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For the most up to date information on the boycott please see
Boycott Israel Campaign 2012

People of good conscience have chosen to boycott israeli products and companies supporting the zionist entity. Their ethical purchasing decision however is frustrated by the lack of accurate information as to which companies to boycott.

We have carried out extensive research to identify the guilty companies. All our findings are provided here. Where ever possible, we have included full references for the source of our information so that you may independently verify its accuracy and understand exactly how each company is contributing its support to israel. We thank all those organizations who's research we have utilized.

Our research is on going and we encourage you to help us with it - If you have any information regarding guilty companies please e-mail us this information with source references. Thank you.

We suggest you start with the Boycott Israel Frequently Asked Questions page - it will clarify what the boycott is about.

Believers in justice, including Muslims and Jews,
protesting outside a JNF fundraiser, London 16 Jan 2006.


Genocide Memorial Day 2010

Marking the anniversary of the Gaza massacre and its fallen victims, the Islamic Human Rights Commission organised Genocide Memorial Day. A day to remember man's inhumanity to man, to commemorate genocides and genocidal acts throughout history, and to make a commitment to prevent further acts of genocide.

Amongst the speakers were Massoud Shadjareh (IHRC), Ramdeep Ramesh (Indian War of Independence 1857), Hasan Nuhanovic (Srebrenica Genocide), Lee Jasper (Transatlantic Slave Trade), Ward Churchill (Genocide of the Indigenous Americans), Rabbi Beck (Nazi Holocaust survivor), Sameh Habeeb (Gaza) and Imam Achmad Cassiem (Modernity, Genocide and Genocidal Acts)

Our report includes full video of all the speakers and special featured articles on "Genocide of the Indigenous Americans", "African Muslims Enslaved in the Americas" and "Lessons from the Warsaw Ghetto". [More..]

Israel, the Palestinians and Apartheid: The Case for Sanctions and Boycott

On 4th December 2009, the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP) and SOAS Palestine Society organised a public meeting putting forward the case for sanctions and boycott of Israel.

Amongst the speakers were several from the South African struggle against apartheid including Ronnie Kasrils - former minister in Nelson Mandela’s ANC government and Bongani Masuku - International Secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU).

Other speakers included Omar Barghouti from the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), Steven Rose of BRICUP, Yasmin Khan from War on Want, and Tarek Mustafa from Egypt's first independent trade union.

Report included full streaming video and mp3 podcast. [More..]

Who Profits from Israel's Occupation?

On 19 November 2009 the London School of Economics (LSE) hosted a seminar on "Israel's Occupation of Palestine: Who profits and who doesn't". It featured two activists from Israel.

Salwa Alenat - a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship, reported on the abuse of Palestinian workers in the Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Dr Dalit Baum runs the research project 'Who Profits from the Occupation' which exposes the companies profiting from the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

Report included full streaming video and mp3 podcast. [ More.. ]


A special report from this years Al-Quds Day demonstration in London (13 September 2009). Includes 26min video of the London Al-Quds Day!
[ More.. ]


A special report from last years Al-Quds Day demonstration in London (28 September 2008). Includes full video and mp3 audio of all the speeches plus summary transcipts and and lots of photos.
[ More.. ]

Also, a report on "Fascists attack Al-Quds demonstration".

SPECIAL REPORT: Carmel Agrexco
Valentines Day Action
7 Feb 2009

Agrexco funding apartheid

Carmel Agrexco, owned by the Israeli government, is responsible for importing 60-70% of all produce grown on stolen Palestinian land in the illegal Israeli settlements (flowers constitute 17% of this). On the Saturday before Valentines Day, the busiest period for flower sales, activists targeted Carmel Agrexcos main depot (and HQ) near Heathrow Airport.

A 38 min film captures the day, also included is a photo report.

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SPECIAL REPORT: Zionist Rally Counter-Demo
11 Jan 2009

Israeli passport burnt

Whilst Israel was slaughtering children in Gaza the Board of Deputies of British Jews - the voice of Israel in the UK, held a rally in support of Israel. No matter how it was dressed up, it was nothing less that the celebration of genocide. A particularly ugly and shameful event couldn't go unchallenged, the Islamic Human Rights Commission organised a counter-demo to oppose it. At the counter-demo an anti-zionist rabbi burnt his Israeli passport in disgust.

The photo-report includes videos of the demo, speeches and passport burning.

[ More.. ]

SPECIAL REPORT: "Open Gaza Border Now!" Demo outside Egyptian Embassy in London,
2 Jan 2009

In London on 2nd January people demonstrated outside the Egyptian Embassy to show their disgust at Mubarak’s role in the on-going genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and to demand the opening of the Rafah crossing. Report includes photos and streaming video of demo and speech by George Galloway (2 Jan 2009).

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SPECIAL REPORT: "End Gaza Slaughter" Demo 28 Dec 2008

On 27th December Israel started its genocidal bombing of Gaza, with in a few hours over 250 people had been slaughtered. An emergency demonstration was arranged for the next day outside the Israeli Embassy in London. Report includes photos and streaming video of short speeches by George Galloway and Yvonne Ridley (28 Dec 2008).

[ More.. ]


Medjool Dates produced in the illegal
Israeli settlements in the West Bank

Did you know that every Ramadan Europes Muslims are unknowingly bankrolling the suffering of their brothers and sisters in Palestine?

Every year at Ramadan Israel especially produces an early crop of dates in time for Ramadan which with the collaboration of Muslim shops serving the Muslim community in this country it sells to Muslims who unaware break their fasts with stolen dates - grown on land stolen from the Palestinians, making a mockery of their faith – their act of worship in opening their fast is perverted in to financing the suffering of their brothers and sisters in Palestine who are starving this Ramadan caged behind apartheid walls.

How can this be, and what can we do about it?

[ Join the campaign.. ]

SPECIAL REPORT: Lebanon Resistance and Liberation Day 2008

Celebrating the liberation of Southern Lebanon by Hizbullah from a brutal 22 years Israeli occupation. Report includes streaming video of speeches by George Galloway and Mayor of Saida (Sidon) Dr Abdul Rahman Bizri (24 May 2008).

[ More.. ]

SPECIAL REPORT: "World Against War" rally in London 15 March 2008

A special report from the recent Stop the War rally in London (15 March 2008).

Includes full video and mp3 audio of all the speeches plus summary transcipts and and lots of photos.

[ More.. ]

SPECIAL REPORT: "End the Siege of Gaza" Protest 9 Feb 2008

A special report from the recent "End the Siege of Gaza" protest in London (9 February 2008).

Includes a 7 minute video and lots of photos.

[ More.. ]

SPECIAL REPORT: Al-Quds Day 2007

A special report from this years Al-Quds Day demonstration in London (7 October 2007).

Full mp3 audio from all the speeches is included, as is photos from the rally. We also have a special 41 minute video report of this years Al-Quds Day!

[ More.. ]

Al-Quds Day 2006

A special report from last years Al-Quds Day demonstration in London (22 October 2006).

Full mp3 audio from all the speeches is included, as is photos from the rally. We also have a report "Al-Quds Day around the world" from over 20 countries.

[ More.. ]

SPECIAL REPORT: Enough Occupation Rally, London, 9 June 2007

Special report from the "Enough Occupation: 40th Anniversary of the Occupation of large parts of Palestine" Demonstration & Rally in London.

We include full mp3 audio and summary transcripts of all the speeches; and over 70 photos from the rally.

[ More.. ]



  • L'Oreal
    Giorgio Armani, Redken 5th Avenue, Lancome Paris, Vichy, Cacharel, La Roche-Posay, Garnier, Biotherm, Helena Rubinstein, Maybelline, Ralph Lauren, Carson

  • Marks & Spencer
    M&S, St.Michaels

  • McDonald's

  • Motorola

  • Nestle
    Nescafé, Perrier, Vittel, Pure Life, Carnation, Libby's, Milkmaid, Nesquik, Maggi, Buitoni, Cross & Blackwell, KitKat, Milkybar, Quality Street, Smarties, After Eight, Aero, Polo, Lion, Felix cat food, L'Oréal

  • News Corporation
    TV: Fox, Sky, Star, Phoenix, Granada, CNBC. UK newspapers: Standard Newspaper, News of the World, The Sun, The Times. Australian Newspapers: The Telegraph , Gold Coast Bulletin, Herald Sun, Independent, Sunday Mail. US newspapers: New York Post. Publishers: Harper Collins Ragan, Zondervan, National Geographical. Nursery World, Rawkus, NDS, Mushroom Records, ChinaByte.com, Festival Records

  • Nokia

  • Revlon
    New World Entertainment, Forbes

  • Sara Lee
    Hanes, Playtex, Champion, Leggs, Douwe Egberts, Bryan, DIM, Ambi Pur, Bali, Superior Coffee, Just My Size, Kiwi, Maison Cafe, Nur die, Pilao, Lovable, Outer Banks, Wonderbra, Sanex, Pickwick, Gossard, Body Mist, Brylcreem, Aqua Velva, Radox

  • Siemens

  • Selfridges

  • Starbucks
    Seattle Coffee, Pasqua, Hear Music, Tazo

  • Timberland

"Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine.. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression." -Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi



Articles from the worlds media regarding different aspects of the boycott as well as some general articles of interest. They are arranged in category and chronological order, have a look to see how widespread the boycott is and the universal momentum it is gathering in all its forms.

Latest 50 articles

Boycott - Cultural Alert: 3rd Sep 2016 - Protest to ask Baaba Maal to cancel apartheid Israel performance
Boycott - Other News Alert 19th Aug 2016 - Protest outside G4S to demand freedom for Palestinian hunger striker Bilal Kayed
Boycott - Other News Alert 3rd July 2016 - Al Quds Day London - United for Palestine
Boycott - Economic - World Boycott Israeli Dates This Ramadan - Checking The Label Is Not Enough
Boycott - Other News Alert: 26th May 2016 - Protest G4S AGM - End complicity in Israel's torture of children
Boycott - Cultural London protest asks PEN to respect cultural boycott and support imprisoned Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour
Boycott - Other News Palestinian Prisoners Day in London demands freedom for the children
Boycott - Cultural Alert 25th Apr 2016 - PEN Don't Partner With Apartheid - Free Palestinian Poets & Journalists
Boycott - Other News Alert 17th Apr 2016 - Palestinian Prisoners Day London
Boycott - Arms Thales Arms Factory In Crawley Blockaded Over Israel Drone Contract
Boycott - Media Bias Vigil outside BBC demands fair reporting on Palestine
Boycott - Cultural London protest urges Shakespeare's Globe Theatre to cancel Israel performance
Boycott - Other News London protest demands UNICEF end contracts with G4S over child torture in Palestine
Boycott - Other News Alert 18th Mar 2016 - Demand UNICEF end contracts with G4S, Free the Hares Boys!
Boycott - Other News International Women's Day Protest Demands Freedom For Palestinian Women Political Prisoners
Boycott - Other News Justice for Omar Zayed - Protest outside Bulgarian Embassy in London 4th Mar 2016
Boycott - Other News G4S Complicit in Torture of Palestinian Children - Parliament Projection
Boycott - Other News Israel's Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein not welcome in UK - Photos and Video of Inminds action
Boycott - Other News Alert: 26th Feb 2016 - Demand Freedom for Mohammed Al-Qiq - Protest G4S complicity in his torture & caging
Boycott - Other News Alert 6th Feb 2016 - Valentines Protest Israeli Blood Diamonds - Tiffany sources diamonds from Gaza massacre funder
Boycott - Other News Alert: 29th Jan 2016 - Emergency Protest - Demand Freedom For Hunger Striking Journalist Mohammed Al-Qiq - BBC lift reporting blackout
Boycott - Other News Alert: 15th Jan 2016 - Free the children - #FreeAhmadManasrah - Protest G4S complicity in torture & caging of children
Boycott - Other News Alert 8th Jan 2016 - Justice for Omar Zayed - Demand Bulgaria not bow to Israeli pressure to extradite former Palestinian political prisoner
Boycott - Other News Alert 19th Dec 2015 - Protest Tiffany's Blood Diamonds - Tiffany sources diamonds from Gaza massacre funder
Boycott - Arms Alert 1st Dec 2015 - Join us ask Hewlett Packard VPs why is HP supporting war crimes in Palestine?
Boycott - Cultural Alert: 22 Nov 2015 - Protest Israel's Cultural Ambassadors The Jerusalem Quartet
Boycott - Other News G4S Protest demands freedom for Palestinian hunger striker Suleiman Skafi and activist Mahmoud Abujoad Frarjah
Boycott - Other News Alert: 8th Oct 2015 - Emergency Protest To Demand Freedom For Palestinian hunger striker Suleiman Skafi
Boycott - Other News Ayman Al-Tabeesh freed after being caged for 2.5 years without charge or trial
Boycott - Other News Protest asks Labour Party Conference 2015 to end contracts with G4S
Boycott - Other News Alert: 27th Sept 2015 - Protest Labour Party Conference - End Your G4S Contracts!
Boycott - Sports Alert: 16th Sept 2015 - Kick Apartheid out of football - Protest Maccabi Tel Aviv vs Chelsea Football Match
Boycott - Other News Alert: 9th Sept 2015 - Demand Arrest Of War Criminal Netanyahu
Boycott - Other News Alert: 28th Aug 2015 - Emergency Protest To Demand Freedom For Fathia Khanfar & All Palestinian Women Political Prisoners
Boycott - Other News London protest demands freedom for Palestinian political prisoners Amer Jubran and Muhammed Allan
Boycott - Other News Alert: 21st Aug 2015 - Demand Freedom For Amer Jubran & Muhammed Allan
Boycott - Other News Alert: 14th Aug 2015 - Emergency Protest - Demand Freedom For Dying Hunger Striker Muhammed Allan - No To Force Feeding
Boycott - Other News Alert: 31st July 2015 - Emergency Protest - Demand Freedom For The Hunger Strikers - BBC lift reporting blackout
Boycott - Other News United London - Gaza Protest Demands Freedom For The Hunger Strikers, End To Administrative Detention
Boycott - Other News Alert: 24th July 2015 - Demand Freedom For The Hunger Strikers - End Administrative Detention
Boycott - Other News London Al Quds Day 2015 - Photo Video report
Boycott - Other News Alert 10th July - Al Quds Day London - United for Palestine
Boycott - Other News Photos from 2014 London Al Quds Day
Boycott - Other News Photos and Videos from 2013 London Al Quds Day
Boycott - Other News Photos and Videos from 2012 London Al Quds Day
Boycott - Cultural London protest asks Brazilian artists Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil to cancel apartheid Israel
Boycott - Cultural Alert 1st July 2015 - Vigil to ask Brazilian artists Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil to cancel apartheid Israel
Boycott - Other News Khader Adnan London Protest outside Parliament on 50th Day of Hunger Strike
Boycott - Other News Alert 22nd June 2015 - Demand Freedom for Khader Adnan - Vigil on 50th Day of Hunger Strike
Boycott - Cultural Emergency London Protest Demands Freedom For Palestinian Hunger Striker Sheikh Khader Adnan

[ More.. ]



For a boycott to be effective, it must be followed up with a letter writing campaign to inform the companies that we are boycotting their products until they stop collaborating with Israel.

A young girls letter to Arsenal FC - she never received a reply.



An Egyptian lady said to me, during last weeks picket, that she was afraid for us picketers, she was afraid of what M&S; or the Zionist might do. I think what she really meant was that we weren’t aware of the power the Zionists have. On the contrary, I think we all know how much power they have; they have as much power as we choose to give them. The plague of powerlessness that has gripped the Muslim ummah, has plunged people into a state of complacency and appeasement that goes against all our Islamic beliefs. Its’ time for all of us to pull ourselves out of that state.

Sister Alaa's Picket Diary

Picketing is a form of public protest that aims to draw attention to the realities of Palestinian suffering by exposing those that help to sustain it. It embarrasses those shoppers that know they shouldn't be shopping there, informs those shoppers that are not aware of the moral objections. The companies themselves become aware of the protests and news of pickets goes all the way to the top.

Picketing M&S; in Nottingham

  • A to Z of Picketing - A guide to what you need to know about organising and sustaining pickets, legal considerations as well as details about existing pickets and how to join them.
  • Picket Diary - Activists share their experiences on the picket lines at M&S - Read their Diary - be inspired in to action!
  • Other Direct Action - A look at other forms of direct action that activists have initiated - see whats possible with a little bit of creativity.

Marks & Spencers shop front in Brighton defaced to read
"Dont Support Apartheid - Boycott Marks & Spencers"



While Israeli artists have the freedom to express themselves and exhibit freely around the world, the artistic talent of Palestine is crushed by illegal occupation and apartheid, curfew, imprisonment and attack, in refugee camps and exile.

Mural class at Al-Rowwad before
soldiers destroyed the kids paints

The soldiers destroyed our animation cameras, which were rented. They destroyed computers. They destroyed video. They ... I will not say they stole them, but some of our equipment has disappeared. We have losses around $12,000. They even emptied the tubes of paint all over the place...

Al-Rowwad Palestinian Childrens Art Centre ransacked and looted by Israeli soldiers, 28 May 2002

Inad theatre specialises in working
with children to help provide an
alternative outlet for expression

We still hope that no more damages will occur to our beloved theatre, because we have worked very hard for it. Inad Theatre has been bombed over nine times since the beginning of the bombardment on Beit Jala. Each time more and more damage has been done...

Shortly after this communique, on 20th Feb 2001, Inad theatre on the West Bank was shelled again, this time the building was too badly damaged to continue as a theatre.

  • Cultural Boycott of Israel - Includes information on upcoming cultural events featuring israeli participation - target details with sample letters, etc



A 21-year-old Down Syndrome athlete from Palestine is forced to stay at home after being refused permission by Israeli authorities to leave for the Special Olympics.

Report on Special Olympics, Ireland 2003 (Irish Times 18 June 2003)

Sports is one of the few realms in which the international community fully recognises the Palestinian state. Perhaps its for this reason that Israel seems to have particularly targeted Palestinian sports.

Israel has made it impossible with its blockades, checkpoints and travel restrictions for Palestinian sportsmen and women to even meet together to practice as a team - the first time the players of women’s football team all met each other was in Jordon at an international match!

In addition, Israel destroys or prevents access to the very limited training facilities available on the occupied territories. Last April (2006) FIFA condemned the israeli direct strike on Gaza Stadium which it deemed was "without any reason".

Activists picket the Football Association in Soho Square in protest at the England vs Israel Euro 2008 qualifying match (24 Mar 2007)

Israel routinely prevent Palestinian sportsmen from attending international sports competitions. In 2004 five players were prevented from travelling to the World Cup qualifier game against Uzbekistan - as a result Palestine failed to qualify.

Those players who had managed to attend the Uzbekistan match were punished on their return - after crossing from the Egyptian border to return to Rafah - a distance of just 100 metres took them 40 hours due to israeli checkpoints! Then upon reaching his home, Ziad Al Kourd discovered his house in the Gaza Strip town of Deir al-Balah had been demolished by the Israeli army! Earlier the israelis had killed Palestine's talented midfielder Tarek al-Quto in the West Bank.

Poster of 11 year old Ali who was shot dead
by an israeli army sniper on 18 June 2001.
He bled to death on the football field where
he was playing football with his friends
when the sniper struck.

Even the children are not spared. A disproportionably high number of Palestinian children are shot whilst playing football.

All of this whilst Israeli sportsmen and women travel freely around the world to compete in any competition they choose, without any regard or responsibility for what their country is doing to the Palestinians. Its not surprising then to discover that following the Jenin massacre the israeli football team visiting Scotland were practically all serving soldiers, no doubt wanting a break after the dirty massacre.

The sports boycott exists as a way to express people's growing outrage over Israeli occupation and war crimes and the world community's failure to act.

Direct Action - activists invade the pitch during a Leyton Orient Vs Maccabi Tel Aviv football match (31 July 2002)

Its a peaceful means of putting international pressure on the state of Israel. If politicians won't act people must!

Nevin Kleib of the Palestinian national women's soccer team. Due to the israeli checkpoints and apartheid wall the national team cannot access the soccer field which is just 18 miles away, and are forced to play on an improvised concrete field. The first time they played on grass was at an overseas championship match.

Due to a string of stringent Israeli military checkpoints opportunities for the entire national team to play together are extremely rare. The team can meet and play together only at overseas championships.

The first such opportunity came last year at the West Asian women's football championship in Jordan. "It was a strange experience," recalls their coach Hilal, "the team playing a game together without even knowing each other's names."

Christian Science Monitor,
4 Dec 2006

  • Sports Boycott of Israel - Includes information on upcoming sportsevents featuring israeli participation - target details with sample letters, etc

World soccer's governing body (FIFA) said it was considering action [against Israel] over the air strike.. which left a large crater in the centre of the main football stadium in Gaza. The IDF has acknowledged that the stadium was specifically targeted to "send a strong message to the Palestinian people.."

Jerusalem Post, 7 April 2006

Gaza football stadium pitch destroyed in targeted israeli air strike

Iran's double gold olympic champion, Arash Miresmaeili, favourite for the 2004 olympics - he forfeited his gold medal for boycotting Israel. Then he was threatened with sanctions from the International Judo Federation but he stood his ground:

Although I have trained for months and am in shape, I refused to face my Israeli rival in sympathy with the oppressed Palestinian people . . . I am not upset about the decision I have made.

Arash Miresmaeli
- A truly honourable sportsman


Page URL: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-israel.php
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Boycott Israel Campaign
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Why boycott Israel on Campus[1:50:05]
12 London universities discuss need for BDS on campuses. Speakers include Rafeef Ziadeh, Ilan Pappe, Karma Nabulsi & Mike Cushman
Love Letters to Gaza[31:08]
A unique theatrical event using personal messages of love, support and hope from people of all ages and all walks of life to the people of Gaza.
John Pilger[7:55]
journalist and documentary maker
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
Julian Assange[7:07]
founder of WikiLeaks
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
Lauren Booth, Sami Ramadani & Yvonne Ridley[6:28]
Reading the names of the dead
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
George Galloway[6:39]
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
Jemima Khan[8:42]
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
Why Boycott Marks & Spencer 2011?[23:29]
Demo outside M&S; Oxford Street(24 Sept 2011)
Sean Clinton[4:59]
Israeli Blood Diamonds Campaign
Al Quds Day rally, Trafalgar Square (31 Aug 2011)
Lauren Booth[5:24]
Al Quds Day rally, Trafalgar Square (31 Aug 2011)
Lauren Booth - Prayer for Gaza[2:46]
Al Quds Day rally, Trafalgar Square (31 Aug 2011)
Benny Morris - Historian or Racist?[34:07]
Activists oppose visit of racist Israeli historian Benny Morris who justifies ethnic cleansing and genocide.
Is Israel applying apartheid?[2:12:56]
Speakers: Yael Kahn, Jody McIntyre and Ghada Karmi (5 May 2011)
Karen Mitchell[48:27]
Partner at Thompsons Solicitors
Life changing visit to Palestine in 2008 (21 Feb 2011)
Ramzy Baroud[1:59:32]
Editor-in-chief of the Palestine Chronicle
"My Father Was A Freedom Fighter - Gaza's Untold Story" (25 Mar 2011)
Women United in the Intifada[2:31:36]
Speakers: Lizzie Cocker, Ewa Jasiewcz, Alaa Kassim, Yvonney Ridley, Isis Amlak, Sukant Chandan, Ramzy Baroud (14 Mar 2011)
George Galloway[1:01:48]
Solidarity with the Middle-East Revolution, support the people - oppose US/UK intervention (SOAS, 11 Mar 2011)
Omar Barghouti[55:08]
BDS Movement co-founder
"Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions" book launch (7 Mar 2011)
Shir Hever[1:49:09]
Alternative Information Centre
The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation, Kings College London (17 Feb 2011)
Why academic boycott of Israel[1:29:37]
Speakers: Mohammed Abuabdou(PSCABI), Mike Cushman(BRICUP), Jodey McIntyre(activist) (8 Feb 2011)
Dashed Hopes - Gaza Blockade[1:23:08]
Mohammed-Ali Abu Najela (Oxfam), Andrea Becker (MAP), Ewa Jasiewicz (Free Gaza Movement) (1 Feb 2011)
Jordan Valley: Apartheid[1:17:12]
Sarah Cobham(Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity), Chris Osmond (Corporate Watch) (House of Commons, 1 Feb 2011)
Dump Veolia Demo[7:00]
Protesting at settlement supporter Veolia's sponsership of exhibit at the Natural History Museum (23 Oct 2010)
Boycott Israeli Dates [1/2][9:11]
Are you financing Israels brutal occupation this Ramadan?
Boycott Israeli Dates [2/2][9:05]
Are you financing Israels brutal occupation this Ramadan?
Lee Jasper [1/2][10:13]
[4 of 8] Genocide Memorial Day 2010 Session One, 17-1-2010
Lee Jasper [2/2][9:51]
[5 of 8] Genocide Memorial Day 2010 Session One, 17-1-2010
One Oppressor One Bullet[8:11]
Imam Achmad Cassiem, veteran of the armed struggle against apartheid in South Africa, speaks at the StW rally (London, 19 Feb 2005)
Salwa Alenat [1/2][9:56]
KavLaOved (Workers Rights hotline)
[1 of 8] Israel's Occupation - Abuse of Palestinian Workers (LSE 19 Nov 2009)
Salwa Alenat [2/2][8:57]
KavLaOved (Workers Rights hotline)
[2 of 8] Israel's Occupation - Abuse of Palestinian Workers (LSE 19 Nov 2009)
For Anwar [1of2][10:01]
Carmel Agrexco Valentines Action 7 Feb 2009
For Anwar [2of2][9:56]
Carmel Agrexco Valentines Action 7 Feb 2009
[all videos (over 200)..]
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Featured MP3 Podcast

"You cannot simplify the question of violence.. You look at human history - the American revolution, the civil war, the end of slavery in the United States, the African National Congress, the end of colonialism - by and large these were some combination of popular social uprisings and social movements and non-violent protests AND armed resistance. Now that doesn't mean I'm advocating for any armed action today, I'm not. I'm committed to finding ways of acting and speaking and making people laugh and doing art and disrupting the war machine in other ways, but I think focusing on violence when we have the comfort of being protected by mass of armed violence is not non-violence at all.. if you are pointing to the mass of violence and who's doing the mass of violence in the world today, you have to look to state violence - that's people bombing whole cities from the air.. "
A founder of the Weather Underground, a revolutionary group that waged war against the US government in the 70s in response to the Vietnam War.
Interview, Radio Neatherlands (TSWI) 30 June 2007 [12min / 6Mb]
[need flash]

[all podcasts..]
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