
Heavy flooding hits western Victorian town of Coleraine

Sep 9, 2016

The western Victorian town Coleraine has been hit hard by flood waters.

The western Victorian town Coleraine has been hit hard by flood waters. Photo: Supplied

Heavy flooding has hit western Victoria leaving main streets underwater, hardest hit, the town of Coleraine. 

SES have been called to rescue some residents trapped in their homes due to floods.

Dozens of tiger snakes have been seen fleeing through the streets.

Neil Mitchell spoke with Teegan, one of the residents most affected.

"When I was leaving the house, I could feel the carpets were floating under my feet."

"It was a bit of scramble. There's a fair bit of stuff that we can't replace."

"We've got our woodpile floating down the driveway onto the road, with tiger snakes escaping" – Teegan told 3AW Mornings.

Teegan says it's her little girls second birthday today, and hopes she can find her a cake.

Earlier, 3AW listener Bruce tells Neil he has lived in the town his whole life and has never seen anything like it.

"The bowling clubs underwater, all the ovals, and there's several houses under threat at the moment." – he told 3AW Mornings.

Click PLAY below to hear Bruce's call


3AW Drive spoke to Channel 7 reporter Paul Dowsley, who is in Coleraine, for an update on the floodwaters.

He said locals told him the floodwaters have dropped by 50 cms in the last four hours.

"I spoke to a woman who said she had never seen anything like it in the main street for 50 years, another bloke said it happened in the 90s and 50s," Mr Dowsley said.


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