Why Oklahoma earthquakes are sending tremors through big shale

The quake that shook Pawnee, Oklahoma,  was the biggest quake recorded in the state.
The quake that shook Pawnee, Oklahoma, was the biggest quake recorded in the state. David Bitton

There was an earthquake in Oklahoma last week. Not much new in that though. Over the past five years Oklahoma has become one of America's shakiest states. But the one that shook Pawnee was big. It was 5.8 on the Richter Scale. While no one was hurt and damage to property was minor, this was the biggest quake ever recorded in the state.

So why should I bother you with this news? Well, because there it is now widely accepted orthodoxy in the view that Oklahoma's earthquakes are, in good part, made by oil men.

There are two obvious reasons why Oklahoma's earthquake problems are relevant to Australian audiences.

First, Australian global resources house, BHP Billiton, has at least two decades of American drilling, fracking and water management ahead of it and the issue of water management now looms a long-term risk mitigation issue.

And second, Australia has $60 billion of liquid natural gas processors that plan to draw on unconventional gas resources across central and south-western Queensland for the next 20 years and the evolving earthquake issue will almost certainly be used as a public affairs weapon by those determined to lock the gates on unconventional drilling in Australia.

Oklahoma is one of the birthplaces of America's conventional and unconventional oil industry and it is currently the epicentre of a practice that sees waste water from drilling and hydraulic fracturing oil and gas wells re-injected into layers of very, very deep sub-strata.

To be clear, there are a whole lot of other sources other than petroleum production for the industrial waste water being pumped into subterranean Oklahoma. But the volumes of water have increased materially through the shale oil and gas boom and, as things stand, well re-injection remains the US industry's preferred waste management option.

Fracking and tremors

That said, the fracking waste water that is controversial to those peddlers of mis-information about the chemical dangers of its contents, makes up a relatively small part of the total volume. It is estimated that fracking flow-back makes up a spare 5 per cent of the re-injected water.  

But, where ever the waste comes from, there is a gathering body of evidence that says re-injection is the cause of the rapidly increasing numbers of tremors and quakes that routinely shake Oklahoma and that has made a collection of other shale-hosting states more prone to quake shaking than in the past.

A study published by the inestimably impressive US Geological Survey last March said that new modelling has raised the quake threat level for Oklahoma City.

The chance of damage being caused by a quake is now put between 7 per cent and 12 per cent, which is as high as some of the better known hotspots of California. The difference is that the west coast wobbliness is the natural product of the San Andreas Fault, while Oklahoma's issues are now accepted to be man made.

And the numbers suggest that the issues are getting worse not better. As recently as 2013, there were just more than 100 Oklahoma earthquakes that registered three or more on the Richter Scale. There were 585 in 2014 and 907 in 2015.

The USGS recorded seven quakes on Friday. There have been 67 over the past week and 2524 so far this year.

In the wake of the September 3 shake-up of Pawnee and its surrounds, the state regulator of Oklahoma's re-injection business ordered a 10-day shutdown of 37 wells in a 1400 sq km area. Prime facie, this would not have made that much of a difference. There are more than 11,000 re-injection wells in Oklahoma and that, in part, reflects some pretty specific local characteristics of the regional oil geology.

Waste water

The USGS estimated that for every barrel of oil produced, drillers are left with more than 10 barrels of water. And since the 1940s, the state's oil industry has been routinely putting that water back where it came from but only a little bit deeper.  

Generations of waste water have been pumped into the Arbuckle Group, a structure that sits more than 7000 feet (2133 metres) below the surface and several thousand feet below the producing shales, which are themselves trapped between impervious layers of rock.

The point there is that this waste management option has been – and is still – received as a pretty neat sort of solution because the water is being pressure pumped so deep that the risk of migration to potable water sources is, at worst, marginal.

That has proved an accurate view. What was not anticipated is that more than 70 years of high pressure re-injection might risk subterranean instability.

That said, Oklahoma is not the only state that has allowed waste water to be pumped back to a point deeper than it came from originally. And nowhere else has the outcome been as obvious. So there is a feeling that Oklahoma's problems are, in part, a product of its own unique geology.

So what does this all mean for the oil industry generally and Australia's twin slices of it particularly?

Well, for local drillers it means be alert to short and long-term risks but nothing like alarmed. The earthquake maps assembled by Geoscience Australia have so far demonstrated no coincidence between seismic activity and drilling activity, be it conventional or unconventional.

No fracking link

To be very clear on this point, the US authorities say that there is absolutely no link between hydraulic fracturing of deep shale and increased seismic activity. There is a building consensus that links the increased frequency of earth tremors and quakes to re-injection.

This position is not unanimously accepted by the drillers and their geologists. But the coincidence is obviously compelling.

More substantively for Australian frackers (and that means conventional drillers and coal seam gas operators), re-injection is nothing like the cornerstone of industry waste management that it is in the US.

Of the coal seamers, only Origin in re-injecting and the volumes are miniscule when compared to the US. Across American about 9100 mega-litres a day is pumped back into the deep earth. It is estimated that Origin is re-injecting about 50ml daily around Reedy Creek in southern Queensland.

Elsewhere Origin, Santos and BG end up recycling about 90 per cent of both the recovered fracking fluids and the big licks of water lifted from the top of the coal seam in a process that allows the gas to flow. More than half of that water ends up being used by local pastoralists.

And, finally, what of BHP and its very large, long-life, expandable, but currently pretty marginal, shale oil and gas business?

Study team

The global Australian, which does not operate or re-inject in Oklahoma, remains apparently ambivalent about the science but is working hard with a small cohort of other big operators and a study team from Stanford University to better understand what is going on down there.

"Linkages between the injection of water generated during shale oil and gas production into deep disposal wells and the occurrence of seismic activity are being studied by the scientific community and industry alike," BHP told me on Friday.

"BHP Billiton will continue to dispose of water only in approved wells and facilities and comply with relevant legislation where we operate. We will work with regulators and other stakeholders to better understand the issue and communicate our operating practices." 

This should not be interpreted to mean that BHP is taking any of this discussion lying down or for granted. Over its five years in the US shale sector, BHP has consistently reviewed the way it manages salt water disposal (salt is the core contaminant of water used in shale drilling).

Drawing on the experiences of the previous owners of its Fayettevile gas fields, that stretch into Arkansas where re-injection wells have been closed in the past because of quakes, BHP has worked consistently to improved its site-by-site seismic monitoring and is one of 17 shale majors that is sponsoring and assisting a Stanford task force whose opening gambit was to establish a platform of guidelines for more effective waste management.

This is a debate that cannot be allowed to get away from the industry and that requires transparent and informed certainty.

