Pokémon Go prompts huge spike in Brisbane's free wi-fi usage

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This was published 8 years ago

Pokémon Go prompts huge spike in Brisbane's free wi-fi usage

By Cameron Atfield

Brisbane's free wi-fi system has seen a massive surge in the past month as mobile phone-wielding Pokémon trainers descended on the inner-city, the council has claimed.

The app-based phenomenon has also raised some legal questions for players and those who could find themselves interacting with them.

Pokémon Go users have caused a significant usage spike in Brisbane City Council's free wi-fi system.

Pokémon Go users have caused a significant usage spike in Brisbane City Council's free wi-fi system.Credit: Brendon Thorne

While other Australian cities had fielded complaints about Pokémon Go players congregating around sacred sites, such as war memorials and cemeteries, a Brisbane City Council spokeswoman said that had not been the case in the Queensland capital.

"Council does not have any records of complaints about Pokémon Go usage around the city, or any related public safety concerns," she said.

Queen Street Mall is one of Brisbane's most popular "PokéStops".

Queen Street Mall is one of Brisbane's most popular "PokéStops".Credit: Michelle Smith

The council's finance and economic development chairman, Krista Adams, said the biggest impact on the city had been the use of its free wi-fi over the past month or so.

"Since early July, council's wi-fi network has seen an estimated 25 per cent average increase in usage, with the most popular areas being Queen Street Mall and South Bank, which are reported as popular PokéStops," she said.

"As with any activity in these spaces, council reminds players to be aware of their surroundings and take all normal safety precautions, as well as be respectful of the public location and of other people in the space."

Cr Adams said the council encouraged Pokémon Go users to enjoy Brisbane's outdoors, but lawyers have warned of some pitfalls of the popular app, particularly away from public spaces.


Slater and Gordon lawyer Emma Aldersea said users had to be mindful where they were playing at all times.

"It's easy for people to be consumed by the excitement of new technology, but keep in mind that 'I spotted a rare Pokémon' is unlikely to be a lawful defence if you get into trouble in the real world," she said.

"The biggest legal risk for Pokémon Go trainers is the temptation of trespass, especially when Pokéstops are located on private property, such as schools or people's yards.

"The penalties for trespass vary from state to state, but fines can run into the thousands and imprisonment terms can be up to one year – remember: there will always be another Zubat."

Ms Aldersea said property owners also had to be careful when confronted by Pokémon Go users on their property.

"If someone enters your property without permission to catch Pokémon, you have the right to ask them to leave," she said.

"You can ask firmly, but it is a crime to threaten someone with violence, even if they are trespassing or threatening to set their Charizard on you.

"If they don't leave or you feel too intimidated to approach them, you should call the police, rather than taking matters into your own hands."

Brisbane injury compensation lawyer Mark O'Connor, from Bennett & Philp Lawyers, said accidents caused by distracted players could put them in hot water.

"A common complaint from people who are involved in accidents is that the driver who hit them was or was likely using their mobile phone," he said.

"I'm waiting for a new generation of cases where the offending driver was using Pokémon Go."

Ms Aldersea said trespassers in Queensland faced a maximum $2438 fine, or 12 months' imprisonment.

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