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September 12, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Andrew Harnik / AP

Fooled Again

We have once more been baited and hooked by the corporate elites who look upon the electorate as malleable and disposable.


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Justin Norman / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

How the CIA’s Darkest Torture Secrets Were Exposed—and Covered Up

An investigator for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Dan Jones, worked hard to get to the bottom of the agency’s torture program. Then-Attorney General Eric Holder and others conspired to keep the worst news hidden.

Football Players From the Kansas City Chiefs, Miami Dolphins Join Kaepernick’s Protest

On opening day of NFL season, Kansas City cornerback Marcus Peters raised a black-gloved fist during the national anthem and four Miami Dolphins kneeled on the sideline with hands on their hearts during "The Star Spangled Banner.”
A/V Booth

If the word “terrorism” has any meaning, it applies to the U.S. bombings in Laos during the Vietnam War, says Truthdig’s editor in chief.

The Green Party presidential nominee met with Truthdig staff to talk about how the mainstream media has (and hasn’t) covered her campaign, her qualifications for the nation’s highest office and the controversy over her running mate’s “Uncle Tom” comment aimed at President Obama. Transcript added.

Chris Hedges’ ‘On Contact’: The Cost of Austerity, With Mark Blyth

On this week’s episode of “On Contact,” the Truthdig columnist sits down with the economist to discuss the detrimental impacts of austerity programs following the 2008 financial crisis.

We, the Plutocrats vs. We, the People

How would I help my fellow Americans recoup their sanity, come home to democracy, and help build the sort of moral compact embodied in the preamble to the Constitution, that declaration of America’s intent and identity?

Western U.S. Faces Explosion of Wildfires

Wildfires used to hit California only in the latter part of the year, but changing climate and persistent drought mean they are now a constant threat.

Iran and Hezbollah Welcome Kerry-Lavrov Syria Ceasefire (Video)

Hezbollah, the national guard for South Lebanon, announced Saturday that it supports the agreement on a truce in Syria, while, for its part, Iran said that the agreement, which it welcomed, needed a “monitoring instrument.”



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How Can Wealthy Elites Sleep at Night When American Teens Are Selling Sex and Drugs in Order to Eat?

A harrowing new study sheds light on the extreme measures American children between the ages of 13 and 18 are taking in order to feed themselves and puts Bill Clinton’s welfare policies into question.

Why Legalizing Marijuana Could Be a Solution for Some of America’s Biggest Problems

It won’t solve everything, but it can help a lot.

Dear Media Elites, Here’s How You Have Donald Trump Completely Wrong

The incitement of anti-immigrant prejudice for political gain is shameful, but it’s not new in our country.

Will Christie Whitman Follow Her 9/11 Apology With One for Her Nuclear Shill Game?

The former EPA chief regrets misleading the public about the air quality after the New York terrorist attacks. Her apology leaves some doubting her sincerity.



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‘A Victory for Elephants’: World Governments Call for Closure of Ivory Markets

After fierce debate, disagreements and walkouts, the motion was adopted on the final day of the International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress.

The Lost Innocence of 9/11

The renewed patriotism and commitment we felt 15 years ago has decayed, sullied by jingoism, xenophobia and paranoid fantasies about race and religion.

‘Overheated’ Hillary Clinton Leaves 9/11 Event Early, Reportedly Has Pneumonia (Video)

Clinton’s doctor had diagnosed the Democratic presidential nominee with pneumonia on Friday, according to reports.

Chelsea Manning Goes on Hunger Strike as Her Prison Pleas Are Ignored

“I need help. I am not getting any,” the incarcerated WikiLeaks whistleblower wrote in a statement released Friday as she began her protest against “bullying by prison and U.S. government.”

As America Mourned 9/11, CEOs and Lobbyists Pounced on the Prospect of a Bonanza Born of the Tragedy

In the wake of the awful attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, while many in New York were still attending memorial services for firefighters and police, while across the country Americans’ cheeks were still stained with tears, the corporate and Washington-based predators were already pursuing private plunder at public expense.

The Bacteria on Your Skin Are Safer Than These Two Chemicals the FDA Just Banned From Your Soap

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration just passed a regulation that will actually protect people, and may save you a few bucks and an unnecessary purchase.

15 Years After 9/11, Can We Recover Our Republic?

The Founding Fathers thought keeping a standing army was a danger to democracy. The great wars of the 20th century appear to have left the United States with a permanent standing army—a state of affairs only reinforced by the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

What Was Saudi Arabia’s Involvement in 9/11?

The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were a direct outgrowth of the fundamentalist Wahhabist ideology that defines the oil-rich kingdom. For this reason alone, the Saudi regime should be held accountable.

Follow Colin Kaepernick, Change the World

The NFL quarterback took a big personal risk with his national-anthem protest against injustice in the U.S. Now other athletes are joining him, as are countless other Americans who want to overturn the status quo. Their courage can make all the difference.

U.S. and Russia Plan Joint Air Command to Hit Terrorists in Syria

Some officers in the U.S. military do not like the idea of coordinating with Russia, feeling that it has taken advantage of past cease-fires to advance its interests and those of Bashar Assad.

Cast Your Vote: Which Topic Most Needs to Be Addressed in the First Presidential Debate?

This week gave Americans a sneak peek at the upcoming presidential debate, and Truthdig wants to know what you think is being left out of the political dialogue.