- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 2605
Breaking Bad is an American crime drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. The show originally aired on the AMC network for five seasons, from January 20, 2008, to September 29, 2013. It tells the story of Walter White (Bryan Cranston), a struggling high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, who, together with his former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), turns to a life of crime, producing and selling crystallized methamphetamine to secure his family's financial future before he dies, while navigating the dangers of the criminal world. The title is from a Southern colloquialism meaning to "raise hell". Breaking Bad is set and was filmed in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Walter's family consists of his wife Skyler (Anna Gunn) and children, Walter, Jr. (RJ Mitte) and Holly (Elanor Anne Wenrich). The show also features Skyler's sister Marie Schrader (Betsy Brandt), and her husband Hank (Dean Norris), a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent. Walter hires lawyer Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), who connects him with private investigator and fixer Mike Ehrmantraut (Jonathan Banks) and in turn Mike's employer, drug kingpin Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito). The final season introduces the characters of Todd Alquist (Jesse Plemons) and Lydia Rodarte-Quayle (Laura Fraser).
A list is any enumeration of a set of items. List or lists may also refer to:
Character(s) may refer to:
Bad or BAD may refer to:
Walter White may refer to:
Welcome to the Breaking Bad Cast Characters fans ranked Top 10. This TOP TEN cast and characters list didn’t come easy. Anyone who’s seen even a scene of Breaking Bad will know how mind-bendingly awesome it is, but a good show is only as good as its characters. And there are loads of great characters in Breaking Bad. #10. Mark Margolis as Hector Salamanca #9. R J Mitte as Walter White Jr. #8. Anna Gunn as Skyler White #7. Jonathan Banks as Mike Ehrmantraut #6. Giancarlo Esposito as Gus Fring #5. Raymond Cruz as Tuco Salamanca #4. Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman #3. Dean Norris as Hank Schrader #2. Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman #1. Bryan Cranston as Walter White Was there a cast member in Breaking Bad you would add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below. For more scen...
Breaking Bad's cast and creator talk with New York Times culture reporter Dave Itzkoff - www.timestalks.com. Hear Breaking Bad lead actor Bryan Cranston, his co-stars, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, R.J. Mitte and Bob Odenkirk, and the show's creator, Vince Gilligan, discuss the series, the characters and what's coming in Breaking Bad's final season.
Top breaking bad characters thetoptens the definitive ranking of all breaking bad characters buzzfeed buzzfeed the definitive ranking of all breaking bad char lfr. , and there are loads of great characters in breaking bad. Taking us into the top is marie, in all of her shrill, slightly hysterical glory. She's a , so who's the most evil character on breaking bad? be denying walt's involvement in their business now, but for good reason. . Krazy molina. Back in season one, krazy , a meth dealer and d.E.A informant, the top tenxw. Voteejesse pinkman. Voteewalter white walter 'walt' hartwell white sr. Is a fictional character and the main protagonist of breaking bad, portrayed by bryan cranston. Voteemike ehrmantraut. Voteesaul goodman. Voteegus fring. Voteehank schrader. Voteehuellv comments. ...
Here is a list of my top Fifteen Breaking Bad Characters 15. Tio Salamanca 14. Tuco Salamanca 13. Badger 12. Jane 11. Gale 10. Steven Gomez 9. Marie 8. Gus 7. Skyler 6. Walt Jr. 5. Saul 4. Hank 3. Mike 2. Walt 1. Jesse
Breaking Bad Top 10 Greatest Characters Countdown! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be doing my countdown for my top 10 greatest characters from Breaking Bad. I absolutely loved the series and I wanted to get a few more videos out there before people stop paying attention. One of those is definitely which characters I think are the greatest. It was quite the amazing series and I would like to do as many videos as possible about it now that it's over. As always, thanks for watching guys! The list: 10. Lydia Rodarte-Quayle 9. Todd Alquist 8. Jack Welker 7. Mike Ehrmantraut 6. Skyler White 5. Saul Goodman 4. Gus Fring 3. Hank Schrader 2. Jesse Pinkman 1. Walter White . . -----------------------...
WARNING! MAJOR SPOILERS!!! [HD1080] All death in "Breaking Bad". Of death are arranged in chronological order. The video was created for real fans, in order to remember how it was)) I Hope You like it! Video: Breaking Bad 1-5 season Music: John Murphy – Don Abandons Alice(28 Weeks Later OST) Thanks for watching! Subscribe to my channel))) My new video Game of Thrones || 352 deaths in 4 minutes https://youtu.be/aHEuLHNLtCs
My top 10 favorite characters from the AMC series "Breaking Bad"! During the filming of this video, I have only watched Seasons 1-4 of Breaking Bad so new characters that make their debut in Season 5 will not be mentioned. Now that the series is over, here's my updated list: 1. Jesse Pinkman 2. Walter White 3. Hank Schrader 4. Gus Fring 5. Saul Goodman 6. Mike Ehrmantraut 7. The Cousins 8. Skyler White 9. Walter White Jr. 10. Hector "Tio" Salamanca
Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan joins Media Mayhem to talk about the end of "the greatest show of the 21st century," working with Bryan Cranston, and creating the Saul Goodman spinoff, plus much more in this feature length interview. Gilligan shows why he is regarded as one of the most humble and intelligent writers on tv, and he provides insight as to what we may expect from the final season of the show. GUEST BIO: Vince Gilligan, series creator and executive producer of Breaking Bad, was born in Richmond, VA and raised in Farmville and Chesterfield County. He received the Virginia Governor's Screenwriting Award in 1989 for his screenplay Home Fries, which was later turned into a film starring Drew Barrymore and Luke Wilson. As a writer and executive producer on The X-Files, Gillig...
WARNING: SPOILERS & DISTURBING IMAGES Follow me: Twitter: https://twitter.com/_BroteinSheikh Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amir.nazar.33 Instagram: https://instagram.com/_amirnazar Walt & Jesse Tribute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47v_Kw7190k Jesse Bitch Compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9lmjhQuap8 Memorable Scenes of Heisenberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4QEhl_NgYk Breaking Bad has had it's fair share of deaths through all 5 seasons. I think I've included every single one of them. Let me know in the comments section which death shocked you the most! Songs List: 0:09 - 1:10 "The Last Stand" by Audiomachine 1:11 - 2:15 "Gandalf's Fall" (Bridge of Khazad Dum) LotR OST 2:16 - 3:54 "Dumbledore's Farewell" Half Blood Prince OST 3:55 - 5:32 "Last Plane Out" by Au...
Warning: SPOILER ALERT!! We waited in anticipation for them to kick the bucket - in some cases, for years! Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top 10 satisfying deaths of hated TV characters. Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo Special thanks to our users Zyphon44, nicholas.posito, 7AMart1, sanchezcommand and William Frierson for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest Check out the voting page here, http://watchmojo.com/suggest/Top%2010%20Most%20Satisfying%20Bad%20Guy%20Deaths%20in%20TV If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest :) We have T-Shirts! Be su...
Welcome to the Breaking Bad Cast Characters fans ranked Top 10. This TOP TEN cast and characters list didn’t come easy. Anyone who’s seen even a scene of Breaking Bad will know how mind-bendingly awesome it is, but a good show is only as good as its characters. And there are loads of great characters in Breaking Bad. #10. Mark Margolis as Hector Salamanca #9. R J Mitte as Walter White Jr. #8. Anna Gunn as Skyler White #7. Jonathan Banks as Mike Ehrmantraut #6. Giancarlo Esposito as Gus Fring #5. Raymond Cruz as Tuco Salamanca #4. Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman #3. Dean Norris as Hank Schrader #2. Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman #1. Bryan Cranston as Walter White Was there a cast member in Breaking Bad you would add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below. For more scen...
Breaking Bad's cast and creator talk with New York Times culture reporter Dave Itzkoff - www.timestalks.com. Hear Breaking Bad lead actor Bryan Cranston, his co-stars, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, R.J. Mitte and Bob Odenkirk, and the show's creator, Vince Gilligan, discuss the series, the characters and what's coming in Breaking Bad's final season.
Top breaking bad characters thetoptens the definitive ranking of all breaking bad characters buzzfeed buzzfeed the definitive ranking of all breaking bad char lfr. , and there are loads of great characters in breaking bad. Taking us into the top is marie, in all of her shrill, slightly hysterical glory. She's a , so who's the most evil character on breaking bad? be denying walt's involvement in their business now, but for good reason. . Krazy molina. Back in season one, krazy , a meth dealer and d.E.A informant, the top tenxw. Voteejesse pinkman. Voteewalter white walter 'walt' hartwell white sr. Is a fictional character and the main protagonist of breaking bad, portrayed by bryan cranston. Voteemike ehrmantraut. Voteesaul goodman. Voteegus fring. Voteehank schrader. Voteehuellv comments. ...
Here is a list of my top Fifteen Breaking Bad Characters 15. Tio Salamanca 14. Tuco Salamanca 13. Badger 12. Jane 11. Gale 10. Steven Gomez 9. Marie 8. Gus 7. Skyler 6. Walt Jr. 5. Saul 4. Hank 3. Mike 2. Walt 1. Jesse
Breaking Bad Top 10 Greatest Characters Countdown! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be doing my countdown for my top 10 greatest characters from Breaking Bad. I absolutely loved the series and I wanted to get a few more videos out there before people stop paying attention. One of those is definitely which characters I think are the greatest. It was quite the amazing series and I would like to do as many videos as possible about it now that it's over. As always, thanks for watching guys! The list: 10. Lydia Rodarte-Quayle 9. Todd Alquist 8. Jack Welker 7. Mike Ehrmantraut 6. Skyler White 5. Saul Goodman 4. Gus Fring 3. Hank Schrader 2. Jesse Pinkman 1. Walter White . . -----------------------...
WARNING! MAJOR SPOILERS!!! [HD1080] All death in "Breaking Bad". Of death are arranged in chronological order. The video was created for real fans, in order to remember how it was)) I Hope You like it! Video: Breaking Bad 1-5 season Music: John Murphy – Don Abandons Alice(28 Weeks Later OST) Thanks for watching! Subscribe to my channel))) My new video Game of Thrones || 352 deaths in 4 minutes https://youtu.be/aHEuLHNLtCs
My top 10 favorite characters from the AMC series "Breaking Bad"! During the filming of this video, I have only watched Seasons 1-4 of Breaking Bad so new characters that make their debut in Season 5 will not be mentioned. Now that the series is over, here's my updated list: 1. Jesse Pinkman 2. Walter White 3. Hank Schrader 4. Gus Fring 5. Saul Goodman 6. Mike Ehrmantraut 7. The Cousins 8. Skyler White 9. Walter White Jr. 10. Hector "Tio" Salamanca
Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan joins Media Mayhem to talk about the end of "the greatest show of the 21st century," working with Bryan Cranston, and creating the Saul Goodman spinoff, plus much more in this feature length interview. Gilligan shows why he is regarded as one of the most humble and intelligent writers on tv, and he provides insight as to what we may expect from the final season of the show. GUEST BIO: Vince Gilligan, series creator and executive producer of Breaking Bad, was born in Richmond, VA and raised in Farmville and Chesterfield County. He received the Virginia Governor's Screenwriting Award in 1989 for his screenplay Home Fries, which was later turned into a film starring Drew Barrymore and Luke Wilson. As a writer and executive producer on The X-Files, Gillig...
WARNING: SPOILERS & DISTURBING IMAGES Follow me: Twitter: https://twitter.com/_BroteinSheikh Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amir.nazar.33 Instagram: https://instagram.com/_amirnazar Walt & Jesse Tribute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47v_Kw7190k Jesse Bitch Compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9lmjhQuap8 Memorable Scenes of Heisenberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4QEhl_NgYk Breaking Bad has had it's fair share of deaths through all 5 seasons. I think I've included every single one of them. Let me know in the comments section which death shocked you the most! Songs List: 0:09 - 1:10 "The Last Stand" by Audiomachine 1:11 - 2:15 "Gandalf's Fall" (Bridge of Khazad Dum) LotR OST 2:16 - 3:54 "Dumbledore's Farewell" Half Blood Prince OST 3:55 - 5:32 "Last Plane Out" by Au...
Warning: SPOILER ALERT!! We waited in anticipation for them to kick the bucket - in some cases, for years! Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top 10 satisfying deaths of hated TV characters. Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo Special thanks to our users Zyphon44, nicholas.posito, 7AMart1, sanchezcommand and William Frierson for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest Check out the voting page here, http://watchmojo.com/suggest/Top%2010%20Most%20Satisfying%20Bad%20Guy%20Deaths%20in%20TV If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest :) We have T-Shirts! Be su...
Don't jump from the aeroplane
It's not your day
Hey, maybe you got some news for me
I don't want you to vanish and break
You need to pay, yeah you need to count it twice
Come back to the ground
Too much violence in your heart
You have turn, burn inside out
You're here to lose, yeah you cannot stop us all
So fuck you all
And let it burn, burn, yeah...
Light up the sky for me
Reason it out for me
Light up the sky for me
Reason it out for me
No means never
Let's talk about
We look the same
Just authorize
Walking denial
Within reason
Into the wind of fire
Into the wind that I've made
You need to give another chance to me