- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 1427
Eesti Televisioon (ETV) (English: Estonian Television) is the national public television station of Estonia. It made its first broadcast on 19 July 1955.
The bulk of ETV's funding comes from government grant-in-aid, around 15% of which is in turn funded by the fees paid by Estonian commercial broadcasters in return for their exclusive right to screen television advertising. ETV stopped showing commercials in 1998–1999 and has again ceased doing so since 2002: its low-cost advertising rates were damaging the ability of commercial broadcasters to operate. The introduction of a system of broadcast receiver licences, payable by viewers, was considered, but ultimately rejected in the face of public opposition.
On 1 January 1993, ETV was admitted as a full active member of the European Broadcasting Union.
In 2002, ETV hosted the "Eurovision Song Contest 2002".
On 9 January 2006, ETV launched an Internet news service called ETV24. Broadcasting news on Internet, teletext, and on ETV at night.
Aktuasalne Kaamera intro and headlines (with english subtitles). Estonian language news - on ETV1 (ETV) Russian language news - on ETV2 © Eesti Rahvusringhääling. 2009.
This video shows the intro and outro of the news program (Aktuaalne kaamera) of ETV (Eesti Televisioon), the main national public channel of Estonia. This video was made for educational/historic purposes. I own nothing in this video. No financial gain with this video. All rights goes to their rightful owners (ETT/ERR (Eesti Rahvusringhääling)). If you have a problem with this video, please contact me via private message. Thanks.
ETV kuut aastakümmet pilgu eest läbi lastes rullub lahti televisiooni lapsepõlv, noorusaeg ja suurekssaamine - koos Eesti arenguloo tõusude ja mõõnadega. Tagasivaatepeeglis elustub lugematu arv hetki, millel on tuleviku jaoks olnud oma tähendus. Üks võimalik ja täiesti subjektiivne valik neist on pildis teie ees. Režissöör Rahel Selge, toimetaja Renita Timak. http://etv.err.ee/
"Ringvaate" saatejuht Marko Reikop demonstreerib, mis vahe on SD ja HD kvaliteedil. http://err.ee/
This video shows the intro of the weather program (Ilm) of ETV (Eesti Televisioon), the main national public channel of Estonia. This video was made for educational/historic purposes. I own nothing in this video. No financial gain with this video. All rights goes to their rightful owners (ETT/ERR (Eesti Rahvusringhääling)). If you have a problem with this video, please contact me via private message. Thanks.
***Production Companies Home Box Office (HBO) Brillstein Entertainment Partners (1999-2007) Park Entertainment, The (uncredited) ***Distributors Home Box Office (HBO) (1999-2007) (USA) (TV) (original airing) E4 (1999-2007) (UK) (TV) (first run) Movie Network, The (TMN) (1999-2007) (Canada) (TV) (first run) Channel 4 Television Corporation (2000-2008) (UK) (TV) (repeats) Home Box Office Home Video (HBO) (2000-2008) (USA) (DVD) Nine Network Australia (2000-) (Australia) (TV) More4 (2005-) (UK) (TV) (repeats) Warner Home Video (2005-) (Germany) (DVD) Telelatino (2006-) (Canada) (TV) (repeats) A&E; Television Networks (2007) (USA) (TV) (repeats) Arena (Australia) (TV) (cable) British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) (2011) (UK) (TV) (Cable) Canadian Television (CTV) (Canada) (TV) (repeat) Club RTL (20...
Nii elas Jaak Joala Asula tänavas. Tallinnas 1987 (!!!) aastal. Pärast pöörast tööryhmamist sellel suurel nöukogude maal- lavadel ja kuulsusrikkaid esinemisi üle kogu 1/ 6 kogu planeedist nimega Maa - aastal 1987.! NII ELAS SUPERSTAAR NSV LIIDUS!!! So lived our Great Star Jaak Joala in Asula street. Tallinn. Soviet Estonia year- 1987 (!!!) After the frantic work of that great and glorious soviet- stages gigs all over one sixth of the entire planet called Earth - in 1987! So called Soviet Union Thus lived a superstar in the Soviet Union !!! Löik: Jaak Joala 20 aastat laval (ETV ( eesti nöukogude televisioon-1987) Mees, kes käis kõrbes kosmonautidega kalal Meisterlaulja on lahkunud. Pärast tema surma on kuulda olnud arvamusi, et temaga lõppes üks epohh. Ehk oleks õigem arvata, et te...
11.04.2010 korraldas ülemaailmne aktiivsete naiste organisatsioon Ladies Circle Estonia koostöös Keila noortega heategevusliku ürituse. Üritus, mis toimus juba teist korda, sai alguse pikast Keila Kooli traditsioonist, kus abituriendid jäljendavad erinevaid Eestist ja mujalt maailmast pärit staare. See kannab Keila Koolis nime ''Rockipidu''. LCE ehk Ladies Circle Estonia korraldab iga aasta väga palju heategevuslike üritusi ja ettevõtmisi, kui 5. detsembril aastal 2008 käis üks LCE liikmetest vaatamas Keila Kooli 52. lennu järjekordset Rockipidu, tuli tal mõte kaasata järgmisesse üritusse aktiivsed Keila noored. Nii sündiski LCE klubi number 1 (Tallinn) ja Keila noorte koostöös üritus, mille nimeks sai ''Heategevuslik Playback Show''. See toimus 29. märtsil aastal 2009 ning 11. aprillil...
Riigikogu erakondade esindajad arutavad Eesti energiamajanduse tulevikku. Kalev Allik Kalle Palling Urve Palo Lembit Kaljuvee Anneli Akermann
TV Show in estonia about Tiit Helimets.Its all in estonian .I pretty much talk about my work.But there are some clips in it,I even dont have.My graduation show. Take look at my website at www.tiithelimets.com Eesti televisioon tegi minust saate ja seal on palju head materjali minust. Vaata minu web page www.tiithelimets.com
Muusika autor: Robert Vaigla Sõnade autor: Markus Robam Traffic - Silver Laas Stig Rästa Robert Vaigla Tõnis Kivisild Ivo Priilinn Külalismuusikud - Taavi Langi Tarvi Kull Dagmar Oja Kaire Vilgats Marie Vaigla Siim Aimla Simmu Vasar Tanel Juksaar Hendrik Soon Maarja Allik Merike Heidelberg Joosep Kõrvits Helitehniline produktsioon - Silver Rästa Siim Mäesalu Karl-Erik Sepp Kristjan Vardja Dennis Richard Shulga Erik Reinholm Stuudiokujundus ja valgus - CuuClub Rene Jõhve Roland Savipõld Jumestus - Kaia Triisa Gretel Persidski Täname - Marit Kutser Kontsert on salvestatud 28. aprillil 2016 ETV 1. stuudios Kontserdi produtsent - Kristjan Vardja Režissöör - Krista Maajärv Assistent - Mihkel Robam Juhtoperaator - Raul Priks Operaatorid - Esper Kaar Ergo Treier Toorion Ojaperv Tane...
Elamust, mis me saime tantsides Rio De Janeiro karnevali sambadroomil, pole võimalik pildis edasi anda. Kujutage ette 38 kraadist kuumust, seljas seitse kilo kaaluv merejumal Poseidoni kostüüm ja ligi kolme kilomeetri pikkust staadioni, mis tuli läbi tantsida pooleteise tunniga. Kokku võttis ettevalmistusplatsil ootamine ja sambadroomi läbimine aega viis tundi. Staadionil tantsis meie sambakool Imperatriz Leopoldinense täpselt 85 minutit - kauem ei tohi seal keegi viibida. Võitjate paraadil osales Rio De Janeiro kaheksa parimat sambakooli - kokku 24 000 tantsijat. Olime kevadel käinud Imperatriz Leopoldinense koolis kursustel, ostnud ettenähtud kostüümid ja saanud selgeks tantsujoonised. Enne karnevali oli väike närv sees: kas me oleme ikka võitjate nimekirjas? Olime. Võitjate paraad kesti...
Support Me! http://www.patreon.com/alanbecker The struggle between a stick figure and its creator, a computer animator. In this fourth installment, the animator is finally shown in real life interacting with his computer monitor. The stick figure, resisting his tormentor, attacks his social life by hacking his Facebook account, traveling onto his iPhone via USB cord, and drawing animations of his own to dismantle the animation interface. BEHIND THE SCENES: https://youtu.be/ptc7rGXp284 Subtitles available in 33 languages (Click the CC): العربية, 中文, čeština, Dansk, Eesti keel, ελληνικά, English, Español, Deutsch, فارسی, Français, हिन्दी, עברית, hrvatski, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Magyar, Bahasa melayu, Nederlands, Norsk, Pilipino, Polski, Português, Русский язык, Română, slove...
The full episode of VICE on HBO's 'State of Surveillance' is available to stream for free on VICE News. When NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked details of massive government surveillance programs in 2013, he ignited a raging debate over digital privacy and security. That debate came to a head this year, when Apple refused an FBI court order to access the iPhone of alleged San Bernardino Terrorist Syed Farook. Meanwhile, journalists and activists are under increasing attack from foreign agents. To find out the government's real capabilities, and whether any of us can truly protect our sensitive information, VICE founder Shane Smith heads to Moscow to meet the man who started the conversation, Edward Snowden. VICE on HBO Season 1: http://bit.ly/1BAQdq5 VICE on HBO Season 2:http://bit....
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Pokemon Go Gameplay brings you a brand new episode! Brand new tutorial video on a few tips from high level players on how to start Pokemon Go. Tutorial on how to throw Pokeballs and earn bonus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45aVHy41LIw Tutorial on tips and how to level up fast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTQBVjUNSo8 Tags: Pokemon Go Gameplay, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Go Plus, Pokemon, Pokemon Go Gym, Pokemon Go Coins, Pokemon Go Battle, Nintendo, Mobile Games, IOS, Android, Gaming, Video Games, Tutorials, Help, Walkthrough, Guide, Anime, Cartoon, Pokemon Go Trade, Pokemon Go News, Gameplay, Pokémon, Games for Kids, Game, Online Games, Anime Show, Anime Shows, Virtual Reality Games, Trolling, Vlogger, Gamefreak, To join Team GeO all contact information are in the description of this vi...
The siren on the street outside, didn't even turn your head
It couldn't cut the silence between us in this bed
You're staring at your wall and I'm staring at mine
So we don't have to see each other cry
Back to back heartaches, side to side tears
If we don't face the problem the pain won't disappear
There's still some love between us, why else would we be here
With back to back heartaches and side to side tears
We lie here like statues in some ancient tomb
Man, it sure gets lonely with five walls in one room
This wall we built between us, we had to tear it down
But one of us will have to turn around
Back to back heartaches, side to side tears
If we don't face the problem the pain won't disappear
There's still some love between us, why else would we be here
With back to back heartaches and side to side tears
There's still some love between us, why else would we be here