Bristol IWW just Keeps on Winning!

Following up from our double victory at Your Lifestyle (see here and here), we are delighted to announce another win for a Fellow Worker, this time in the Bar and Hospitality sector.

A Fellow Worker (FW) worked for 5 weeks in the kitchens of Beefeater restaurant, next to the Bear Pit in the centre of Bristol. After he left he didn’t get paid, and then spent weeks chasing the company for the £797 they owed him with no luck. So, he turned to his union for support.

We assigned a caseworker who had the same first language as the FW, who got the details of the case and then contacted the company on his behalf. They did not reply so the FW, accompanied by another IWW caseworker, carried out a ‘demand delivery’ – hand delivering a letter to the company making it clear that we would start demonstrating outside the restaurant until the money was paid.

After some further correspondence, Beefeater eventually made an offer close to the amount the FW was looking for, and he decided to accept. Victory to the Fellow Worker with the support of his union – the Fighting IWW!

The Fellow Worker writes:

“Acabo de recibir la transferencia de Beefeater. Mil gracias por vuestro apoyo, interés , empatía e implicación. Siempre os estaré agradecido por todo lo que habeís hecho por mi. Da mucha alegría ver que la acción sindical funciona en este país. Un abrazo a todos/as.”

I have just received the bank transfer from Beefeater. Thank you very much for your support, interest, empathy and involvement. I will be always be grateful to you for everything you have done for me. It’s uplifting to see that syndicalist action in this country works. Hugs to all.”

Have you had problems with your employer? Or do you want to help support those who have?

Join the IWW today, and join the fight for a better, fairer deal between workers and bosses! We can train you to be a workplace organiser and a union rep, and support other members in disputes with their employers.


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  1. Workplace struggle: Deliveroo, 100 Wood Street and more… | Cautiously pessimistic

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