Alleged terrorist Ihsas Khan chased Wayne Greenhalgh, then police in Minto attack

A south-west Sydney student charged over a terrorist stabbing tried to force his way into a suburban hair salon to continue his attack and then ran at police when they arrived to arrest him, new footage shows.

The footage of Saturday's attack at Minto shows grandfather Wayne Greenhalgh, 59, wounded and running for his life as his attacker chases him down Ohlfsen Road armed with a large knife.

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Alleged Minto 'terrorist' stabbing vision released

CCTV footage of 19-year-old Ihsas Khan allegedly shows him hunting down his victim Wayne Greenhalgh who ran away after being stabbed. Vision: Nine Network

The footage, obtained by A Current Affair, also shows how his brave neighbours intervened and fought his attacker, 22-year-old Ihsas Khan, who told them he was "prepared to die".

Mr Khan is also shown on the footage running, knife still in hand, at the first police patrol van that arrives at the scene.

The police van is forced to quickly reverse, stops and then speeds forwards and down a nearby street.

The entire time Mr Khan, dressed in a white T-shirt and tracksuit pants, is giving chase to the vehicle.


The 22-year-old has been charged with committing an alleged Islamic State-inspired terrorist attack and the attempted murder of Mr Greenhalgh, who was on a daily walk when he was stabbed on Saturday afternoon.

Mr Greenhalgh suffered near-fatal wounds to his hands and body and had to run for his life into a neighbour's home before Mr Khan tried to smash his way in through a glass door while allegedly shouting "Allah Akbar" and "somebody's going to die today".

Footage shows Ihsas Khan outside the hair salon with knife in hand.
Footage shows Ihsas Khan outside the hair salon with knife in hand.  Photo: Channel 9/A Current Affair

The footage shows Mr Greenhalgh only managed to escape Mr Khan when the neighbours intervened, confronting his alleged attacker and acting as a distraction.

Wounded and bleeding, Mr Greenhalgh then stumbled into a hair salon attached to the home and told the owner to lock the latched sliding door.

Ihsas Khan trying to force his way inside the hair salon
Ihsas Khan trying to force his way inside the hair salon Photo: Channel 9/A Current Affair

Brandishing the knife in the air, Mr Khan then stabs the glass before trying to force his way inside the salon. Mr Greenhalgh, the salon owner and her customers flee out the back and call police.

Neighbours still out the front of the property bravely confront Mr Khan again armed with broomsticks, fence palings and anything they can find before the police arrive and he turns his attention on the officers.

Neighbours confront Ihsas Khan out the front of the hair salon
Neighbours confront Ihsas Khan out the front of the hair salon Photo: Wayne Greenhalgh

Sivei Ah Chong, 43, is one of those in the footage seen approaching Mr Khan with a fence paling he had grabbed from his garage and trying to hit the knife out of Mr Khan's hand.

"He just stood there and he was trying to attack me," he told A Current Affair. "I said, 'Mate you do that to me I'll kill you.' He said, 'Do that I'm here to die. I'm prepared to die'."

Neighbours say Ihsas Khan told them he was prepared to die when they confronted him.
Neighbours say Ihsas Khan told them he was prepared to die when they confronted him. Photo: Channel 9/A Current Affair

NSW Premier Mike Baird praised the brave actions by the neighbours in confronting Mr Khan.

"It's pretty inspiring to see some heroes coming forward in that event," Mr Baird said. "A group of people that were going about their daily business saw someone in incredible trouble and they were willing to risk their lives. That's pretty inspiring."

Neighbours watch as Ihsas Khan stands outside the hair salon.
Neighbours watch as Ihsas Khan stands outside the hair salon. Photo: Channel 9/A Current Affair

Fairfax Media revealed that Mr Khan told police as far back as 2013 that he hated Australia because of its involvement with America in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Two years ago, Mr Khan was charged with two counts of larceny and two counts of maliciously damaging property after he used scissors to cut down small Australian flags displayed on the homes of two residents near Ohlfsen Road.

A hair salon customer flees as Ihsas Khan looks in from outside.
A hair salon customer flees as Ihsas Khan looks in from outside. Photo: Channel 9/A Current Affair

The charges were dismissed under the Mental Health Act on the condition Mr Khan, who is of Bangladeshi heritage, take psychiatric medication and attend medical appointments.

However, neighbours believe the death of Mr Khan's mother nine months ago may have exacerbated his anti-social behaviour and mental health issues.

A customer hid out the back of the salon with the owner and Wayne Greenhalgh and called police.
A customer hid out the back of the salon with the owner and Wayne Greenhalgh and called police. Photo: Channel 9/A Current Affair

NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said despite the neighbours' concerns there was no evidence of any reports of Mr Khan to the national security hotline.