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Trump or Clinton: a choice between two forms of violence

12 things we can't ignore as America votes. - free thinking for the world

Trump or Clinton: a choice between two forms of violence

12 things we can't ignore as America votes. - free thinking for the world

What does the US presidential election mean?

Twelve thoughts on politics in the US.

How Britain became more European by trying to leave the European Union

By closing our borders and opting for austerity, we have embraced the most dubious aspects of the European Union in our attempt to leave it.

"Once you see the injustice in the world, you can't do anything else but this."

Generation Revolution follows the journey of Black Lives Matter activists in London, presenting a valuable new angle on the challenges they face in fighting for their rights on the streets.

Who are the enemies of the people?

The violent reaction of the media and some political figures to the High Court ruling on Brexit seems to have taken the UK into the territory of institutional hatred - and yet leading politicians have been slow to condemn it.  This matters a great deal, and Transparency International's Robert Barrington explains why.

Eight things I learned from two days talking to people in Palestine about the US election

From Israeli settlers to Palestinian refugees: what do people in the West Bank make of the US election?

The problem with the Quilliam Foundation

The Quilliam foundation's focus on radical Islam leaves equally dangerous far-right movements under-investigated.

Crowdfunding and access to justice

Should members of the public make up the access to justice deficit?

Why talking about an 'NHS tax' isn't brave at all

Norman Lamb, Liz Kendall, and Alan Milburn want the NHS to turn to various less progressive forms of taxation for its funding. Such proposals have a shoddy history.

Where is India under Modi headed?

If not Theresa May, the accompanying media ought to note the gross human rights violations and crackdowns on dissent that abound.

Disrupting capitalist democracy

Are platform co-ops key to building the future?

Yes, there is discrimination in Britain, that’s why I am leaving

Years of living in the UK has shown me that Britain is running with racism.

Thoughts from a Trump rally in New Hampshire

Attending a Donald Trump rally reveals the breadth of his appeal, and a politics that's going nowhere.

Hidden Warfare 1. Cyber

The UK agency would like to be known as on the front line defending UK interests from cyber attacks, rather than as an eavesdropping agency collecting data on individuals en masse.

Work makes you well? After 'austerity' comes complicity

This week the government announced new health and welfare plans to ‘help’ (or bully?) disabled and sick people. Why are the disability charities so quiet?

Re-shaping Britain must include the BBC

In the next few years, the UK’s constitution will be re-shaped. This includes the BBC. A new book, from openDemocracy and Commonwealth Publishing, rethinks what Britain in the 21st century needs from its public media.

The Media Monarchy: the press versus the 'people'

Theresa May may come to regret picking a fight with the law.

Why we need network analysis to understand the future of economics

Network analysis is the method of the future. That is not only – certainly not primarily – because we are ever more connected in some superficial social-media driven internet sort of way.

Foreword to ‘Is segregation increasing in the UK?’ by Ted Cantle and Eric Kauffman

"This report, authored by two of our country’s leading experts on social integration, uncovers a picture that is more segregated by ethnicity than many of us have cared to admit."

Is segregation on the increase in the UK?

Can mixed communities and a shared society in the UK become recognised as a desirable objective, supported by a strategy and policy framework?

Does Britain still uphold the rule of law?

Our hard-won rule of law is being squandered in the name of austerity and a narrow view of national security.

Prisons: places of harm and dehabilitation

Liz Truss promises penal reform but it places profits over people and punishment over rehabilitation.


Justice and Britain's democratic crisis

Why oD-UK launches openJustice, focusing on the dismantling UK justice system.

We need to rebalance the British economy

Britain's economy has deep, structural problems. Investment The proportion of GDP invested by the UK is lower than almost anywhere else in the world. Excluding intellectual property, the ratio ...

Officer anonymity threatens the integrity of the Pitchford Inquiry

Representatives of the Undercover Research Project examine the Metropolitan Police's applications for officer anonymity in the Pitchford Inquiry into 'spycop' activities.

Forget standing down in Richmond: parties shouldn’t have to make that choice

Parties shouldn't have to make deals to keep UKIP-backed Zac Goldsmith out of parliament.

An empire in decline: Hillary Clinton, Trump, ‘nasty women’ and Kabuki politics

Attend a Hillary Clinton rally, and see how limited the reach of the American establishment has become.

Autonomy and the case for legalising assisted suicide

Legalising assisted suicide doesn't just liberate us in death, but also in life.

An important new legal right is almost in reach

The recognition of Impress by the Press Regulation Panel is a significant step towards a vital new right in Britain.

The filibuster of the Turing Bill reminds us that homophobia is alive and well in Britain

The Conservative justice minister filibustered a bill to pardon the thousands of men convicted under legislation that criminalised homosexuality. This act lays bear the discrimination still faced by LGBT people in this country.

Councillors must look before they leap into secret NHS cuts plans

Jeremy Hunt can no longer pretend he's following 'the NHS's own plan'.  Expect fierce local battles ahead.

Moazzam Begg and The Confession, Part Two.

"Whatever you want to think about Moazzam Begg...  the film demands that you recognize that the rule of law, that quintessential British value, has not been exercised in our time."

Gavin MacFadyen (1940-2016): Why investigative journalism matters

The inspirational founder of the Centre for Investigative Journalism died on Saturday 22 October, 2016.  

Making the NHS a “hostile environment” for migrants demeans our country

What kind of country treats migrants like this?

Crying wolf?

A cavalier use of evidence in the UK’s latest Home Affairs Committee report is feeding a moral panic about antisemitism, rather than dealing with an increasingly racist, intolerant society.

Portrait of the artist and The Confession, Part One

An interview with the director of The Confession, Moazzam Begg’s story commissioned by BBC Storyville and the BFI - one of the most resonant modern stories for our times.

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