
Call for Submissions - for Issue 19

We’re organizing the next issue of Upping the Anti! We are calling on all activists and writers to consider publishing their latest political treatise! Deadline for pitches is Sep 30th, 2016

New Interventions Pamphlet by Kris Hermes on Jail Solidarity

With the Republican National Convention just weeks away in Cleveland, Upping the Anti is pleased to publish an article on the importance of jail solidarity in radical social movements. Giving a history of a range of mass demonstrations from world economic organizations to national conventions in the US, Hermes discusses the importance of jail solidarity tactics for activists today. Read the pamphlet here and you can also download it, reproduce and distribute!

Call for Submissions - for Issue 18

It’s time to start organizing the next issue of Upping the Anti! We are calling on all activists and writers to consider publishing their lastest political treatise! Deadline for pitches is Oct. 17, 2015

Help! We’ve Been Robbed (by capitalism)

Upping the Anti has had to delay the printing of Issue 17 due to the theft of our funds. If you can, please renew your subscription or give a donation to help us through these dark, tough times. (Photo of kitten in article!)

Upping the Anti Issue 15 - Launch Party!!

Celebrate 15 issues on Nov. 2 at 8pm at Bike Pirates: 1292 Bloor St. West in Toronto, ON

Become a UTA Editor

Interested in radical publishing? Join Upping the Anti as an editor, associate editor, or publishing committee volunteer.

Call out for proposals for Issue 17

Pitches due Aug 20, 2014. First draft due Sept 30, 2014.

We are currently looking for story ideas for ISSUE SEVENTEEN, which will be released in Dec 2014. If you have an idea for a story you would like to see published in our journal, please send us a one-page pitch by Wednesday, August 20, 2014. In addition to the pitch, please submit a short writing sample (max 1,000 words).

The World is Changing. So is Upping the Anti.

The World is Changing and UTA is Changing with it: A Statement from the UTA Editorial Committee

UTA interviews Mandy Hiscocks about her incarceration on G20 charges

One week before she began serving a 16th month sentence related to her participation in organizing the G20 protests, UTA sat down with Amanda Hiscocks for a wide ranging discussion about her situation as a political prisoner and her analysis of the fallout of state repression against those organizing against the G20 summit in Toronto in 2010. This interview will be published in a forthcoming issue of UTA, but we are making the raw audio available here so that activists can get a better a sense of Mandy’s assessment of the features of state repression and what needs to be done to support the G20 political prisoners.

Holiday Special!

Pick up copies of Upping the Anti for you or a friend during our Holiday Special, and get three issues for $25.