistance to Franco: biographical notes - Antonio Tellez

Sabate in the Pyrenees, false colour

A great collection of short biographies and photographs of people who fought in the underground resistance to General Franco's military dictatorship.

The CNT in the Spanish revolution, volume 2

Second volume of José Peirats' extensive work on the Spanish anarchist union the CNT, which in this volume focuses on the battles raging at both the front and rear guards. Additionally, a biographical chapter, "The Life and Struggles of José Peirats" gives a great deal of insight into this CNT fighter and historian.

Забытый Интернационал (The Forgotten International) - Дамье В. В. (Vadim Damier)

A review of a Russian-language history of the worldwide anarcho-syndicalist movement between the two World Wars.

IWA struggles and victories in 2014

A brief account of some of the workplace conflicts, international actions and social struggles of IWA Sections.

A.I.T. La Internacional del Sindicalismo Revolucionario - CNT-AIT, IWA-AIT Secretariado

A.I.T. La Internacional del Sindicalismo Revolucionario - CNT-AIT, IWA-AIT Sec.

A.I.T. La Internacional del Sindicalismo Revolucionario - Editado por la C.N.T. española con la colaboración del Secretariado A.I.T. Compilación presentada por Ramón Liarte [auto-translation english ]

2006: Interview with a CNT striker at Mercadona

A 2006 interview with a CNT member on strike in Barcelona.

Solidaridad Obrera: another way of understanding anarcho-syndicalism

A description of Solidaridad Obrera, a split from the Spanish CGT, by one of its members.

Industrial Worker #1714 (April 2009)

Articles from the April 2009 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

1936-37: the war in Spain exposes anarchism's fatal flaws

An article on anarchism in Spain in the 1930s (the first of two) - the most recent addition to the ICC’s long-running series ‘Communism is not just a nice idea’ by the left communist International Communist Current. We do not agree with all of it but reproduce it for reference.

Fontanillas Borras, Antonia (1917-2014) aka Aurora, Tona

Antonia Fontanillas

A short biography of Spanish anarchist militant Antonia Fontanillas