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In Language Production


Specialists in language translation

Translations are the building blocks to finding new markets for your organisation

SBS In Language translates a comprehensive range of client materials. These include user manuals, software localisation, Website and App translations, technical and legal documentation, education and training materials as well as marketing, medical and product-specific documents.

We have over 20 years of industry experience, enabling us to guarantee a consistent approach each time we work with you.

Which languages do we offer?

Our process

Using highly experienced NAATI-accredited translators, our translations are customised to the intended use of your material. We recognise that handing over the control of your content for translation can be daunting. We employ processes to ensure that the quality and integrity of your message is retained while making your deadline our priority.

Our highly regarded, specialist team includes ‘SBS preferred’, tested and accredited translators and project managers who are allocated to best suit your content.

We customise translations for their intended use by respecting and accurately interpreting the original source material
We have unrivalled access to a diverse pool of qualified language experts with NAATI Accreditation
We adhere to QMS protocols to ensure your project is successfully delivered to the highest standard, to your specifications

The right result in any language

We ensure your translations always achieve the right result by maintaining subtlety, nuance and character. A good language translation uses the right words, tone and formality to present your message the way it was intended.

We also offer Translation Checking and Back Translation services

We provide in-depth and impartial translation checking by a qualified translator. The checker ensures that the message of your text has been clearly conveyed and that the meaning, nuance and language level remains the same as your original document.

Back translation involves taking the translated version of a document or file and having a separate, independent translator (who has no prior knowledge of the original text) translate it back into the original language to ensure its accuracy.

Find out more about the difference between Translation checking and Back translation.