The class war in Spain - GIK and LCI

Barcelona May Days

A very short pamphlet written jointly by the Belgian LCI (League of Communist Internationalists) and IARV (Union of International Council Workers), and the Dutch GIK (Group of International Communists) and Proletenstemmen (Proletarian Voice), a 'working group' linked to the latter, about the developments of the Spanish civil war.

Anarchism and the Spanish revolution - Helmut Wagner

An article written by the German council communist Helmut Wagner in April 1937 criticizing extensively the political developments in Spain during the civil war and within it the role played by the anarchists and their organizations. This article first appeared in Ratekorrespondenz, the official publication of the Gruppe Internationaler Kommunisten (GIK) based in Holland, before appearing in Paul Mattick's International Council Correspondence in June of that same year.

The Fighting-call bulletin

Partial online archive of Fighting-call, a Spanish workers' journal of the Freedom Group and Anti-Parliamentary Communist Federation with information from the Spanish anarchist organisations CNT-FAI during the Civil War.

Spain: Campaign against the Spanish University Foundation

Spanish University Foundation, Madrid

On May 21 2015 more than a dozen activists picketed the entrance of the Spanish University Foundation (Fundación Universitaria Española) in Madrid to put pressure on that institution and draw the attention of the public to the labour conflict provoked by the firing of comrade Arturo.

Did Commies kill Wobblies during the Spanish Civil War? - Raymond S. Solomon

An article by Raymond S. Solomon about Stalinist repression during the Spanish Civil War.

Spain: Ongoing wave of repression against anarchists

Police raid in the early a.m. in Madrid on March 30 2015.

Twenty-seven people have been arrested by police during a new operation against anarchists in Spain. Starting at 6 a.m. on March 30 2015, police actions in Madrid, Barcelona, Palencia and Granada led to the arrest of 13 people whom police allege belonged to a “criminal organization with terrorist aims”. In the course of raids on six social centres and 11 homes, 14 more people were arrested on charges of resisting the authorities.

What does it mean to be a Wobbly? - Colin Bossen

An article by Colin Bossen that sees CNT member Federico Arcos as an example of what it means to be a Wobbly.

Kropotkin’s ideas and the international anarchist movement in the 1920s and 1930s - Vadim Damier

industrialism or rural utopia

After the bitter experience of World War I and the Russian Revolution, the global anarchist movement had to rethink its approach to revolutionary change. The application of science and technology to warfare, the "rationalization" of production, the rise of fascism, etc., created conditions not envisaged in Kropotkin's teachings, which were subjected to a thoroughgoing revision. But Kropotkin also had his defenders, who not only insisted on the relevance of his ideas, but also extended his critique of industrial society. Using a wide variety of sources, Vadim Damier examines these debates, which found their culmination in the CNT's 1936 resolution on libertarian communism.

Revolution and counterrevolution in Catalonia - Carlos Semprún Maura

First published in France in 1974, a “critical analysis of the bureaucratization of the CNT, with regard to both the political as well as the economic terrain”, bureaucratization which the author claims was “total and complete”, with discussions of certain historical turning points and watershed moments (e.g., the militarization of the militias, the May Events and the overthrow of the Council of Aragon), and extensive passages quoted from eyewitness accounts (e.g., Marcel Ollivier’s Les journées sanglantes de Barcelone), newspaper articles and official documents that have not previously appeared in English translation.

The life style of Buenaventura Durruti

A short pamphlet by the Kate Sharpley Library about the life of Spanish anarchist revolutionary Buenaventura Durruti, published in 1994.