Featured News Item


(Caption: A sketch-like image of Ashley Kriel, taken from a poster. Source: EWN.) 

In this piece, Ahmed Kathrada Foundation communications intern, Kabelo Kemp, reviews a documentary on young freedom fighter, Ashley Kriel, sharing his own views on the importance of a more complete history.



By Zinzile Mavuso

The Anti-Racism Network South Africa (ARNSA) held a round table discussion on June 30 at the Nelson Mandela Foundation to discuss the role of sports in combating racism. Communications Intern, Zinzile Mavusa attended the meeting and shares her insights.


Aimed at exploring the opportunities of sports and its cohesive culture as a catalyst to address the issue of racism, the discussion session proved to be both informative and inclusive in the endeavours of the network.



About The Foundation

Objectives of the Foundation


In pursuing its core objective of deepening non-racialism, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation will:


  • Promote the values, rights and principles enshrined in the Freedom Charter and the Constitution of the Republic
    of South Africa;
  • Collect, record, promote and display, through historical artefacts and contemporary material, Kathrada's
    role in South Africa's liberation struggle and its relation to the role of other individuals, groups and
    movements both nationally and internationally;
  • Establish a research and documentation centre that will provide selective historical and contemporary
    documentation and archival material on liberation history in South Africa, and to make this available for
    academic and scholarly research;
  • Organise seminars, lectures, debates and discussions and undertake research on issues which promote a
    non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa;
  • Identify and support projects and programmes that will deepen non-racialism and create an equitable
  • Build and maintain a centre that will carry out all of the activities and programmes of the Foundation.