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198 contents page

by / 2016 / Web Content


Anti-Genderismus and right‑wing hegemony

Eva von Redecker

The impossibility of precarity

Francesco Di Bernardo


The obscure object of transdisciplinarity: Adorno on the essay form

Antonia Birnbaum

The dream is a fragment: Freud, transdisciplinarity and early German Romanticism

Stella Sandford

Kunstchaos: Incompletion, reversibility and fragmentary montage

Olivier Schefer


Lewis R. Gordon, What Fanon …

Pack (RPbm3)

by and / 2013 / Web Content


A transition period…

by / 2015 / Web Content

Dear subscribers,

As an independently-published journal which has for many years had to outsource the management of its subscription system, we’re excited to be bringing all of that in house at the moment – our databases, subscriber support and payment processes. Not only should this give us more control and flexibility over the publishing process, …

Subscriber Offer on The Great University Gamble

by / 2013 / Web Content

Radical Philosophy and independent progressive publisher Pluto Press are happy to offer a promotional discount to all our Full subscribers for The Great University Gamble by Andrew McGettigan.

Andrew has been a regular contributor to Radical Philosophy, writing in recent issues on the changes to Higher Education in England and Wales. To celebrate the launch …

The Great University Gamble Promotional Code

by / 2013 / Web Content

RP Subscribers:

Radical Philosophy and independent progressive publisher Pluto Press are happy to offer a promotional discount to all our Full subscribers for The Great University Gamble by Andrew McGettigan. Andrew has been a regular contributor to Radical Philosophy, writing in recent issues on the changes to Higher Education in England and …

Throw (RPbm2)

by , , and / 2013 / Web Content

Extra content from Radical Philosophy 179

Accessing digital-only content

by / 2013 / Web Content

As of issue 178, digital-only content will be included in the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch edition of Radical Philosophy, available from the App Store. The first piece, ‘Drive’ by Sigríður Torfadóttir Tulinius and Daniel Nemenyi, can be watched here.

In order to view digital content within the Radical Philosophy app:

Make sure …

Drive (RPbm1)

Digital-only content from RP 178
by and / 2013 / Web Content

For instructions on viewing the following video within the Radical Philosophy iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch app, see here.

Celebrating Radical Philosophy

by / 2012 / Web Content

Radical Philosophy: 40 years, 176 issues, 1140 contributors. The editorial collective and contributors past and present celebrate 40 years of Radical Philosophy and the launch of the new ipad edition at London’s October Gallery, 24 November 2012.

Photography: Sigríður Torfadóttir Tulinius

DOSSIER: Bachelard and the Concept of Problematic

by , and / 2012 / Web Content

This dossier is the result of discussion following Patrice Maniglier’s contribution to ‘The Concept of Problem’, the second day of the first Workshop in the AHRC-funded research project, ‘Transdisciplinarity and the Humanities: Problems, Methods, Histories, Concepts’, organized by the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, at Dorich House, …

CRMEP Transdisciplinarity Workshop

by / 2012 / Web Content

Date: 17th and 18th May 2012, 10:00 to 18:00 Location: 17th May: Bolivar Hall, 54 Grafton Way, London WC1. 18th May: Large Common Room, Goodenough College, Mecklenburgh Square, London WC1N.

Transdisciplinary Problematics: Anti-Humanism and Gender Studies

This two-day workshop will examine the notion of a transdisciplinary problematic, via the cases …

NEWS: Occupy

by / 2011 / Web Content

Occupy Oakland

Nathan Brown

We live in a time when tents have become the singular weapon of the people which power cannot tolerate, and against which it does not know how to defend itself. The bureaucrats are in shambles; the ‘city’ and its ‘police’ are at each other’s throats; middling reformists have no idea where …

Statement on UC Davis

by / 2011 / Web Content

Radical Philosophy condemns the police brutality on the UC Davis campus on November 18th 2011 and the UC administration’s continuing use of violence to suppress faculty and student protest against the privatization of the UC system.

We support the students and faculty members in their continuing protests, the open letter by Nathan Brown (Assistant …

RP is 40…

by / 2011 / Web Content

Since its first issue in January 1972, Radical Philosophy has been edited and published without outside support by an Editorial Collective. In 2012 we will be celebrating 40 years of collective self-publishing, and there has never been a better time to support the journal by taking out an annual subscription.

Dossier: The Rancière-Althusser Controversy (RP 170)

by / 2011 / Web Content

This dossier is featured in the current issue of Radical Philosophy (170, Nov/Dec 2011), which is available in bookshops now or can be ordered as a back issue from Alliance Media.

All online articles are available for free to subscribers of Radical Philosophy.

Non-subscribers can purchase and download the …

From the Archive: Rancière, Althusser and Ideology

by / 2011 / Web Content

The first English translation of Jacques Rancière’s 1969 essay ‘On the Theory of Ideology’ (drafted for an anthology on Althusser published in Argentina) was published in Radical Philosophy 7 (Spring 1974). This translation was based on the French version that first appeared in 1973, and included Rancière’s Afterword and the self-critical footnotes, indicating his reservations …

RP at Spike Island

by / 2011 / Web Content

Radical Philosophy will have a stall this Saturday selling the latest issue and discounted back issues of the journal in the Artists’ Books and Zine Fair at Spike Island, Bristol:

“Again, A Time Machine is a fluid tour of new commissions and archival presentations drawn from the 27 year history of Book Works, a London based contemporary …

Opening Plenary: Postcolonial Worlds 1

by / 2011 / Web Content


‘Bilingual Thoughts on Knowledge and Action’ Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui (Workshop on Andean Oral History, Bolivia)

The talk will concentrate on aymara concepts such as taypi, ch’ixi, pachakuti, tari and others, reflecting on the aymara modes of knowledge of the pacha (space/time) and on the collective and individual relations with the cosmos through …

Radical Philosophy Conference 2011 Programme

by / 2011 / Web Content

Friday 21 October 2011 Columbia University, New York

(Note: Click on session titles for abstracts)

9.00–9.30 – Registration

9.30–9.45 – Introductions: Gayatri Spivak, Peter Osborne, Etienne Balibar

9.45–11.15 – Opening Plenary: Postcolonial Worlds 1

Chair: Gayatri Spivak

‘Bilingual Thoughts on …

Closing Plenary: Postcolonial Worlds 2

by / 2011 / Web Content


‘Caring about the Universal?’ Souleymane Bachir Daigne (Philosophy, Columbia University)

Emmanuel Levinas has written that the postcolonial world (he actually said “decolonized”) is “de-westernized” but also (therefore?)  “dis-oriented”. By that he meant that innumerable cultures considered equivalent in a postcolonial global world cannot truly meet without some sense of the universal. The …