Labor moves to overturn Brandis' solicitor-general power grab

Attorney-General George Brandis
Attorney-General George Brandis Andrew Meares

Labor is confident it has the numbers in the Senate to stop Attorney-General George Brandis' controversial move to stop the Solicitor-General providing advice to any arm of the government without his approval.

The Australian Financial Review revealed in May that a few days before the federal election was called Senator Brandis sent Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson SC a letter outlining directions tabled in the Senate the same day, with immediate effect, that ruled no one in government, including the Prime Minister, could seek the Solicitor-General's advice without getting permission from Senator Brandis.

The move was criticised by Labor as an attack on the independence of the Solicitor-General.

​The directions tabled in the Senate are a "disallowable instrument", which means they can be overturned by a vote of the Senate.

Labor said it had the support of the Greens and Senator Jacqui Lambie and is confident of getting more  crossbench support. It will have the directions overturned on Wednesday.

​The advice of a solicitor-general can be crucial in politically contentious issues faced by the government - such as on asylum seeker policy. But the Solicitor-General's office also provides advice directly to a range of government entities from the office of the Governor-General to the Australian Taxation Office.

The relationship between the two men is said to be frosty, with speculation for the causes of their falling out ranging from Mr Gleeson's advice to the ATO on a High Court challenge to West Australian government legislation, to altercations over same-sex marriage and citizenship laws, to advice over the proroguing of Parliament.

Shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus said the attack by Senator Brandis on the independence of the Solicitor-General, "was deeply shocking".

"Labor will be doing all it can to remedy this situation by moving a disallowance motion in the Senate this week, which we expect a number of crossbenchers to support.

"Senator Brandis's direction effectively brought the Solicitor-General under his control. This was an appalling power-grab by Senator Brandis which undermined the rule of law in this country.

"It is vital that the Solicitor-General's role as an independent source of legal advice for government and its agencies is maintained."