Government of Newfoundland and Labrador tops list of worst privateers in Canada

12 Sep 2016

With the privatization of alcohol sales, OPSEU asks the question: “Who’s winning here? It isn’t Ontarians."

12 Sep 2016

"The Representative for Children and Youth has identified a lack of timely access to mental health services, a lack of proper assessment, miscommunication and a lack of coordination between services providers. These are all problems that are within the government’s ability to remedy if they have the will to act.” — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

09 Sep 2016

“The restrictions on participation by our members in public policy discussions related to poverty exacerbates their political marginalization. Canadian government and experts around the world have recognized the lack of equal political participation of people living in poverty as a primary cause of poverty and of misguided public policy." — Leilani Farha, executive director, Canada without Poverty

09 Sep 2016

“This trial is of significant importance to all Canadians not just the citizens of British Columbia. Fundamentally, he has put our entire public health care system on trial. However, I think he has misjudged how much Canadians value and support Medicare.” — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

08 Sep 2016

Sadly, however, these changes continue to leave the millions of dollars paid each year to private contractors and Bay Street lawyers hidden in the shadows." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

08 Sep 2016

The health and safety of the women and men who work in the facility should be the priority of the employer, and we have reached out to them looking for answers.” — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

07 Sep 2016

"When it is harder for workers to join unions and fight for their rights, it’s no surprise that more people are living in poverty even though they have a job." — Larry Brown, NUPGE 

07 Sep 2016

The NSGEU/NUPGE is working with Dalhousie Faculty Association and Dalhousie University to develop a plan for a sustainable daycare at the Agricultural Campus in Truro.

06 Sep 2016

"Unions matter because we fight for all these issues, to move them forward and to share the burden. People before us fought to better our lives; we have a responsibility to continue the fight for fairness for those who follow." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

01 Sep 2016

"The National Union and its Components have fought these governments and their policies every step of the way. We are ready to put that experience to work again." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

31 Aug 2016

“Thank you to the over 8,900 members of NBU/NUPGE for your support and generosity.” — Krista Carr, NBACL executive director

30 Aug 2016

Want pharmacare? You could have it tomorrow.

29 Aug 2016

 Do we really want our future business leaders taking Ethics 101 from the Hamburglar?” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

26 Aug 2016

"I want to thank all of our members who took the time to study and understand the agreement. We think it's a fair deal for all involved." — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU President

25 Aug 2016

395 activists have graduated from NUPGE’s Leadership Development School

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