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Euroradio Exchange System :: Home
Euroradio News :: Home

Welcome to Euroradio Exchange System, the online platform that allows you to download audio news files to your own PC and to upload files for the benefit of other users.

Euroradio Exchange System can cope with a variety of formats, including flac (Free Lossless Audio Codec), mp2 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 2), mp3(MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3), aac (Advanced Audio Coding, MPG-4).

Each file has an mp3 sampler track to help you to decide whether to download the original. Please note that the sampler track is streamed to your computer in real time and is of a lower sound quality than the original.

Euroradio Exchange System can handle audio files of up to 100 MB and upload operations will time-out after approximately 60 minutes.

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