Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Jendea Guztiak ikusi

  2. mar. 9


  3. mar. 7

    While media is busy talking Trump tweets all day is busy doing detective work. SHE ROCKS give a raise.

  4. mar. 9

    This is the guide of that talked about tonight. At link.

  5. mar. 9

    Could she be the driving inertia to saving our country from corruption, treason and perjury?

  6. mar. 10

    WikiLeaks Julian Assange Helped the Worst Candidate in US History to Become President

  7. Duela 3 minutu

    & her team are doing god's work.

  8. Duela 4 minutu

    where's your proof against ? Oh that's right..there isn't any.

  9. Duela 3 ordu
  10. Duela 3 ordu

    Get woke everybody! is on them and they don't even c her comin!!!

  11. Duela 3 ordu

    is 🔥.. she is following that Russian money laundrying. TRumps drip drip drip. Crooked bastards

  12. Duela 3 ordu

    Everyone should be bowing down to she's connecting the dots better than anyone

  13. Duela 3 ordu

    Dang. I knew the Trump-Kushner gang were corrupt, but this is mob level corruption!

  14. Duela 3 ordu

    didn't know about being owned by Chinese 's connections keep getting tighter by following the money

  15. Duela 3 ordu

    Watching right now and she is breaking this shit down!! Her research is on f-ing point. . Her informs us all!

  16. Duela 3 ordu

    We, the People must have 's back!! She is not afraid to dig deep into the insanity that is rRump & minions. Persistence

  17. Duela 3 ordu

    Shady Russian guys with broken noses. Not a bravo reality show

  18. Duela 3 ordu

    ill-gotten gains in billions how 2 access without getting arrested you have a scheme laundered 10bil fake deals

  19. Duela 5 ordu
  20. Duela 15 ordu

    With riveting reports connects the dots between Trump/Russia, and viewers are noticing. Ratings now double last year.

  21. mar. 11

    : While they're gushing over , I'm over on watching report REAL .

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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