B U R E A U   O F   P U B L I C   S E C R E T S



Bureaucratic Comix (1971)
Wildcat Comics (1971):
page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4
Still Out of Order (1971)
Reich: How To Use (1973) 
Terry and the Situationists (1981)
Dagwood on Détournement (1981)
Lulu’s Public Secrets (1998):
page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4

There are also comic-type elements in Do We Need Snyder for Poet-Priest?, the “Hello, Men” balloon, and some of the CEM leaflets.

On the theory behind subversively “detourned” comics, see:

A User’s Guide to Détournement (Debord & Wolman)
Détournement as Negation and Prelude (SI)
The Situationists and the New Forms of Action Against Politics and Art (Viénet)
On Wielding the Subversive Scalpel (CEM)




Bureau of Public Secrets, PO Box 1044, Berkeley CA 94701, USA
  www.bopsecrets.org   knabb@bopsecrets.org