
Foundry Group Investments

Drones, Drones and Drones

I’m really excited about our latest investment in 3DRobotics.  In short, they are developing the leading technology platform and community around Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).  The official Foundry post is here. I think that most people hear the word “drone” and picture war machines, Terminator movies, “Big Brother” surveillance and other uses that make many…

Sympoz Launches Programs on Starting Companies

One of our portfolio companies, Sympoz has announced the launch of their programs targeting startup entrepreneurs.  Even better, the series stars some of my favorite people in startup land:  my partner Brad Feld, along with Brad Bernthal of the University of Colorado Law School and Mike Platt , partner at Cooley LLP.  We teach you everything that…

Organic Motion Powers Avatar Exhibit at Seattle’s EMP Museum

One of our companies Organic Motion is powering an awesomely cool exhibit at Seattle’s EMP Museum. By use of their marker-less computer vision platform, one can put themselves in the middle of James Cameron’s Avatar. Here is a great news report about the event including an intro from James Cameron, himself. Also, here is an…

Our Investment in

Today we announced our investment in What is It’s a really cool company and one that I’m proud to be associated with. Imagine that you remember someone sent you a document about a particular subject or a funny video.  You just don’t remember who sent it to you or what the email text…

Even Conan O’Brien Loves Our Portfolio Company Brightleaf

I thought I had seen about every possible way that a startup could market itself.  Until now.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present you Brightleaf’s marketing “materials” for their launch at LegalTech in New York this week.  (In all seriousness, they are doing a great job with their automated document platform and more instructive videos…

Next Big Sound Powers Billboard’s Social 50 Chart

Today, Next Big Sound and Billboard announced the birth of the Social 50 which ranks the top 50 musical artists on the world’s leading social media sites. Given the upheaval in the music industry in that it has moved away from radio spins and record sales as the sole factors in achieving success, it’s great…

Sifteo is Hiring a Head of Marketing and Game Designers

Our portfolio company, Sifteo, is hiring a Head of Marketing and some great game designers. These guys are making the next generation of gaming platform that also is right in the middle of the human computer interaction revolution.  If you are interested in working for a really cool company and getting into the action early,…

Blur Conference is Coming

I’m excited about the upcoming Blur Conference showcasing thought leadership in the human computer interaction ecosystem. As active investors in the area, we’ll be there in full force along with some of our companies. Interested in the conference?  Check out Brad’s earlier post about it. And see below for a cool promo video from Organic…

Brightleaf Unveiling

I’m very excited to be able to show you, publically, for the first time, what Brightleaf is up to. Here is their video demo. Cool stuff. When we first invested in Brightleaf, we were convinced they were going to fundamentally change the way that template-based law was practiced. Nothing since our investment has diminished our…

Organic Motion – Sneek Preview

We invested in Organic Motion about a year ago and have been really happy with how far they’ve brought the technology forward.  For those of you who haven’t been introduced to them, they are the preeminent technology developer for marker-less computer vision solutions.  They’ve recently made major inroads into the animation market.  The following two…