Richard Punko


Viet Vet 66-67 US Army,sqdleader 11Bravo (inf ), Retired Teacher with thirty years experience. Liberal, Democrat,ACLU member.PFAW MoveOn Fight for civil rights

Perth Amboy NJ
Menyertai 2011 November

@retiredfirstsgt disekat

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  1. Soon: how St Ronnie showed toughness by firing air traffic controllers. Shouldn't be more than 20 seconds.

  2. Here's an example of the caliber of people speaking at this year's . They had to move to the D list.

  3. Too bad couldn't praise her husband as a "brave veteran" but, ya know...5 deferments. The rich don't fight wars.

  4. Thank you Steven! I love my Country dearly and this man truly scares the hell out of me!

  5. "Terrible" "help is on the way," a soldier, a congressman, a liar & a snake. 8yrs of inaction is enough.

  6. Anyone see the irony in Trumps wife speaking w/heavy accent + clearly not a native, giving a speech for her husband the nativist xenophobe?

  7. Melania says her parents taught her values that she's passing on to her son.

  8. here's what you have to understand about scott baio-- nothing. you don't have to understand anything about scott baio. b/c it's not 1988.

  9. Trumps wife is talking like he's gonna give opportunitys to "our children" yet his favorite catch phrase from 2004 was "your fired

  10. how can anyone HRC fan or not say the choice between she n that FUCK TRUMP is equal GROW THE FUCK UP n stop the evil of GOP

  11. If the Republicans could say Obama's name with a little less disgust, that would be great ... 💩

  12. On another note, I want to take time to send love & light to who is currently experiencing an onslaught of racism on this platform

  13. Is this really happening?!?!

  14. Giuliani chooses to ignore that people also "fear" law enforcement and Trump's xenophobic views in his fear speech.

  15. Giuliani admits some police shootings were not justified. Crowd was not receptive.

  16. Giuliani: "thank you to every police officer.” standing O. "We reach out w love and compassion to” families of police shootings. Crickets.

  17. Rudy Guiliani: What happened to there is no black America, there is no white America? (Note: Racial divisions have been with us always.)

  18. Giuliani scared folks when he suggested that there's such a thing as an unjustified killing by police. Then he got back on track.

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