Group of Hezbollah Fighters Hit By Missile While Tailgaiting

I wonder what NFL team they were supporting. WARNING: Multiple “Allah snackbars.”

US Intel Chief Blames Climate Change For Rise Of ISIS…


Yeah, no.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper claimed that progressing Earth warming is a driver of global terrorism, warning that it will keep fueling instability worldwide long after the most notorious contemporary extremist group, Daesh (also known as the Islamic state/ISIL) is defeated.

Speaking about global threats on intelligence summit in Washington, Clapper explained that decrease in the resources like food and water caused by climate change will lead to mounting socio-economical tensions worldwide with people resorting to arms to get crucial life supplies. This would put additional pressure on governments, which will have to struggle to control national borders, respond to inner and outer threats.

“I think climate change is going to be an underpinning for a lot of national security issues,” he said.

The climate change consequences will lead to “the cycle of extremism [to] continue for the foreseeable future,” Clapper said, adding that when Daesh is crushed, new terrorist groups will keep emerging.
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British SAS Sniper Killed ISIS Terror Leader Who Was About To Incinerate Hostages With a Flame Thrower…


A fiery karma for the barbarian and his camera crew.
Via Daily Mail:

A British sniper took out a feared ISIS executioner as he prepared to murder several hostages by shooting a fuel tank on his back and incinerating him.
The SAS marksman fired a single round from his Barrett .50 calibre sniper rifle at the terrorist, who was about to use a flame thrower to kill 12, from 1,500m. The bullet hit the flame thrower’s fuel tank and caused a huge fireball, also killing three other ISIS members who were ready to film the execution.

A source told the Daily Star Sunday how the rescue operation took place in a tiny village near Raqqa, Syria, earlier this month. Shortly after the explosion, the prisoners – thought to be civilians – were freed by British and US special forces.

The ISIS executioner killed in the mission is said to have been on a US ‘kill list’ for several months, due to his method of slaughtering prisoners by burning them alive.
The source told the newspaper: “The SAS team moved into an overwatch position above a village where they were told the execution was going to take place.

“Up to 12 civilians were going to be murdered – eight men and four women. They were suspected of being spies. “The executioner gave some sort of rambling speech over a loud hailer then when he finished the SAS sniper opened fire.’

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Lawyer For Bill Cosby Blames Racism For Rape Accusations…


Just a tad desperate.

Via Law Newz:

Lawyers for Bill Cosby claim racism is fueling the sexual assault allegations against him.

“Mr. Cosby is no stranger to discrimination and racial hatred,” his lawyers said in a statement. They took special aim at lawyer Gloria Allred, who represents over 30 of Cosby’s alleged victims. “When the media repeats her accusations—with no evidence, no trial and no jury—we are moved backwards as a country and away from the America that our civil rights leaders sacrificed so much to create.”

His legal team says Allred is using racial bias to gin up a case against Cosby.

The 79-year-old comedian faces a June 2017 trial for the alleged sexual assault of Andrea Constand at his Pennsylvania home. It’s the only claim that has led to criminal charges, but over 50 women have stepped forward with similar stories. Prosecutors want 13 of them to testify.

French President Hollande Calls for France to ‘Embrace’ Islam


It doesn’t matter what you do. Islam has already embraced France because of your policies.
Via Daily Mail:

Islam can co-exist with secularism, President Francois Hollande said Thursday, warning in a speech seen as preparing the ground for a re-election bid that the anti-terror fight should not undermine French values.

The deeply unpopular Hollande has yet to announce whether he will run for a second term next year, but is widely expected to be a candidate.

In a passionate plea for tolerance, he defended the country’s Muslim minority following a vitriolic debate on the banning of the Islamic burkini swimsuit.

‘Nothing in the idea of secularism opposes the practice of Islam in France, provided it respects the law,’ Hollande said.

Secularism was not a ‘state religion’ to be used against other religions, he said in the speech in Paris, denouncing the ‘stigmatisation of Muslims’.

Mayors in around 30 towns this summer cited France’s century-old secular laws in banning head-to-toe swimwear on their beaches, unleashing a furore.

Several of the towns later revoked the bans after France’s highest administrative court ruled they were a ‘serious’ violation of basic freedoms.

Hollande rejected calls by conservatives, including his arch-rival, former president Nicolas Sarkozy, for the state to ban the burkini, saying it would be ‘unconstitutional’.

Asking whether Islam could co-exist with secularism, like Christianity and Judaism, he insisted: ‘My answer is yes, certainly.’

‘The question the Republic must answer is: Is it really ready to embrace a religion that it did not expect to be this big over a century ago? There too, my answer is yes, certainly.’

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Overnight Open Thread: The Lost Men Under The Fallen Towers And The Marines Who Found Them

Jason Thomas and David Karnes, who both were Marines, came to help, Karnes driving in from Connecticut.

Flashback Tweet Of Night: Hillary: What We Need In A President Is Rock Solid Steadiness…

Three days ago:

Video: U.S. Airstrike Takes Out ISIS Sniper Nest In Libya…

Double tap.

Watch All The People Hillary Hugged And Kissed After ‘Diagnosis Of Pneumonia’

Walking pneumonia can be contagious and between the ceremony today and the Barbra Streisand event on Friday night, she was among hundreds of people.

Today, including Chuck Schumer and Bill De Blasio.

She also hugged a little girl outside Chelsea’s apartment earlier today.

Friday night:

Prison Inmates Forced To Watch Hillary Nomination Speech, Trump’s Blacked Out


No problem there…

Via Washington Times:

Federal convicts told a judge they were forced to watch Hillary Clinton’s convention speech at the federal prison where they’re being held — but said the prison imposed a blackout on Donald Trump’s speech, tuning the facility’s televisions to other channels.

The felons are trying to join the federal case against President Obama’s 2014 deportation amnesty, saying that Mr. Obama is discriminating against U.S. citizens caught breaking the law by punishing them, even as he attempts to grant work permits and taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal immigrants.

In filings in a federal court in Texas, the four female convicts — one of whom, in a bizarre twist, is serving time for smuggling illegal immigrants — said they need to be set free to fight their case. They said prison officials and other inmates are targeting them for their political beliefs, and particularly their support for Mr. Trump, the GOP presidential nominee.

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Worst Left Takes On Hillary’s ‘Pneumonia’: It “Humanizes” Her, She’s ‘Heroic’


Alrighty now. Yes, she was so heroic when she hugged a little girl this morning and stood next to hundreds of people, if she had pneumonia.


HT: Twitchy

David Shuster: DNC Operatives Say Will Be Holding Meeting To Consider Replacement, If Needed

Now, we report what he is saying with the proviso that Shuster is a hack, so we don’t necessarily place a lot of weight on his word.

But be on the look out if there are any other signs like this. They have to be wondering where they are at with her at this point.

Female Progressive Writer On Hillary ‘Medical Episode’: Male Media Don’t Appreciate Affect Of Heat On Women


Melissa McEwan who has written for the Guardian and Blue Nation Review tried to explain Hillary’s issue as ‘women being more sensitive to heat’, when the initial explanation was that Hillary was ‘overheated’.


So it’s men’s fault that they don’t understand women, not any problem of Hillary’s. How dare we treat this collapse as ‘unusual’.

What will be her ‘excuse’, now that it’s ‘pneumonia’?

Unbelievable: Obama Moves ‘Moment Of Silence’ At Pentagon 9/11 Ceremony Because He Was Impatient


Nothing is more important than what he wants.

Via Daily Caller:

A moment of silence remembering the September 11 victims at a Pentagon memorial service began early in order to accommodate a restless President Obama, a Department of Defense official told The Daily Caller.

A source close to the situation told TheDC that Obama arrived early to the memorial service — which took place at the Pentagon — and wanted to get things started early.

A Department of Defense official confirmed that the moment of silence was moved up a few minutes and that Obama was the one who made the decision, saying the president “moved early.”

The moment of silence was originally slotted to take place at 9:37 AM — the time at which the Pentagon was attacked on September 11 — but ended up taking place a few minutes early.

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Doctor Now Claims Hillary Has Pneumonia…


Ever-changing narrative.

Via WaPo:

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fell ill during a memorial service marking the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and left abruptly, inserting new speculation about her health into a presidential campaign in which Republican Donald Trump has called her weak and unfit.

Video of Clinton’s hurried departure from the Ground Zero memorial showed her buckling and stumbling as she got into her van. Clinton’s campaign issued a statement from her doctor later Sunday revealing that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier

The video, circulated on Twitter, appeared to show Clinton, 68, flanked by several Secret Service agents who are regulars on her detail, leaning against a security bollard while agents prepare to help her into a black van. As she steps forward, Clinton can be seen falling as agents help lift her into the van.

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BREAKING: Emergency At ABQ Airport, Parts Evacuated…UPDATE: All Clear…


NEW MEXICO — Parts of the Albuquerque International Sunport were evacuated on Sunday–on the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11.

“Security checkpoint closed. No passengers being permitted in or out of concourse. Working to resolve situation. We ask for your patience,” the airport said on social media. “Situation ongoing. Updates provided as information becomes available. Thank you for your patience. Safety of passengers is first priority.”

The incident is due to a suspicious package found at a checkpoint, KRQE reported.

Few details were available.

Albuquerque International Sunport is a public airport 3 miles southeast of downtown Albuquerque, in Bernalillo County, New Mexico.



Poll: Trump, Hillary Deadlocked In Four Battleground States…


Retake the poll tomorrow while Hillary is on shaky ground.

Via Washington Times:

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and GOP rival Donald Trump are virtually deadlocked in a quartet of battleground states, according to a poll released Sunday.

The NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll gives the Republican real estate mogul a slight edge in red-leaning Arizona and Georgia, and has Mrs. Clinton up by 1 percentage point in blue-ish Nevada and New Hampshire.

Mr. Trump leads Mrs. Clinton, the former secretary of state, by 1 percentage point — 42 percent to 41 percent — among likely voters in Arizona, which the GOP has carried in each presidential contest since 2000, and by 3 percentage points — 46 percent to 43 percent — in Georgia, which has gone in for the Republican in every election since 1996.

In Nevada, which President Obama won in 2008 and 2012, Mrs. Clinton is up by 1 percentage point — 45 percent to 44 percent — and in New Hampshire, which Mr. Obama also carried both times, her lead is just 42 percent to 41 percent.

The pollsters said the results in each of the states, gathered Sept. 6-8, are within the margin of error, underscoring how important the homestretch to Nov. 8 will be.

“As we enter the final lap of this very unconventional election, it would not be surprising if the electoral map in the end has new contours,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “Any of these four states could awaken a fault line in what is looking more and more like a shake-up election with more states being up for grabs.”

The results remain close when Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein are included, though Nevada flips to a 1 percentage-point edge for Mr. Trump.

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Secret Service Broke Protocol During Clinton’s Early Departure ‘Medical Episode’ From 9/11 Event

Via WaPo:

The U.S. Secret Service appears to have broken its own protocol with Hillary Clinton’s early departure from Sunday’s commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks at Ground Zero.

In a widely circulated video of the Democratic presidential nominee’s departure from the ceremony, Clinton can be seen leaning against a security bollard and then buckling and stumbling as her security detail helps her into a black van.

According to a former Secret Service agent who reviewed the video, the detail was clearly rushing and did not expect for Clinton to leave at that time. The former agent noted that it is against Secret Service protocol for the protected individual to wait for a car to arrive. In the video, Clinton is leaning against the bollard as a black van pulls up.

It is also unusual for a detail leader to leave the protected individual’s side, as a Secret Service agent, Todd Madison, is seen doing in the video, to open the van’s doors. Opening the van is the site agent’s job, according to the former agent; the detail leader’s proper position is next to Clinton. The agent may have had little choice given the rushed nature of the departure.

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What The Benghazi Attack Taught Me About Hillary Clinton

This is from Gregory Hicks, who was deputy chief of mission in Libya and whose testimony was critical of Hillary Clinton.

Via Fox News:

Last month, I retired from the State Department after 25 years of public service as a Foreign Service officer. As the Deputy Chief of Mission for Libya, I was the last person in Tripoli to speak with Ambassador Chris Stevens before he was murdered in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on our Benghazi post. On this, the fourth anniversary of the Benghazi tragedy, I would like to offer a different explanation for Benghazi’s relevance to the presidential election than is usually found in the press.

Just as the Constitution makes national security the President’s highest priority, U.S. law mandates the secretary of state to develop and implement policies and programs “to provide for the security … of all United States personnel on official duty abroad.”

This includes not only the State Department employees, but also the CIA officers in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012. And the Benghazi record is clear: Secretary Clinton failed to provide adequate security for U.S. government personnel assigned to Benghazi and Tripoli.

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Chicago Man, Unhappy With Police Coverage, Hires Private Patrols Of Off-Duty Cops…


Gun-free zones signs weren’t working.

Via CBS Chicago:

A Chicago man, fed up and frustrated with what he says is the rising crime in his neighborhood, takes matters into his own pocketbook — shelling out thousands to pay for private street security.

Security firm owner Howard Greer, also a Chicago cop, patrols the 1100 block of North LaSalle. It’s his off-duty job, paid for by this De Mudd.

“I’ve been watching my neighborhood deteriorate over the last couple of years,” Mudd says.

Police, he says, couldn’t keep up. So, Greer and fellow off-duty officers now walk the Gold Coast pocket with guns and handcuffs — six days a week, eight hours a day.

The biggest problems here? Drug dealing, prostitution and loitering.

“It’s like a supplement, supplement to crime fighting, supplement to police department,” Greer explains. “I think it’s very effective.”

It’s not cheap. Mudd says he’s paid $5,000 since mid-August and anticipates spending $50,000.

“I have the means. I’ve been very fortunate,” he says.

Mudd doesn’t blame police and, in fact, sympathizes with them. He also talked to his alderman before hiring Greer’s firm.

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HT: Wirecutter