Montes, Jose Perez 'Pepin', 1915-1947

Jose Perez Montes, 'Pepin'

A biography of Jose Perez Montes, 'Pepin', a Spanish anarchist who fought in the Civil War and then set about organising the clandestine resistance.

1939-1945: Spanish Resistance in France


An account of the activity of Spanish anarchist and anti-fascist exiles in the Resistance in Nazi-occupied France. Tens of thousands were forced to flee Spain following fascist victory in the Civil War.

Victorio, José Siliceo, 1906-1934

A short biography of widely-respected anarchist militant in pre-war Spain, José Siliceo Victorio.

Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell

George Orwell's famous 1938 account of the Spanish Revolution and Civil War, from his point of view as a volunteer in the POUM militia.

Armed resistance to Franco, 1939-1965 - Antonio Téllez

Spanish resistance fighters in the mountains.

An account by Antonio Téllez of the underground guerrilla armed struggle of anarchists and anti-fascists against General Franco's regime following the Civil War.

1868-1936: Anarchism in Spain


A history of the anarchist and workers movements in Spain from its origins in the late 19th century up to the start of the Civil War.

1943-1944: The CNT and the liberation of Paris

Information about the role that members of the Spanish anarchist trade union the CNT played in the liberation of Paris from Nazi occupation.

2004: Granada coffee house strike

The history of a small strike at coffee shop in Spain, with the involvement of two different groups of anarchists, and ended largely in failure, albeit with some very minor concessions won.

1987: Puerto Real shipyard strike

Striking shipyard workers fight with police, Puerto Real 1987

The history of a large strike of shipyard workers in Spain against closure. An important feature of this strike was not just the high level of militance but the active involvement of the local community and the directly democratic way the struggle was organised.

1931: Barcelona mass rent strike

The story of one of the biggest rent strikes of the 20th century where more than 100,000 people faced down the landlords and the government winning improvements for many tenants.