The story of 'the Canadian vaccine' that beat back Ebola

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CONAKRY, Guinea — When Alseny Conté’s wife developed a high fever and became sick in 2015, the farmer from Bouramaya, Guinea, became her caregiver. The 37-year-old spent days comforting her and cleaning up after her as she vomited blood and developed severe diarrhea — two markers of the dreaded Ebola virus.

When her condition worsened, a desperate Conté put his wife on the back of his motorcycle and left their tiny village of 50 thatch-roofed homes. He took her to a traditional healer. Then, fearing she was near death, he drove down bumpy red dirt roads to the home of her mother in a nearby village.

Soon, his wife had succumbed to Ebola, the deadly hemorrhagic fever that can cause its victims to bleed from the nose, the mouth and eyes as it quickly overwhelms their system.

The disease, which swept through West Africa in 2014 and 2015, not only killed Conté’s wife but infected her brother, who lived with their mother.

But despite his close contact with his dying wife, Conté remained healthy. The farmer had received the Ebola vaccine referred to as VSV-EBOV during clinical trials near his home.

He was one of 4,000 people who were given the experimental Canadian-made vaccine as part of the trial. Like many in Guinea who feared it would make them sick, his wife refused to take the vaccine.

Conté feared the vaccine, too, but was convinced it would protect him.  

Before they realized he had been vaccinated, health workers warned Conté that he would almost certainly become sick.

Ebola is spread through contact with the blood and bodily fluids of those sick with the disease. Health workers wearing protective gowns and masks began monitoring the West African farmer’s temperature twice a day. But, after 21 days, Conté didn’t have so much as a headache.

Bouboucar Diallo, an Ebola response surveillance co-ordinator with the World Health Organization in Guinea, was one of those keeping a close watch on the unfolding crisis. The internationally recognized expert in global health, a Canadian who attended the University of Winnipeg among other institutions, had a front-row view of the vaccine when it arrived in Guinea for clinical trials early in 2015.

He watched as its stunning interim results — which found the vaccine was as much as 100 per cent effective — made headlines around the world.

But it was the story of Alseny Conté – one Diallo now tells – that convinced him. If the vaccine really was highly effective, Diallo knew, Conté would not become sick despite being at high risk. The Guinean farmer’s experience spoke volumes.

“That is when I knew the vaccine worked.”

Guinea remains on high alert after being declared Ebola free in June. Reminders of the deadly virus that devastated this West African country are everywhere. Photo Elizabeth Payne

Guinea remains on high alert after being declared Ebola free in June.    Elizabeth Payne/Postmedia

Today, signs around the tropical capital of Conakry bear blood-red handprints and warn residents to remain vigilant. Chlorine solution hand-washing stations and temperature checks are ubiquitous.

It has been only weeks since Guinea was declared Ebola free — for a second time. But the deadly hemorrhagic fever that killed 11,315 people (more than 2,500 of them in Guinea), and caused a global health crisis in 2014 and 2015, continued to cast a long shadow as the Citizen recently visited the area.

The country of Guinea had never seen a case of the deadly virus when a two-year-old boy in the southern Nzérékoré region became sick and died in late 2013. He had been playing near a tree that was a roosting place for bats that might have been infected. Scientists believe the virus was transmitted to humans through contact with the bats or other wildlife or indirectly through contaminated fruit. The virus spread from there, but it wasn’t identified as Ebola until March 2014.

In the wake of the disease’s great human toll, Ebola survivors have struggled with stigma and post-traumatic stress, as charities scramble to help a generation of orphans.

“I didn’t know life would be like this,” said 16-year-old Ebola survivor Alice Koundounou, weeping, during an interview.

Alice Koundouno lost 15 relatives, including her mother and father, a doctor, to Ebola.

Alice Koundouno lost 15 relatives, including her mother and father, a doctor, to Ebola. Youssouf Bah

Fifteen members of Koundounou’s family died from the disease, including her father, a doctor who treated Ebola patients. Today, Koundounou, who lives in Gueckedou, one of the hardest-hit areas of the country, has been taken in by a friend, but is shunned by many in her neighbourhood and has no way of supporting herself, or paying for school.

Her story is not unusual here.

But amid the trauma, there is a wary optimism that the disease that caused so much damage in West Africa and the world has lost its sting thanks largely to the as-yet-unlicensed vaccine known as Vesicular Stomatitis Virus-Ebola Virus vaccine, or VSV-EBOV.

In Guinea, it is known as the Canadian vaccine.


The vaccine was rushed into the country as part of an extraordinary clinical trial that began in March 2015, about a year after Ebola was confirmed in Guinea before moving to neighbouring Sierra Leone and Liberia, where the death tolls quickly mounted.

Initially, the vaccine was greeted with suspicion. Despite their fears of the unknown, though, thousands of Guineans put out their arms.

“It wasn’t easy,” said Mohamed Soumah, the first Guinean to receive the vaccine. “People in the village said it was going to kill me. I was afraid.”

Mohamed Soumah, 27 years old, was the first person to receive the Ebola vaccine. "It wasn't easy. People in the village said that the injection was to kill me. I was afraid. I was the first one to be injected, the very first, here in my village on 23 March 2015. I've been monitored for 3 months and I've had no problems. The last follow-up, 84 days after the vaccination, was all clear". Mohamed Soumah, 27, the first person to be vaccinated in the Ebola vaccine trial. "It wasn't easy, I can't say I wasn't afraid, I was afraid. People in the village were saying that the injection was to kill me. I was the first one to be injected, the very first, here in my village on March 23. 44 people were vaccinated. I had fever after the vaccination, it worried me a bit, but they warned me that would happen and it didn't last long. I've been monitored for three months and I've had no problems. The last follow up, 84 days after the vaccination, was all clear". The World Health Organisation is running phase III clinical trials for Ebola virus disease vaccine in Guinea. The technique being used is "ring vaccination" which was used in the 1970s to eradicate smallpox. CREDIT WHO

Mohamed Soumah, 27, was the first person to receive the Ebola vaccine.    World Health Organization Sean Hawkey / Sean Hawkey

It was perhaps simply the lesser of two evils, for many.

Ebola itself had been met with terror and superstition in many of Guinea’s villages. Some villagers blamed health workers for spreading the disease. In one remote community, health workers were hacked to death by villagers with machetes and clubs. At another, villagers guarded the roads, refusing to allow anyone to enter.

UNICEF and other organizations say their vehicles were regularly pelted with rocks throughout the epidemic. Education campaigns attempted to raise awareness about the disease to help prevent its spread and also to end stigma against survivors, but low literacy levels, superstition and panic made it often difficult to get messages across about proper burial methods, hygiene and stigma. Anthropologists and community workers were enlisted to help get some of those messages across.

Co-ordinated by the World Health Organization, the vaccine trial employed the same ring vaccination strategy that was used to eradicate smallpox in the 1970s. Contacts were vaccinated in a “ring” around an infected person, and then their contacts were also vaccinated.

Two groups were vaccinated with the Canadian-developed VSV-EBOV vaccine. The first group received the vaccine as soon as exposure to Ebola was determined. The control group was vaccinated 21 days after exposure. The trials were supported by the governments of Norway and Canada, including Public Health Agency of Canada, Global Affairs Canada, International Development Research Centre and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Other vaccine trials, using other strategies, were conducted, including with a second promising vaccine, in the two other West African countries hit by Ebola. The Canadian-developed vaccine was also tested in Sierra Leone.

The Guinean trial, called Ebola ça suffit (Ebola, that’s enough), was the first of its magnitude to be undertaken in the former French colony during an epidemic. It was a point of pride for many Guineans.

After just four months, in July 2015, interim results of the trial were published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet.

They showed a single dose of the vaccine was up to 100 per cent effective in protecting against Ebola after 10 days. The results made global headlines and the WHO declared the world was “on the verge of a highly effective Ebola vaccine.”

Stephen McGurk, acting president at the International Development Research Centre and a vice-president, programs and partnership, a key Canadian participant in the Guinea vaccine trials, calls the results extraordinary.

“Having a successful trial in a critical disease is extremely rare. Under emergency conditions to have a trial as successful as this one — with 100 per cent efficacy — is once in a lifetime.

“The significance of this vaccine cannot be overstated.”

How did scientists in the centre of Canada, a country that has never had a single case of Ebola, help wrestle the deadly disease to the ground?

It began with an “ah-ha” moment in a Winnipeg lab and some curiously healthy mice.

The mice were part of research led by Dr. Heinz Feldmann, who was hired by the Public Health Agency of Canada in 1999 as high containment expert. He was a star acquisition for the agency, according to its former scientific director general, Dr. Frank Plummer.

Dr. Frank Plummer, scientific director of Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory.

Dr. Frank Plummer, former scientific director of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory. JOHN WOODS / THE CANADIAN PRESS

Feldmann arrived in Winnipeg with plans to build a high-containment reference centre for the Public Health Agency of Canada — one that could handle the kind of testing that required a Level 4 lab. He also planned to study Ebola, Marburg and other neglected diseases. Developing a vaccine was not on his radar.

He brought with him a number of systems with which to do research. One used a live animal virus — vesicular stomatitis virus — that causes blister-like sores in the mouth and on the feet of animals, but has little to no effect on humans.

In nature, viruses latch on to cells and inject their genetic material into them. Scientists have figured out how to take advantage of this by taking a virus such as VSV and inserting portions of other genetic material in them. The carrier virus then carries that foreign material to the cells.

In this case, the VSV glycoprotein was replaced with that of the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus — the one that ravaged West Africa.  

The genetically engineered virus could then be used to study the function of the Ebola virus glycoprotein as well as trigger an immune response in a body as if that body had contracted Ebola.

Feldmann said genetically modified VSV offered a means to study the role of the Ebola glycoprotein during infection without the special security otherwise needed to work with the live Ebola virus.

His team was interested in studying just how Ebola’s surface protein — which helps a virus attach to a host cell — works, and as well as to determine its toxicity.

During that research, something unexpected happened.

The scientists exposed mice to the genetically modified VSV to observe the effect of the Ebola glycoprotein on them. But, rather than becoming sick, the mice remained healthy.

The team began wondering whether exposing them to the Ebola glycoprotein in a VSV vector had in fact primed their immune systems against Ebola.

The team got permission to conduct a “challenge” experiment on the mice, to see if they were protected against live Ebola virus infection.

They soon had their answer: The mice remained healthy. They were protected.

Canada’s Ebola vaccine was born.

So there it was. Years before the deadly West Africa outbreak, when many Canadians had never heard of Ebola, work was already underway in Winnipeg to better understand whether the experimental vaccine might someday be a real weapon against the disease.

However, before the West African Ebola epidemic became a global health emergency, there was limited interest in Ebola research.

Heinz Feldmann, former head the special pathogens program at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, had no plans to create an Ebola vaccine when he arrived in Winnipeg in 1999. He calls the vaccine he helped develop a great success, but warns that it is too soon to declare Ebola defeated. Photo courtesy U.S. National Institutes of Health

Heinz Feldmann had no plans to create an Ebola vaccine when he arrived in Winnipeg in 1999. 

Plummer routinely fended off questions from within the federal bureaucracy about the value of Ebola research, something he calls a “low level constant battle.”

“Why are you doing Ebola research? We don’t have Ebola in Canada,” Plummer says he was often asked.

He successfully made the case that the research was part of the lab’s mandate, and important.

The work continued, said Plummer, a recipient of the prestigious Gairdner prize for his groundbreaking research on HIV in Africa, “because the scientists were insistent and because I pushed it.” 

Growing concerns about bioterrorism after 9/11 also meant there was a new source of funding for Ebola research through the Department of National Defence and more interest.

International efforts helped, too.

VSV-EBOV was tested on non-human primates at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Maryland by Thomas Geisbert. A 2005 Nature Medicine paper written by Feldmann, Steven Jones and Ute Stroher, all of the Winnipeg lab (whose names all appear on the patent), as well as Geisbert  and others, found a single injection of Ebola and Marburg vaccines built on the VSV platform offered “completely protective immune response in nonhuman primates.”

The experimental vaccine then had its first, ad hoc, human test. A German lab researcher stuck herself with a needle that had been used on an Ebola-infected animal in 2010. Since there was no other treatment available, Winnipeg shipped a batch of the vaccine to Germany where it was administered to the lab worker. She didn’t get Ebola, but it wasn’t clear whether that meant the experimental vaccine worked, or whether she was infected in the first place.

Nonetheless, Kobinger called that an important moment for the vaccine, because the researcher suffered no serious side effects.

“From then on, there was an understanding that the vaccine was really potent in animals and, based on this one use, the side effects were not severe.”

It would, still, be four years before Phase 1 clinical tests on humans would begin – after the West African Ebola outbreak was well underway.

The vaccine was patented by the Public Health Agency of Canada and licensed to the small U.S. pharmaceutical company, NewLink Genetics, in 2010.

It was sitting on a shelf when the Ebola outbreak began in West Africa.

The Ebola vaccine is now being celebrated as “a Canadian success story,” in the words of Alain Beaudet, head of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

“The Canadian-made Ebola vaccine was a significant achievement,” he wrote. “Our country moved as fast as possible, while maintaining the integrity of the scientific process, and co-ordinating our efforts with international partners. Most importantly, Canada’s vaccine has proven itself to be effective, and holds the promise of saving many lives in the future.”

But the process has its critics.

Amir Attaran, a former Canada Research Chair in law, population health and global development policy at the University of Ottawa, says the federal government’s failure to push development of the vaccine more quickly cost lives in West Africa.

Amir Attaran says Canada's slow action cost lives in Guinea.

Amir Attaran says Canada’s slow action cost lives in Guinea.

Canada, he says, should have pressed NewLink to live up to its agreement and develop the vaccine, or should have taken it back.

“We, I think, are, more than any other nation in the world, to blame for this, because we were the only nation to possess what has since proved to be a very effective vaccine,” he said. “The vaccine languished without clinical trials until well after the epidemic was well underway.”

Attaran was not the only one to express concern that the small company didn’t have the experience to get the vaccine tested and into use. NewLink obtained the licence for the Canadian vaccine at a time when there was no interest from Big Pharma in Ebola vaccines.

In October 2014, NewLink CEO Dr. Charles Link told The Canadian Press: “There haven’t been any delays. We couldn’t go any faster without really doing things dangerously.”

Eventually, under pressure from the World Health Organization and others, NewLink entered into a licensing agreement with Merck, a giant in the pharmaceutical industries with a long history of vaccine production.

Merck officials, at the time, told The Canadian Press they didn’t see development of the vaccine as a commercial opportunity but a public health obligation.

NewLink’s CEO Dr. Charles Link said Merck’s expertise and history made it an ideal partner “to expedite the development” of the vaccine.

Despite the criticisms, those who worked on the VSV-EBOV note that vaccine development normally takes decades and that this was developed in a fraction of that time — about 12 months from initial testing on humans to demonstrating its safety and efficacy in what has been called a race against time.

Vaccine development is a complex process. It usually takes 10-15 years, or more, to insure a vaccine is safe and effective after its initial development. Only if it progresses through each stage successfully can it continue to be tested.

Vaccine development and testing is both time-consuming and costly. Once the vaccine receives initial approval for testing, it must undergo three phases of testing: Phase I, involving a small group of adults, to test its safety and try to determine the extent of immune response. Phase II, including a larger group of participants in randomized and controlled trials that include a placebo group, and Phase III trials, which typically involve thousands or tens of thousands of test subjects and tests whether the candidate vaccine is protective against a pathogen.

Testing a vaccine for a deadly virus that, historically, has appeared in short-lived outbreaks, is many times more difficult than for a disease, such as measles or polio, which is endemic.

The rapid development and testing of the experimental VSV-EBOV in response to the Ebola crisis, is considered extraordinary.

These vaccine storage devices use jet fuel to keep the right temperature for as long as five days in the field.

These vaccine storage devices use jet fuel to keep the right temperature for as long as five days in the field. Sean Hawkey / Sean Hawkey

“I think it is an incredible achievement that came out of Canada,” said Plummer, who headed the Public Health Agency of Canada’s labs when the vaccine research was underway and shepherded the vaccine development. Plummer, who currently acts as special adviser to the chief public health officer, calls it “the most important thing Canada has done for public health for a very long time.”

Feldmann said he also would have liked funding for clinical trials sooner, but defends the federal government’s action on the vaccine.

“At the time of (vaccine) development happened, we had other public health issues. You could not have justified putting millions or billions into Ebola research at the time with all the other public health problems — chronic disease in particular — that you have to deal with in a developed country.”

Still, Feldmann warns the world risks learning no lesson from the deadly Ebola outbreak if it fails to better prepare for future outbreaks of other neglected diseases.

By late spring 2014, it was becoming clear that the West Africa epidemic was different than any the world had seen before. By March 2014, Ebola had killed 59 people in Guinea. By August, the WHO declared the outbreak an international health emergency. By then, 1,000 people, mainly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, were dead and the toll was climbing. At its height, there were 100 new cases a week in Guinea. 

A football fan holds a placard reading "Stop Ebola in Africa" ahead of the 2015 African Cup of Nations group A football match between Equatorial Guinea and Congo at Bata Stadium in Bata on Saturday.

A football fan holds a placard reading “Stop Ebola in Africa” ahead of the 2015 African Cup of Nations group A football match between Equatorial Guinea and Congo at Bata Stadium in Bata on Saturday. AFP/Getty Images

Dr. Remy Lamah, a military physician who had the misfortune of being appointed Guinea’s health minister just before the epidemic began, admitted to the Citizen at his office in a military hospital that he had only ever read about Ebola in books until then.

Lamah was not alone.

Ebola, which was first identified in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Sudan in 1976, had been mainly limited to smaller, but deadly, outbreaks in a few countries in central and eastern Africa before it was identified in Guinea. It had never been seen in Guinea, which contributed to the delay in identifying it and its eventual spread.

Fear of the newly raging disease, for which there was no treatment or cure, caused panic in the country. In 2014, eight members of a health worker team trying to raise awareness about Ebola were killed by villagers using machetes and clubs in rural Guinea.

Global health officials were focused on controlling Ebola. Guinea was the source of the epidemic, but it was not the worst hit. Feldmann recalls the chaos in the Liberian capital of Monrovia where there were bodies lining the streets during the height of the outbreak.

“What (Ebola) can do to an individual we knew, but we had never had an outbreak of that massive proportion. This really gave an idea of what this virus can do to society and public health, not just the individual.”

Initial clinical trials of VSV-EBOV began in late 2014. In Halifax, one site of the Phase 1 trial to test its safety on humans, researchers were overwhelmed with volunteers, many of whom said they wanted to do what they could to help fight the epidemic after seeing news reports about the crisis in West Africa.

The Public Health Agency of Canada pioneered the use of portable high containment labs that could be transported to the site of outbreaks for faster diagnosis and better surveillance.

Public health efforts helped reduce the death rate from up to 90 per cent in previous outbreaks, to closer to 50 per cent, with medical care, public education and surveillance efforts. That meant, for the first time, there were significant numbers of Ebola survivors, many of whom now face continuing health and social challenges.

Even with the results of the 2015 vaccine trials in Guinea, there is more research to be done before the vaccine’s manufacturer, Merck & Co., applies for a licence, expected in late 2017. GAVI, the vaccine alliance founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has already signed a deal to buy 300,000 doses of the vaccine to stockpile against future outbreaks, once that licence has been obtained.

Last month, the vaccine was granted “breakthrough therapy designation” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and priority status with the European Medicines Agency, which should accelerate its development.

Meanwhile, the still-unlicensed vaccine is available on a compassionate basis to help keep any future outbreaks in check. It was used that way earlier this year when Ebola resurfaced in Guinea after the country was initially declared Ebola free last December.

Health officials from Guinea and the WHO swooped in to the southern region of the country with hundreds of vaccines after new cases were reported.

from Guinea. This one credits Youssouf Bah – a health worker prepares the Canadian Ebola vaccine

A health worker prepares the Canadian Ebola vaccine.   Youssouf Bah/Postmedia Youssouf Bah

The sexual transmission of Ebola from a survivor was the source of the March 2016 flareup in Guinea, adding a new level of concern about the disease, and stigma for survivors.

The vaccine acted as a kind of fire hose to stop the disease. Nine people became sick in the flare-up, eight of whom died, but it was contained relatively quickly. On June 1, the country was declared Ebola free for a second time. Guinea, meanwhile, has asked Canada to help increase its stock of the experimental vaccine, fearing that the 10,000 vaccines it has would not be enough if there is another outbreak.

The use of the vaccine as an emergency tool marks the first time there has been such a weapon against Ebola.

That is how Feldmann pictured the vaccine he helped develop being used.

“I think that is a great success,” he said. “This was the idea of this vaccine. To see this happening and being used in this fashion is exactly what we had envisioned.”

He warns, though, that it is too soon to declare Ebola defeated. “Nature always finds a way to beat us.”

Dr. Gary Kobinger, who became head of the special pathogens program in Winnipeg after Feldmann moved to the U.S. Centres for Disease Control’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories in 2008, goes further.

“Ebola is a done deal as far as I am concerned,” he says bluntly.

Gary Kobinger.

Gary Kobinger. Christopher Black / CP

Kobinger also worked on a still experimental anti-viral treatment for Ebola called ZMapp, developed in both Winnipeg and the U.S.

He points to a future in which, for the first time, both treatment for and vaccines against Ebola are available. He now heads the Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases at Laval University.

“There will be better vaccines and better treatments coming out, but at the minimum, VSV-EBOV and ZMapp will be present at the next outbreak (of the Zaire strain of the virus, which cause the 2014 West African outbreak), and thus we will never see another Zaire (Ebola virus disease) outbreak where we all feel powerless or frustrated for not being able to do more.”

Canadian scientists also played a key role in the development of one of the experimental anti-viral medicines used on some patients. The experimental drug ZMapp was co-developed in Canada and the United States.

Some of the scientists who worked on Ebola research are viewed as heroes. At a recent talk in Ottawa, Kobinger was greeted by a starstruck seven-year-old who read about his work in a children’s magazine and wanted an autograph.

Kobinger still chokes up when he recalls another instance, meeting a health worker who was treated with ZMapp and survived Ebola. She wanted to meet him to say thank you.

“It was the most important moment,” Kobinger said. “That was a great moment.”

The West African Ebola outbreak focused the world’s attention on the need for faster, more agile systems to develop treatments against emerging epidemics to avoid being behind the curve again, the way the world was with Ebola.

There are already ideas in the works, including one that proposes production facilities in Canada, Nigeria and India to produce anti-viral treatments and, perhaps, vaccines.

Canadian scientists did everything right when it came to producing the Ebola vaccine, said Dr. Jeremy Carver, president of the Toronto-based International Consortium on Anti-Virals, but the process stumbled when it came to production.

“We don’t have the infrastructure in Canada to deliver on that research. If we had a facility, we would have been there at the beginning of the outbreak,” said Carver.

Still, Canada “punched above its weight” when it came to the vaccine, its work on ZMapp and other help it offered to treat people and fight the Ebola outbreak, said Marc Ouelette, scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Infection and Immunity.

“I know there has been criticism, but I think on the big picture, we punched above our weight for the Ebola crisis in general. We can be proud of what we achieved.”

The people of Guinea played a crucial role in helping to get research out of a lab in Winnipeg to what could become the world’s first licensed vaccine against Ebola.

The successful 2015 vaccine trial, conducted in a country beset with panic and rumours about Ebola, has been described as Guinea’s gift to the world.

Guinea’s former health minister, Lamah, says it is also Canada’s gift.

Dr. Remy Lamah, a military physician who was appointed Guinea's health minister just before the epidemic began, had only ever read about Ebola in books before the first cases were confirmed in what would turn into the biggest outbreak the world had ever seen. Photo Youssouf Bah

Dr. Remy Lamah, a military physician who was appointed Guinea’s health minister just before the epidemic began. Youssouf Bah/Postmedia

“Thanks to the Canadian government, on behalf of the government of Guinea, on behalf of all Guineans. We recognize your people for the great service you have rendered to Guinea.”

In a small Guinean village, a man who received the vaccine expressed his thanks in a different way.

He recently showed reporters a map of Canada that he had carved out of wood and displayed in his living room.

“Because Canada saved my life.”


Citizen reporter Elizabeth Payne travelled to Guinea to research the impact of the Canadian-developed Ebola vaccine, VSV-EBOV. Her research was supported by a travel grant from the International Development Research Centre. The centre funds research in developing countries to promote growth, reduce poverty and to drive large-scale positive change.


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